P a g e 6. P ortland O b s e rv e r. N o v e m b e r 12. 198 6 CL A S S IFIE D A D VER TIS IN G $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID Help W anted Hiring Now! Construc­ tion (all phases). Dri­ vers, Machinists. M et hanics, Welders, Air lines, (up to $32.60/ hr.) 13081 382 3700. We know w ho's hiring) Transcontinental Job Search Fee Required For remailmg letters from home! Send self addressed, stamped en­ velope for information/application. Associates Box 96 B Roselle. NJ 07203 ______ 1 RETIREMENT b VACATION HOMES COASTAL PROPERTY/REAL ESTATE Miscellaneous For Sale Half Pncel Flashing arrow signs $329' Ligh ted, non-arrow $3,91 Unlighted, $2491 Free letters' Fully guaran teed factory warranty Limited quantity. See locally Call today! 1 800 423 0163. anytime Help W anted Retirement and Vacation Home seekers. V H S Carpet Installers Need tapes are available on Oregon coast living and journey level carpet oceanfront condominiums Preview in your own mechanics. Must be privacy Broker owned Call 1 800 732 5466 able to relocate Maui. Hawaii. Mus* have HELP WANTED own tools Paid top LOOKING FOR WORK? We need you Earn up to money References $10 $15 per hour commission . Fuller Brush. Call and' or resume needed Call 1 808 242 6402. or I collect. 1 (503) 761 1060 write K B Tester, 401 SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION Hookahi St., No. 14, ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog Wailuku. Maui, Hawaii m/ed training school Free nationwide placement 96793 incredible demand. Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad way. Suite 3F, Portland. OR 97232 Tel (503) Business 284 , 240 Callcollect O pportunities Travel Agency. Own your own. Contact Un ¡globe Travel, the lar gest and fastest grow trig franchisor of travel agencies in N Amen ca No travel industry ex|>erience required. Investment required Call Tamara at (503) 298 3492 PERSONALS ) LOST TRACK OF SOMEONE SPECIAL? We find friends relatives, or anyone for any reason As ' low as $50 Let us reunite you for the holidays Call Friend Finders International. 1 800 FINDERS j ! RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ! NEW ALJO ALY 16 H foot Trailer 2200 dry | weigh, Fully self contained Side dinette. Front gaucho $5,500 Terms Woodburn Dealer 15031 982 3210. Personals Adoption: Happily mar tied couple wishes to adopt infant Child will have loving, secure fa mily. with all advanta ges of good home Ex­ penses paid. Attorney involved (503) 635 7773. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DISTRIBUTORSHIP AVAILABLE Own your own business with extremely high income poten tial Manufacturer specialty chemicals for com mercial use (non toxic). Fas, growing industry Full training and support. (503) 286 1302 (Invest men, required). M iscellaneous For Sale 1000 Sunbeds Sunal W olff Systems Buy the best Direct from manufacturer Save thousands While they last. Commercial b residential Sunques, lamps b Trevor Island Lotions 1 800 228 6292 Personals Private Adoption Pro fessional and loving couple wishes to adopt infant or child four years or younger All related attorney fees paid. In Portland, call 246 2574 Outside call (503)362 9550 BUILDING M ATER IALS POLE BUILDING KITS Complete building pack ages, 1/sliding door. 4/colored walls. 