November 26. 1986, Portland Observer, Page 3 Advisory Committee Holds PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Dial a class Public Discussion Register by telephone for winter classes by Jerry Garner An advisory com m ittee for the new Black Resource Center, w hich w ill be located in the North Portland Branch Library 512 N. K illingsw orth S t., met w ith a group of citizens last Wednesday at the library to answer questions and listen to com m ents regarding the Resource Center w hich is scheduled to open February 10. 1987 The advisory com m ittee includes Robert Phillips. Dr W illiam Little and Chris Poole They were joined on the panel by Library Director Sarah Long and Commissioner Dick Bogle, w ho served as m oderator during the hour long discussion. Everyone who spoke during the discussion voiced their support for the creation of the new Black Resource Center However, one citizen said he was concerned about the impact of the Resource Center in regard to other programs at the library Long told the man that the form ation of the Black Resource Center w o u ld n 't affect existing library programs, saying that space for the Center is already available and that most of the Center's funding w ill come from grants and gifts Furthermore, she said funds to prepare the space for the Center w ill come from the Federal Library Services and C onstruction Act. The Black Resource Center, w hen open, w ill include a collection of materials including books, magazines, newspapers, m icrofiche, cassette tapes software and docum ents in the fields o f Black history, culture and biography Special emphasis will be placed on the Black experience in the pacific f^ rth w e s t. It was also suggested during the panel discussion that the library make an attem pt to secure smaller collections o f relevant mater lals for the Resource Center that are scattered throughout the Northwest According to Cathy W right, coordinator for the Center, librarians at the North Portland Branch identified a need for a Black resource center over a Messiah” Sing-In University of Portland w ill present its annual Handel's ' M essiah'' Sing In Sunday. Dec. 7 at 4 p.m in Buckley Center auditorium . The audience sings the lyrics accompanied by the U niversity/C om m unity Orchestra, w hich is directed by Margaret A Vance and Roger 0 Doyle The Sing In originated in 1973 and is one of the longest running events of its kind in Portland. No reservations are required, and participants o f all ages and talent levels are welcom e Bring your ow n music if possible; the university has a limited supply. For more inform ation, call the Department o f Performing and Fine Arts at 283 7228 Randy's Restaurant KANDY s famous Is Under New Management s ta rtin g Dec 1st. 1986 & &UY NEW HOURS Mon. Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday 6 a m m idnight 6 a m . m idnight 8 a m. m idnight 9 am . 1 pm . Breakfast served all day mention the Portland Observer and get 10% o ff Randy's "B ig G uy’’ Vi pound burger December 20. 1986 Until Royal Esquire Club 1708 N.E. Alberta Live M u s ic Food $5.00 Donation W alnut Park Lock & Key 533 N E K illin g s w o rth 503-288-6338 24 hr E m e rg e n c y S e rvice •z If you didn't receive a schedule find one at Your library Safeway stores Any PCC campus or center Portland Building The Galleria Tanasbourne Town Center ROBERTS ft ASSOCIATES ADVERTISING PLACEMENT AGENCY Id e n tify in g and a d d re s s in g y o u r a d v e rtis in g needs in th e m o s t c o s t e ffic ie n t m a n n e r. «••»t Portland C om m unity College is seeking applicants for tw o scholar ships being offered by the Oregon State S heriff's Association The one year, $500 scholarship w ill be awarded to students enrolled in the second year, or more, of a certified law enforcem ent or correc tions program A pplicants must be Oregon residents and financial need may be considered A pplications must be accompa med by a grade transcript, tw o refe rences and a letter detailing the stu dent's occupational goals A pplications are available from Government Services. PCC South east Center, Room A 9, 2850 S E 82nd Ave or from Financial Aid Offices at any PCC Campus or Cen ter All docum ents must be subm itted to John Koroloff, Southeast Center. Room A 9, by December 15 W in ners will be notified by mail Further inform ation is available from Government Services, 777 8020 Ext 6225 The $300 Mabell (cq) Bliss Scho larship for 1986 87 has been awai ded to Yolanda Yuvienco, a North