November 19, 1986, Portland Observer, Paye 7 Learn How to Study —The Most Important Lesson Of All For all those students who wish they could retain what they learned in class until final exams, they can Not by working harder, but by working smarter It’s a matter of using the learning process and the laws of forgetting to our advantage Just knowing what happens and why, can help students do things to retain the information received in class for an indefinite time, certainly long enough to pass their exams. For instance, we know that, for the student, the average span of concentration on a single sub _ _ iect is 50 minutes (that’s why most classes are scheduled for J 50 minutes). | Reviews, timing the reviews to offset the curve of forgetting, con solidation of material these are some of the other keys in the pro cess used to im p ress the mind with the material learned and needed to retain. If done properly the mind will re tain the material in some cases indefinitely Knowledge of this pro cess can serve well in school amt will be a lifelong asset in other areas A report published by a college studies unit details these and other factors we know about learning and forgetting It is a step by step plan designed to help students retain classwork and pass their exams (A comfor ting thought that all students re­ turning to school would like to take with them I A copy of the complete report in a handy student format may be ob tamed by writing Empire Asso ciates, P 0 Box 2627. Fairlawn, N J . 07410 Enclose $2 00 and a self addressed stamped (long) en velope NOVEMBER W SAVE 197< St Vincent de Paul is once again gearing up for its annual Christmas Food Drive, the lar gest Door to door food drive in the U S. Last year, 5,100 volunteers delivered 401,450 pounds of food to 8,195 fami lies This year’s calendar of events includes; 24 h r E m e rg e n c y S e rv ic e Sale prices in effect W ed . Nov 19 thru S at.. Nov 22 I HUMS a. The continuous influx of new material speeds up forgetting, so we can't ex pect that. after several 1986 St. V in ce n t de Paul C hristm as Food Drive hours of concentration on new ma terial. we ll forget most of what we learned during the first hour Study habits should be scheduled with that in mind W e know that most forgetting occurs immediately after learning On the other hand, if steps are taken to remember something the day after it’s been learned, chances are it will stick with us W e know that cramming is re learning Realizing this, the student can prepare a more productive cram session • <• W alnut Park Lock & Key 533 N E K ilh n g sw o rth 503-288-6338 SAVE $10,.$15 save 4 2 0 0 0 m il» w e a r o u f w a r r a n t y 1906 fa ll G en Cat price* SuperGward Flu» Volunteers will canvas door to door on Saturdays. Decern ber 6 and 13, to pick up food contributions. Volunteers will deliver food to the needy Saturday, Decern ber 20. A benefit jazz concert featu ring pianist Jeanne Hoffman and bassist David Friesen, Sunday. December 21, 4 and 8 p.m., Parchman Farm, 1204 S E . Clay H e a v y -d u ty gas shock 4 8 -m o n th b a tte r y Gas pressurized tor exceptional handling Reg $ t4 99ea •HO amps i old cranking power m groups 24 . 41 .mil 74 Warranted 48 months Reg $40 99 S te a d y R id e r RT shock Radial tuned (or a smoolh nde Installation included Reg $25 99 19" Gas pressurized lor stability and brake control Installation included Reg $30 99 $79 16 19 44 46 si S3 SS 57 50 59 60 99 24 24 24 24 ?4 24 24 24 24 24 74 61 24 $67 49 77 49 70 49 00 49 9? 49 102 49 106 49 1 10 49 11449 1 16 49 110 49 120 49 122 49 P n s F M IS F?35 7 5 » I5 : ' save 3 0 % ;::;.; R o a d H a n d le r Snow t r o d » in D ie H a rd b a tte r y each Installed ill .imps cold cranking power in groups 24 24F and 74 tor reliable starts on the coldest days, Reg $69 99__________ $119 99 Cartridges tor most imports . $149 99 Struts lor most domestics . . The Portland Fire Bureau Toy and Joymakers will be operating from a new location this year located at the old Sears Surplus Store on N E Irving Street between Union and Grand Aves. This building has been donated by the Sears Roebuck Company. People wishing to donate can drop off their toys at any Portland fire station and mail all cash donations to the Toy & Joymakers, c /o The Port land Fire Bureau, 55 S .W Ash, Portland, OR 97204 B0ff12 ffO ffl! S O ffl3 0 0 *1 1 ffO ffl| 7 5 » I4 7 5 » I4 