6x6 poles. 24x36x10 $1.705. 24x48x12 $2.281. 30x60x12 $3,242 Many other sizes Labor and financing available 1 (800) 331 0155. (503) 263 , 805 USED CARS FOR SALE RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 86 Nomad 25' 5th wheel, $11.500: was $15.093 Nomad travel trailer, $9,950, was $11,789. Ocean way RV, Hwy 18 99W. Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cu, off). McMinnville, Oregon Call (5031 434 6505 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SAVE!’ , Factory Direct. ‘86 closeouts, compact, lightweight, super insulated travel trailers, 5th wheels, and mini motorhomes Call SCAMP toll free 1 800 346 4962 for free brochure PICKUPS/CANOPIES J10 Par»« St Corvafl'« D E SC R IP TIO N PRICE PM NUMBER 3 B d 1 Ba 1 26 0 S q F l lb 000 00 J l SOD 0U 21462« 3 Bd 2 Ba 1342 Sq f t M 000 00 4M HM) IM> 2T»V t KI 40 (XX) 00 » 000 00 211299 3B«t ? Ba 1/21 5 q I« 4 Bd 1 B« 1060 Bq Ft % 000 « ) 49 6(M) 00 7 t6 /? t •A).«»«) 2 td td 2 4 M ? Ba T B l / S q l t 4 Bd 2 Ba 1 « B /S q li 4% 000 00 4M (IO 00 46 000 00 40 *MM) 00 44 KM) 00 40 IMM» 110 77 000 00 » 000 00 24 r o ao 20/016 206610 (I) C L A C K A M A S C O U N TY 1106 N l u p i n a C l Canby C O L U M B IA C O U N TY 115 B Nertafam St Clatahania 1 Bd I 5 Ba 1/B3 Sq Ft LANE C O U N TY /WOO S u m m w I n I « g a n a 1114 T y to n I arta K ugana R M 6 /1 C b « « tn u t S t M a p ta fo n i n ; Ra> W in I a na Iw g a n a L IN N C O U N TY JM 2B a /W/W S I 4 l i l A v a A lbany lid J O B S *!« '* Albany 1IB B S q F l 1 Ba 1200 Sq 11 M A R IO N C O U N TY IZ r r jZ n d C l N t 4 Bd S .l» » ' 4126 G le n w o o d O» S( M ULTNO M AH 2 5 Ba 1B21 Sq Ft S alam M -MB )M) 7111» f lM O 'B 21612« 22 *M> 00 7 0 3 /» /6 000 00 /6 000 00 fpy L W 00 14 000 00 $4 1 4M) 00 6 / M B 00 2 ’ HB» 213 /00 C O U N TY 441 S I O tlb a m P o rtlan d 7 4 / N l 202nd A va P o rtlan d 4 Bd 1 5 Ha I/O S Sq 11 4 Bd 3 Ba 2232 S q l l )B d 2 Ba 1324 S q l l 1(104/ I W 2»th A v a P o rtlan d 4074 N Q a n ta n b a m P ortlan d 7 / 600 00 , .. . Mt 10 10 24 It 3 Bd 2 Ba 1130 S q H 4M d i ) 00 41 N O 00 2 1 2 /1 / 4M 2 Bd 1 Ba BOO Sq I I ’«6 000 » 000 00 M) 400 00 3 ’ MM) no 21MKMB 2 ’493/ 3 Bd 2 B« i< M 4 S q ll M) o il) 00 M 000 00 20A1M 3 Bd 2 Ba 1 1 2 /S q l t 2 Bd 1 Ba 62B S qFt 60 (MB 00 29 000 00 46 (MB 00 2« t00 00 /BOW 216AO« 3 Bd IB d 2 Bd 3 Bd 2 6 » N l S a ra to g a P ortlan d 101 / N B u ffa lo St P ortlan d N K N I Arsdnay P o rtlan d 1 Ba 1 Ha 1 Ba 1 Ba IW D S q ll M N H 1S2/ S q l t W O S q ll POLK C O U N TY /4 M W darh Dr NW Salam M B 00 M B 00 fM)O IB tMB 00 n o 00 M B 00 U M A T IL L A C O U N TY WJ4 S i 2nd P an d la to n A n