November 19, 1986, Portland Observer, Paye 5 OMSI To Soar With Grant From Boeing Boeing Co. has awarded a $100,000 grant to the Oregon Mu seum of Science and Industry to fund exhibits for the new Pacific Rim Space Education Center iPaRSEC) which is currently under construction at OMSI This new protect, which the Boe mg contribution will help complete, will include exhibits on astronaut training, how to operate a space vehicle, environment for living and working in space and outer space displays For more information, call OM SI at 15031 222 2828 Wigs Hairpieces and Beauty Supplies Sale Ü Restyling \jllc I xcl.i'hc' • I \.i ( i.ihn • K, tu <■! I '. lI H ill I • T w e n ty tw o years ago. fifty Black men w ere hired as longshorem en Sunday at the C osm opolitan H otel, tw e lv e of the original fifty m et for dinner and to talk about old tim es M em bers of the group also discussed a gat together in February, the anniversary of their being hired, and possible c o m m u n ity involvem ent H R standing) Levan Johnson. B C Jones. Harold Burns. Sandy Harris. R B Fambro. Julius M o o re. Huey M a rtin (L R sitting) Bobby Barber Na eem M u h a m m a d A W H am m onds. Abe Graham and Billy Rhymes Photo by Richard J B row n H ill • Horn I icc • n i l ’l l • I ililic c \ii.lii I ' iiiil 'I . i i 1106N .E. B ro ad w ay .» ms5 Imm S.ltpyy.l, I k>y<1 > Tel 282 1664 Store Hours io 00 a m til 6 00 p m. Monday thru Saturday PCC Announces Award of U.S. Department of Education Grant Portland Community College has received a three year, $204,437 U.S. Department of Education grant to create a model "Tech Prep" program in engineering tech nology that will move students from high schools through two-year and four year college programs The grant was from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education IFIPSE). One of the in­ tended outcomes of the grant pro iect will be to establish a success ful "2 Plus 2 Plus 2" Tech Prep pro gram in the Portland metropolitan area to serve as a model for other areas of the United States. The program is being developed by PCC, the Portland Public Schools, Hillsboro Union High School District and the Oregon Institute of Technology, according to Project Director David M Hata, PCC instructor of electronic engi neering technology The program is being designed to provide "successive systematic bull ding of concepts and skills without duplicating course work," Hata said A coordinated curriculum will start at the third year high school level, continue through a two year community college program and culminate in a bachelor degree pro­ gram at OIT Now in the development stages, the model should be operating by the end of the grant's second year and be ready for evaluation the third year Benson High School will be the primary Portland school working through the model, Hata said Al though only Benson and Hillsboro are in the program at this point, other high school districts which have indicated interest could be come involved with the model as well They include Banks High School and St. Helens Senior High School, Hata said. The five-county PCC district contains 35 public high schools The presence of a Portland Con ter of OIT has made this type of program, referred to in education circles as articulation", attractive to Portland area students, accor­ ding to Hata Students who complete electro nics and applicable math courses in high school may not be required to take them at PCC, Hata explained. They could go directly into second term classes PCC has a transfer agreement with OIT in electronic engineering technology. Hata said a goal of the FIPSE grant will be to interface the computer software technician and computer field service programs with OIT as well TENDER GOLD Grade A > I I A II hanksgivlng Time is just around the corner 'or loved ones to gather around the table Now s the time to prepare for this special day of thanks by visiting ycur nearby Safeway store and save on your favorite foods Wa'va stocked the shelves with wholesome goodness at great savings Whatever your menu Includes— you're sure to be pleased with Safeway qualify and selection May your Thanksgiving ba a joyous one 17 Seed less Navel Oranges Extra fancy, large seedless - . navel oranges........................................................ L U ' 39 Plump. |uicy turkey at its finest1 10 to 14-Puunds In sire and perfect to oven rcast or fix on the barbecue' Turkey is nutritious as well as economical! Save Up To 30' Lb Save Up To 50‘Lb. (I unit 1 ) O - — — - 3 -P ou n d s Folgers C offee Lucerne. CREAM CHEESE B lue B on n et M argarine 8-O unce Cream C h e e se 1 Pound Package Foot delicious golden quarters to dress your finest foods Choose Auto ■ V «««*«• rz*«* tolqers Drip or f lectnc Perk nr Hegular grinds! WE NEED TOYS It s that time o f the year again and the Portland Fire Bureau Toy and Joymak- ers are gcanng up tor another busy sea son — Here's how you can help — They need new or repairable toys and/or cash donations (D on't forget, U s all tax deductable) Drop o ff your toys at any Portland Fire Station and mail all cash donations c/o The Portland Fire Bureau at 55 S.W Ash, Portland. 97204 For more information call the Io ' and Joy makers. Donald J Mayer, Director. Toy A Joy makers. 248-0203. Ad Prices Good 11/19 thru 11/26/86 At Your Nearby Safeway Store. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers. •COPYRIG HT 1978 SAFEW AY STORFS INCORPO RATED » # • _* *sj%**' a • < # •* / »f ■-.;tf a . • » *» . • a' ■ ■ ' < ' ' • \ ■. i t S I . . ' . - - ' -I