Page 6. Portland Observer, November 19, 1986 CL A S S I Ft E D A D VER U S I N G $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID H elp W anted Hiring Now! Construe tion (all phases!. Dri­ vers, Machinists. Mec hanics, Welders. Air­ lines, (up to $32.60 h r, (3081 382 3700, We know who's hiring) Transcontinental Job Search. Fee Required. Miscellaneous For Sale Half Price! Flashing arrow signs $329! Ligh ted. non-arrow $3191 Unlighted, $249' Free lettersl Fully guaran­ teed factory warranty. Limited quantity. Se« locally Call today! 1- 800 423 0163, anytime For remailing letters from homel Send self addressed, stamped en­ velope for information/application. Associates Box 95 B Roselle. NJ 07203 , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRAVEL AGENCY Own your own Contact UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the largest and fastest growing franchisor of travel agencies in N Amen ca No travel industry experience required Investment required. Call Tamara at 1503) 282 4602 H elp W anted Carpet Installers Need (Ourney level carpet mechanics. Must be able to relocate Maui, Hawaii. Must have own tools Paid top money References and/or resume needed. Call 1 808 242 6402. or .«ute K B Tester, 401 Hookahi S t., No. 14. Wailuku. Maui, Hawaii 96793. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE ($9 991 DIS COUNT SHOE STORE All first quality merchan dise $13.900 to $16,900 includes beginning in ventory, fixtures, supplies, training and air fare Call Ed Brandt. The Source, 1405) 238 9358 VA CA TIO N RENTALS Business O pportunities Travel Agency. Own your own. Contact Un iglobe Travel, the lar­ gest and fastest grow ing franchisor of travel agencies in N Ameri ca. No travel industry experience required Investment required. Call Tamara at (5031 298 3492 OCEANSIDE. OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view, quiet seclution, beach 1 block Studio, $37 50. 2 bedroom unit, $47 50. (503) 842 4413, El Rancho Motel RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1986 KOMFORT 26' travel trailer, $14,800 1986 22’ Komfort 5th wheel, $11,300. Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W, Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut off). McMinnville, Oregon. Call (503) 434 6505 HELP W ANTED LOOKING FOR WORK? W e need you Earn up to $10 $15 per hour commission., Fuller Brush. Call collect, 1 (5031 76, 1060 Personals Adoption: Happily mar ried couple wishes to SC HO O LS/IN STR U C TIO N adopt infant. Child will ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog have loving, secure fa mily, with all advanta nizod training school. Free nationwide placement ges of good home. Ex­ incredible demand. Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad Tel (503) penses paid. Attorney way. Suite 3F. Portland, OR 97232 involved. (5031 635 284 , 240 Call collect 7773 M iscellaneous For Sale 1000 Sunbeds Sunal Wolff Systems Buy the best Direct from manufacturer. Save thousands. While they last Commercial ft residential Sunquest lamps ft Trevor Island Lotions 1 800 228 6292 Personals Private Adoption. Pro­ fessional and loving couple wishes to adopt infant or child four years or younger All related attorney fees paid In Portland, call 246 2574 Outside call (503)362 9550 PERSONALS LOST TRACK OF SOMEONE SPECIAL? W e find friends, relatives, or anyone for any reason. As low as $50 Let us reunite you for the holidays Call Friend Finders International, 1 800 FINDERS. D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. Dewey Taylor II Er James Cunningham RECREATIONAL VEHICLES NEW ALJO ALY 16 H foot Trailer 2200 dry weight. Fully self contained Side dinette. Front gaucho. $5,500 Terms. Woodburn Dealer. 