7 5 » I4 75ff14 7SR1S F i l i r s tis 4 70 amps i old cranking power in groups 24, 24E and 74 lor reliable starts Reg $54 99 24" In s ta lle d gas M a c P h e rs o n F IS S R I» F I 65 F175 F10S F105 F1Q5 F2O5 F ? t5 F7O5 Sale price each 6 0 -m o n th b a tte r y S te a d y R id e r gas shock Toy f t Joym akers M o v e to N e w Location Thanksgiving dinner will be served at no cost at St. An drew's Community Center, 4940 N E. 8th (off Alberta), Thursday, November 27th (Thanksgiving Day), 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm This dinner is for people of the parish and the neighbor hood to share in a family style setting. Turkey and all the trimmings will be provided 0099 P l 55 HURI2 Friday, November 28, 10:30 a m., Pioneer Square, to an nounce the start of the 1986 food drive. D inner is Served at St. A ndrew s i 5 0 % r : „ nJ S u p e rG u a rd Plus W h»«l o lijn m s n l • atro w han needed ■ SAVE $99 • G r e a t ice a n d • Two • O u r fin e o t » n o w tire ru g g e d »now tra c tio n t t e e l b e lt» GREAT VALUES GE H a lo g e n h e a d lig h ts Round 4 light system Sears teg price Sears sale price Less mail in rebate Your cost after rebate Rebote» else avo d ab le en oil 50580 $24 99 Fog light kit $24 99 Clear drive light kit Sound in tla lla lie n a v a ila b le estro A M /F M cassette s te re o SAVE 1 0 % .a 30% Spectrum m o to r oil $299 98 in 1986 Fall Catalog ■ | W V * ( ! l i e n t » I 1 J I» tn 1-qt can Tailor ihe sound vyith the 5-band graphic equalizer Auto reverse cassette and 10-slalion pre-sets Metal tape capability and locking fast-forward rewind LED clock frequency display 17-watts per channel R o ad H an d ler Rib g 10W 40 motor oil * O u r b et» lig h t S m o o th S p e c tru m o il f i l l e r A ll * e a * o n Sear» reg price ........................... Saar» tale p«K« ........................... Lett Si m ail in rebate ............. For v a n » tru ck ra d ia l q u ie t r id in g r a d ia l tra c tio n p ic k u p * RV * 4 0 0 0 0 m il* w e a ro u f w a r ra n ty Yeur ceti oher rebate SAVE $10to*100 W a lkin g Easy SAVE «50 Profile™ cycle "Walking Easy: How To Care for Your Feet" is the title of a senior community health education program to be offer ed Tuesday, December 16, 12:30 p m. at Sherwood Se nior Center. Presented by John Hahn, D.P M ., a podiatrist on staff at Meridian Park Hopsital, Tualatin, the presentation is part of the hospital's "Health wise for Seniors" education program series There is no charge The program is coordinated by E. Ricky Appleman, R N , MPH Community Develop ment and Consulting Services, who also oversees the hospi­ tal's ongoing senior health screenings at Washington County Senior centers in Ti­ gard, Sherwood, Durham/ Tualatin. For additional information about the program or the health screenings, contact the senior centers, or community education department at the Tualatin hospital. Measures speed in 86 F all Gen ( at GREAT BUYS! 28958 1 / I fS Q Q I H z yy>*il« qwomai«» to«i SAVE »100 Lifestyler™ 2000 ro w er Butterfly arm bench and abdominal back attachm ents Reg $199 99 in 86 Fall Gen Cat 0^0 ^ W 28707 While quontifret loti SAVE »11 Exercise bike SAVE »20 to »30 W e ig h t bench Reg $99 99 600-lb capacity 5- position back 177 lb barbell dun • Reg $89 99 69 99 _ liU tiy l« ' 300 exercise bike helps you peda your way to fitness Speedometer odometer 20-m frame , J While quanhlret loti SAVE »80 Gympac™ 2 5 0 0 DL SAVE »10 M ini tram p Provides 60 exer- cises using up to 176 ibs weight re sistance le g lilts presses squats S '»ei trame high- carbon springs 38-m diameter / w w ~ ~ O C ' ' Sale 1 1 9 9 19" W hil» q u a n ta ,« * loir ta n « *« «qw ,pm «nl ,« q u » * l *«m « «**«m bly curls more Vancouver Mall 4911 N E Thurston Way 256 8333 Clackamas 11800 S E 82nd Ave 652 2280 2 0 °o OFF I ego construct I $12 99 Rocker Barbie w ith 5 , re b a te 14 4 9 $23 99 Pound Puppies 19 99 $29 99 A G Baby Bear 25 9 9 Lobo remote control off road buggy with turbo charge .Price 49 99 Gobols Reg S4 99 Io $21 99 27 99 Teddy Ruxptn......................... 6 9 10 99 $17 99 Magic Moves Barbie Sale 15 9 9 w ith $1 50 re b a te $34 99 My Child doll Sole 32 9 9 w ith 55 re b a te 3 9 9 Io 18 9 9 99 Washington Square 9800 S W Washington Blvd 620 1510 nlelwatmg (Tur New Century » « • .• » ■ vttC e I , « a in -' * - r a . 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