aage4, Portland Observer, Nuvembet 26, 19ttb ENT SEEN T"^ • I • I I I I Franklin's Ready Ribs Annual Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner Calvin Walker, a populai Port land based entertainer, has been signed to play a benefit dance party for the Sunshine Division in a fund and food raising event for the chan ty on Thanksgiving weekend The holiday concert has been scheduled lor Portland Meadows race track on Saturday. November 29. beginning at 7:00 p.m. 230 N Killingsworth 283 6000 Admission will be one can of food ‘ or 60 cents to those who already paid full gate price to Portland Mea dows for the racing program that day. The night of the party, those wishing to attend will pay $2 50 or if they bring a can of food, the price will be |ust $1 00 with proceeds going to the Sunshine Division Portland Meadows is located at the Delta Park Exit on I 5 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR $1.00 off on DAVE'S Rib Dinners or 1 Chicken Dinner We also offer SHOP • Potato Salad • Pig's Feet • Potato Pie • Banana Pie • Peach Cobbler G ood th ru 12/4 buying everything of value "W e Pay Cash" Open 10:30 5:30 Mon Sat 5600 N.E. Union You’ve Ttied The Rest Now Try The Best K e y 28 / 5330 L d R o T St Stephen s Parish. S E 42nd and Taylor Street in Portland, will hold its annual Italian Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner on Sunday, Decemb. i / 1986 Dinner will be served from noon to 6 00 p m in Imelda Hail Special dinner prices will be offered to senior citizens Special service include Speedy" take outs and reserved parking for the handicapped A Christmas Bazaar will be featured that will include gift and cratt booths a sweet shoppe and a wioe cafe Oregon Black Lawyers' Host Scholarship Dance The Association of Oregon Black Lawyers 5th Annual Ebony b Ivory Scholarship Dance will be held Friday. December 12, 1986, at The Red Lion, 310 S W Lincoln For tickets oi information, call 284 0151 or 282 5902 Christmas Concert University of Portland will present its 14th annual Christmas Vespers Concert Sunday, Dec. 7, at 7 3(J p m in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher on campus The feature piece this year is Ned Rorems "A Sermon on Miracles Rorem, an accomplished composer, is also a writer who has published in The New York Times and The New Yorker The evening of sacred music is free and open to the public For moo information, call the Department of Performing and Fine Arts, 283 /228 ABOUT TOWN Bee G 's............................................................... 5700 N.E. U nion 281 1176 Fn Sat . Michael Holiday and Friends Brasserie M o n tm a rte 626 S W Park. 224 5662 Fn. Sat . Dennis Springer Quartet D J 's Village J a n 1st b B St (Lake Osw ego). 636 2024 Fn. Sat., LeRoy Vinnegar and Friends H o b b it................................. ......................... S E 39th b H olgate. 771 0742 Fri Sat . Mel Brown Quintet Key Largo . ......................... 31 N W 1st. 223 9919 Fri Sat Tom Grant Band Pine Street Theatre 221 S E 9th 230 0661 Sat . Crazy 8 s Red Lion Inn (D o w n to w n ) 310 S W Lincoln. 221 0450 Mon Sat . Blaze Remo s 1426 N W Glisan 221 1150 Sun , Jam W Ron Steen River C ity Saloon 1133 S W Je ffe rso n . 224 2800 Sun , Tom McFarland Royal Esquire Club 1/08 N.E A lb erta . 287 5145 Fri , Norman Sylvester Blues Band S alty's fo o t o f S E M arion 239 8900 Fri Sat Cool'R Shanghai Lounge 0309 S W M o n tg o m e ry . 220 1865 Sun . Calvin Walker and The Conquerors HOT TEN SINGLES 31 NW riRSI 113 1111 NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, No» 27 extra west WwtkBnd. No» 28 29 TOM GRANT BAND Shake You D ow n Jealousy D on ’t Think A b o u t It M idas Touch When I Think o f You Love Zone S p lit Personality T ight Fit Hot W ild. U nrestricte d Love C ontrol Gregory Abbott/Colum bia Club Noveau/Warner Bros One Way MCA Midnite Starr Solar Janet Jackson A b M Billy Ocean/Jive UTFO Select Chaka Kahn Warner Bros Millie Jackson Jive Janet Jackson A b M ... Sunday No» Jo COOL'R Monday I),., Jack Et Jill Teen Dance i JO HNNIE b THE JOKFRS tu<*»day. Dot 2 fountain head Wednesday Dec 3 STILLETOS JAZZY FM a? The Jack b Jill Teen Dance wiH be held November 29, 1986 from 9 00 to midnight at Tom Boothe Wellness Clinic. ,829 N F Alberta St The dance is for ages 13 18 ID is required Admission is $3, or $2 with a can o, food The canned food will be given ,o needy families The Jack b Jill Teen Dance is a Black Educational Center l>ene,it ONE k /r ** A G A M FS f Get Fresh Stay Fresh at Jet Limousine Service serving the greater Portland area with style 2nd Avenue _____ LPs THE M A N H A T TA N S "Back to Basics" New Edit »on Club Noveau Reddy For the World Mantron«i ON CBS 12 Inches SOS Bend Club Noveau Mantrontw Joeifci lo w Ice T "Lr ¡ TH£.R V A N D « o s s G've M e The Reason" Rlbum of C osse «« all at rock bottom prices Mo*>< M o n d a y S a tu r d a y 1 0 a m t o 7 p m We offer Sun day 1 ? noon to 6 p m prices start at Full Bar Color TV A M /F M Stereo Telephone I** hour futí 2 houri Full Clim ate Control Com plim entary Bottle of Champagne Fast and Courteous Service Including per hoot p ro m n lin g Nails on the Run: Pedicures b M anicures by special request $35.00 $30.00 Call (206) 254-3762 I0F DOUAI MW c u b otta • 211-8926 2480161 M U 5 IC M IL L E N N IU M 222-3783 418 SW 2nd AECOADS&TAFA S F R O M T> £ f TAT W X J K M Portland » ▼ F iT fT y T r j M H