1503)982 3210 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DISTRIBUTORSHIP AVAILABLE Own your own business with extremely high income poten tial Manufacturer specialty chemicals for com mercial use (non toxic). Fast growing industry Full training and support, (503) 286 1302 (Invest merit required). DBA: HELP W ANTED WOWMI I lost 25 pounds in one monthl You can tool Call and ask how money back guarantee! Call Dede today' 1 800 821 1989. Ext 571 PAINTING-INTERIOR & EXTERIOR W ALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING Er MOVING MASONARY WORK RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SAVE!,, Factory Direct, 86 closeouts, compact, lightweight, super insulated travel trailers, 5th wheels, and mini motorhomes Call SCAMP toll free 1 800 346 4962 for free brochure FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELINGHIII! PICK UPS/CAN O PIES CALL TODAY 450 CANOPIES CHEAP You buy factory direct Aluminum, plastic, new; used Free price list Building M aterials Phone free, 1 800 452 9113, 9 5, 7 days Totem Pole Building Com­ Mfq . 99E N Salem plete packages: Large sliding door, four colo red walls, 6x6 poles, 24x24x10 $1326: 24x48 x12 $2314. 30x60x12 $3214 Other sizes La bor and financing avail able Call (503 ) 293 0613; 1 800 872 0070, or 293 0613 (Local Pt Id No.). PHONE: 289-5411 1596 discoupt to Senior Citizens JOBS TRADE MAGAZINE 288 0020 or 288-0033 Now’s your chance to take advantage of excellent real estate values offered by HUD. VA HOMES FOR SALE All Prices Recently Reduced. 10't Interest or 9.5s Interest with 5*3 down or 9.5'T Interest with no down payment to Veterans Intending to occupy home. A DO RE88 D E S C R IP TIO N TERM PRICE C A SH PRICE PM NUMBER PORTLAND 461 SE Grtbam 10047 SW Zitti Ave 4024 N Ganter$toe$n 2S3O NE Saratoga 1017 N Buttalo Sf 7430 NE Rodney 6440 SW Oleson 1815 NE Portland Btvd 75 000 65 000 34.000 34.000 27 500 4 Bd I 5 B . 3 Bd. 2 Ba 3 Bd. 1 Ba 3B d. 1 Ba 2 Bd. 1 Ba 3 Bd. 1 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 3 Bd. 1 Ba 36 000 80 000 36 000 4 Bd 2 5 Ba 2 Bd. 1 Ba 3 Bd 1 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 87 500 58.500 » 800 30 800 24.750 31 500 54 000 213380 209958 2U9B5O 213338 214737 216125 206164 31.500 202,41 61.000 32,000 25 000 48 000 54 900 28 800 22 500 43.200 213330 215328 203739 212717 50.000 25 000 46.000 45 000 82 100 76 500 67.500 42 300 51,750 46 560 52 860 4 7 700 31 500 47 260 57 150 22 500 40 500 201777 207088 208730 212346 210498 211064 211663 211866 76142 7219, 215994 ,334 211928 36 000 31 500 Im p o rta n t In fo rm a tio n Purchase?» must obtain the,? own financing for an »aie» P 'e a ie contact a real estate agent of your cho*< »• to te e or bid on any of the properties listed Only bid» presented by licensed agents will be accepted HUD reseve» the right to reiect any or ail bids and to wa ve any informality or irregularity m any bid» A ll hon e» »o'd a» •» NO WARRANTY These property» may contain code violat on» VANCOUVER 3406 N f ,48,h Ave 1512 SF 141st Ave 1700 SE 119lh Ave 2026 SE Blaemont Or 12700 N I S iti Si 4214 Nf 151.1 Ave r« 1 , N f «Uh Si 309 NW lU lrd S t 6106 NF 56th Ck 1817 N f HBth Si 2410 N f 151.1 Ave 7606 indiana St 2312 E ZUthSl 708 W » Ih Si 3 B d .2 Ba 4 Bd 2 Ba 4 Bd 2 5 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 3B d 1 5 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd. 1 5 Ba 3 Bd. 2 Ba 3B d 1 5 Ba 3 Bd. 1 Ba 3 Bd 2 Ba 3 Bd 1 6 Ba 1 Bd 1 Ba 2 Bd 1 5 Ba ea ooo 86 000 75.000 47 000 57.500 49 500 58 500 53 (XX) 35 000 52 600 M WHITE CITY tHHH Avanua G 4 Bd 2 Ba 979 _ W e also have homes lor sale in other areas — Contact any Real Estate Broker tor mtormaBon SPECIAL LISTINGS VA w ill consider offers below the List Price on these properties',II! »1 A r itt a Dr ■ 4 » Ba IAO Sq Ft 2K19B4 ?s oon oo 6? SUO 00 1 4« U 04 0B 0« • “TOP VALUE" properties listed below have been Fixed Up, Cleaned Up. and Certified. No major work to do. MOVE RIGHT IN. Th« n e w HUD 9S48 S ta n d a rd R«(a