u ta 1 Boa 41 M ilto n ir a a 3 Ba 2250 S q H HELP WANTED W O W '" I lost 25 pounds in one m onth' You can too' Call and ask how money hack guarantee' Call Dede today' 1 800 821 1989 Ext 571 W A S H IN G T O N C O U N TY W A S H IN G T O N STATE CLARK C O U N TY 1404 N l 14B»h A va V ancouver 1 2 1 / S I Ir d A v a C am aa PHONE: 289-5411 15% discount to Senior Citizens Now’s your chance to take advantage of excellent real estate values offered by HUD. R<1 mas d c u c iin c i B 440 W 2 /1 B fu g a n a OA T H IS P A O P IA T Y H A S O lF IC K N C i S 401 C lov er A u m e v d le OA T H IS P A O P IA T Y M A S O lH C H N C i S in is p a o p ia t y 2 / 0 / N l I2 lb A v a P o rtla n d OA 1021 C arolrna Ad Um t'tM te OA 1404 N f 2OB»h S t A td g eh e id 4 6 Be NO 1260 So Ft 1017 SE 22nd A .» X , 6 «2 Portland 5628 NE 26,h P o rtl.n d BOJt SE 52nd A . * Portland ,0211 SW 62nd Ave Portland 6920 SE (3 rd A»» P o rtl.n d 3723 N Borthwick Ave Portland 5 4 ,( SE Lam bert Portland 6433 N M ichigan St Portland 5614 N M ississippi Portland 12445 SW Parkw ay Portland 535 NE Portland Bl»d Portland 3343 SE Stark SI Portland 5650 SW V arm onl Portland J615 NE 56th SI Vancouver 2OHA6O 7 1 II» 7 1 4 /3 / 716126 /6 (MB (B 6 / M B IB 210994 66 000 00 49 MM) )B '4MA4 NO W A A A A N T H B 4 0,1 7 Ba iRBOSgFt 3B<1 1 B« 1020 Sg Ft 40 000 00 » 000 00 2O616B 4 / 000 00 16 000 00 16 000 00 42 «■’ B 31 600 00 31 600 00 716091 7146/« 2024/0 1 B«1 < 6 B « H 4 4 S q F t • "TOP VALUE" properties listed below have been Fixed Up. Cleaned Up. and Certified. No major work lo do. MOVE RIGHT IN. The new HUD 9548 S tandard R e ta • ■ Sales C ontra, t s a v a ila b le >n our off-ce 4 Bd CASE NUMBERS PRICE ’ Ba 2 ,6 6 Sq E l'D u p le « 3 Bd , Ha ,35 5 Sq f 1 3 Bd 1 Ba ,052 Sq E, 3 Bd 1 Ba <250 Sq El 3 Bd , Ba ,052 Sq FI 2 Bd ’ Ba , 135 Sq El 2 Bd , Ba 72« Sq F, 3 Bd , , Ba ,690 Sq F, 7 Bd 3 Ba 2209 Sq El 3 Bd 2 Ha ,12 0 Sq E, 4 Ba 2 4 ,6 Sq E| iFour Pit' 4 Bd 2 Ba ,b98 Sq E, 3 Bd 1 ' , Ba 1380 Sq Ft 3 Bd 2 Ba ’ 581 Sq El •34 950 *28,000 *29.750 *53 250 •35 500 •9 500 •30 950 •42 900 •20 000 •45 000 •35.000 •29 950 •55 100 •53 0C0 * TOP VALUE * V431 V43, V431 V43, V431 V43, V431 * TOP VALUE W V43I V 43 , V43, V431 V43, V 43, V 569 • 66220 203 ,62305 203 •49042 270 ,5 ,9 9 3 -2 7 0 ,56543 235 1 6 2 ,3 , 203 163750 203 • 58299-203 •65217 203 •63102 203 •65791 203 •59743 203 •49536 245 0 ,2 5 2 5 270 EXTENDED LISTINGS-OFFERS OPENED DAILY 2 Bd 2 Ba 1278 Sq Fl 6 .2 0 Tillam ook Ave Bay City 3 Bd , Ba 728 Sq E, i + 494 Sq El E,n Basel 8835 SE 10th St M ilw aukie 1 Bd , Ba 1184 Sq F, 4214 NE 57th Aye Portland 4 Bd , Ba ,9 , 6 Sq Ft 4824 SE 63rd Ave Portland 3 Bd 1 Ba 11?4 Sq F, 3 ,1 5 NE 73rd Ave Portland 2 Bd 1 Ba 720 Sq F, 4525 NE 97,h Ave Portland 3 Bd 1 Ba 996 Sq Fl 3105 SE ,12th Ave Portland 4 Bd 2 8 a ,72 8 Sq Fl iD upiem ,5557 E Burnaide SI. Portland 9222 N Leonard SI Portland 1 Bd , Ba 912 Sq E, lO v ers ized dbl g a ’ ag ei 4 Bd 2 Ba 2259 Sq Fl (D