east Portland w ife and m other of four children, according to the Port land C om m unity College Founds tion, w hich made the award The PCC Scholarship Review Com m ittee evaluated eight appli cants on the basis o f financial need, scholastic perform ance and poten tial for future success Ms Yuvien co, a m anagement ma|or, is plan ning a career in data input and re cords management She is a 1974 graduate of St M ary's Academy, Portland Her husband. Ricaldo. was severely in lured in an auto accident over tw o years ago, consequently the scho larship w ill bo im portant in helping her to continue her studies, said Vera Katz, director of developm ent at PCC The Mabell Bliss scholarship fund was established by Portland Credit W om en International to assist wo men majoring in the field of busi ness w ho need financial help Further inform ation is available from the PCC Development Office, 244 6111, Ext 4358 It you tit thu description, please contact our ottica Johnnie Gage A lfred Gage 3802 N.E. UN IO N AVE., SUITE 306 PORTLAND, OR 97212 (503)284 5538 The National Council o f Negro W om en, Portland Section, will hold its annual Founder's Day tea on Sunday, December 7, 1986 from 1 00 p m to 5 00 p m at 1805 N E Bryant. This annual event honors the founder of the National Council of Negro W om en, Dr Mary McLeod Bethune In conjunction w ith the Founder's Day program, the Portland Section w ill open its annual mem bership drive Co chair persons for the tea are Mrs. Jessie Porter and Mrs. D orothy Leonard President o f the Portland Section is Helen W hitley The public is invited l î 4 l 25 Th» i f »at F »» 26 December Tuva Thwia rt» »a» 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 * For Eyes Only O K it's true, Pioneer Square has its Christmas Tree w ith its lights and carols but this year D M S I w ill have its ow n tree to talk aboutl And we re giving you the chance to talk about it on W ednesday, No vembet 26th In addition to our very special tree we w ill be putting a bit of how how how into every holiday ho ho ho w ith our Inventor's Expo, Rarnagon building contest and Sa lad Dressing Physics So com e up for our tree preview it's for your eyes o n ly1 For more inform ation, call OM SI at (5031222 2828 w hen io register? 9 p.m . Pick liie cam p u s ol your choice or a ( lass in your ow n com m unity S o u th e a s t C e n te r 2850 S E 8 ?nd A v e n u e 777 8070 S y lv a n ia C a m p u s 12000 S W 4 9 th A ve n u e C a sca d e C a m p u s 244 6111 645 4461 705 N K illin g s w o r th 283 2541 H ock C io e k C a m p u s ,7 7 0 5 N W S p rin g v ille Rd Classes begin the week of January 5 »V PIANO FOR SALE W ANTED Responsible party to assume small m onthly payments on piano See locally Call Credit Manager 1 800 447 4266 W o rd o f th e W eek C o lo r o f th e W eek n o n p lu s to d u m b fo u n d C o co n B ro w n AU»IS» NOVI* □ RENAULT 0 anna O iêppâpî 2 NISSAN OYOTA Check Our Low Prices Oil Filters — Air Filters $2.98 — $3.95 Most Fan Belts — $3.95 Brake Shoes Ft Pads — $9.54 Exchange Valve Cover Gaskets — $3.95 If your import is over 4 years old... RADIAtOR HOSES December Tea Day W e here el «oberi» ft Associale» sis presenlly looking for enthusustic and sg res»i*i* M ie » persons, prefeubty with »olid Mie» background •November • period of several years We held a public speak out on the possibility of creating a Black resource center back in February Citizens response to the idea was very positive " S hortly after this. M ultnom ah County Library decided to im plem ent plans for the Black Resource Center The N orth Portland Branch Library was chosen as the site for the Black Resource Center over the K nott St Library PCC Seeks Scholarship Applicants Washington Square Beaverton Mall Mall 205 Eastport Plaza Meicantile Village Follow directions on page 129 fot telephone registration The N o rth P o rtla n d B ra n c h o f th e M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty L ib ra ry w ill ba th e h o m e o f th e B la c k R e so u rce C e n te r P h o to by R ic h a rd J. B ro w n PCC Foundation Awards Scholarship to M anagem ent Major Annual Black United Front Dance 9 00 - CHECK THE W1N1ER SCHEDULE FOR SPECIALLY CODED CLASSES it's time to change the belts With today's belts you can’t tell when they are about to break So. if your import car is four years old, save yourself some big trouble Replace the belts now. at 55 ¡0 <0l D M Auto Parts, Inc. Complete A u to m o tive Supplies 710 N.E. Killingsworth 288-5533 *