On The Job Training Program Provides Lasting Benefits For Business, Job Seekers Through a unique publii private sector partners), p rh- on the jo b training program is pro viding invaluable to em ployers m d , r> eefcers in the east M ultnom ah and W ashington County areas Over the past 2 S years, the program has assisted over 1500 job seekers and hundreds of businesses Funded by the M ultnom ah W ashington Private Industry Council (through the Federal Job Training Partnership A ct or JTPA) and managed by the Beaverton, Gresham and Hillsboro Chambers o f Commerce, the program focuses on providing an effective w orkforce for employers while defraying the cost of training employees There are several employer incentives for using the proqram including reimbursem ent of half of employees framing wages The type of job and the qualifications of the employee deter mine the length of the training periods, w hich run from 30 180 days These programs are tai lored to fit the needs of both the employers and the employees Employers also reap the bene fits of being able to streamline the hiring process arid ret eiving pre screened applicants Busi nesses retain total control throughout this process and make all decisions related to hiring, firing, etc One of the many success stories from the OJT program is Tracey Turner of Gresham. Tracey is a single parent w ith tw o children w ho until re< ently had been a homemaker for seven years When Tracey and her husband divorced, she was laced w ith the problem of supporting herself and her tw o children Tracey did receive child support, but $400 00 a m onth was not enough for hei family to survive on The welfare cut o ff for a fam ily of three is $397 00, just three dollars less than she was receiving in child support Tracey w ent to the Gresham Cham ber of Commerce for help. The Chamber helped her enroll in Project Self Sufficiency, a pro gram for single parents through w hich she was able to obtain a "housing voucher” , w hich helps pay the rent each m onth W ith additional support services in the form o f transportation and job counseling, Tracey was able to find an on the job training position as the assistant manager of Patti's Bridal Decor and More in Gresham Tracey has learned a variety o f new skills including planning, catering and customer service She is now able to support her fam ily and is looking forw ard to the future w ith renewed hope Tracey wasn't the only winner in this situation. Patti's Bridal Decoi and M o re got an e n th u ­ siastic and com m itted new employee and received a 50% reimbursement for Tiacey s training wages. On the job training provides lasting benefits to employers and employees To qualify as a participant in this program, applicants must meet certain income require ments (specified under the JTPA ) and must be 18 years of age Employers wishing to hire a trainee from this program must pay an approved hourly wage, must employ the trainee for at least 32 hours each week and must display a com m itm ent for a long term em ploym ent situa tion 3 o$s *0* G*' BIDS LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PROPOSALS RFP's EMPI OYMENT JOB HOTl INE REAL FSTATE Pag« 2 JOBS November 12, 1986 Advertising is assured publication when received by 5 pm Tuesday prior to week o f publication. For Advertising Rates and other inform ation, call or w rite JOBS Trade M ag azin e P.O. Box 3107 P o rtlan d. OR 97208 (503) 288 0020 1503) 288 0033