upidxl 426 28 N Mason Si Portland 2 Bd 1 Ba 736 S q E l 8505 N Trum bull Portland 3 Bd , ' , Ba 1553 Sq E, 2203 SE Yam hill Portland 3 Bd 2 Ba ,1 5 2 Sq El 2 2 ,3 SE Y am hill Portland 3 Bd 2 Ba 1,14 Sq Fl 4.21 N W illi. Portland 4 Bd 2 Ba ,560 Sq F, iD u p le .i 180 190 NW 12th SI Sherwood 3 Bd 2 Ba 1579 Sq F, 2 7 ,2 NE 148,h SI Vancouyer 3 Bd 1 Ba 1 ,0 0 Sq Ft 3 ,0 0 NE W hitm an Ave Vancouyer 2 Bd 1 Ba 814 Sq Ft 577 K S, W ashougal W A A A A N T IIB 6B d IB « m S g F t NO W A A A A N T H B 4 B d 2 B « 2120 Sq Ft est n oney deposit of $1000 (to be deposited m < bent s trust account) s required with each offer to purchase DESCRIPTION ADDRESS VA w ill consider offers below the List Price on these propertiesH III I • BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM, NOV. 1 7 ,1 9 8 6 SPECIAL LISTINGS 14407 04 04 0B SK A n e ta Or M ilw a u b ta OB CALL TODAY PREVIOUS WEEK’S LISTING - BID OPENING MON., NOV. 1 7 ,1 9 8 6 at 1:00 P w a ta r 4440 SW O teaon P ortlan d LICENSED. BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELING!!!!!! • Homes e lig ib le lor FHA M ortgage Insurance with low down paym ent 2 0 6 1 // 00 26 000 00 ftl (MD 12 000 2 B«1 1 Ba 1040 Sq I I IB d 1 Ba W B S q lt UBBCM h A v « N l Satam FREE ESTIMATES Puft h .isv’ s rf jst t»1.»n |he-f w? financing for ail ta les P case « " ’act a »f«ii estate agent of your chc« e to see or bid on .»• y i ’ the properties listed Only bids presented by licensed agents w i be accepted HUO reseives the right to reject any or an b Is and f»> any informal fy or irregularity m any bids A d hum«»» sold as is NO WARRANTY These properties may co nfam code vio'ations or 9.5*i Interest with no down rw. TER M PRICE ADDRESS BENTON C O U N TY PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR WALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING MASONARY WORK Im p o r ta n t In fo rm a tio n All Prices Recently Reduced. CASH DBA. 450 CANOPIES CHEAP You buy factory direct Aluminum, plastic, new; used Free price list Phone free. 1 800 452 9,13. 9 5. 7 days Totem Mfg 99E N Salem B uilding M aterials Pole Building Com plete packages Large sliding door, four coio red walls. 6x6 poles, 24x24x10 $1326, 24«48 x12 $2314; 30x60x12 $3214 Other sizes La bor and financing avail able Call (503 ) 293 0613, 1 800 872 0070 or 293 0613 (Local Pt Id No.) Anyone Can Buy 10*. Interest or 9.5'. Interest with 5 'i dc Dewey Taylor II b James Cunningham Can YOU buy Jeeps. Cars 4x4's seized in drug raids for under $100 00? Call for facts today' Fee (615)269 6701 Ex, 625 IK h y R e n /... B u y. ” D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC •53 500 •30 300 •3 , 000 •39 500 •24 500 •19 950 •32 000 *42 000 ’ 32.150 ', 8 000 ’ 23.450 '11.6S0 *32 900 *39 900 *49 000 ’ 59.950 *37.950 *30 «00 * * TOP VALUE W TOP VALUE ★ W TOP VALUE * V 43, 990016 987 V 431 155456 270 V 43, •43723 270 V 43, • 67369 203 V 431 •170743-203 V 43, ,34763 221 V 431 155266 270 V 431 ,54664 203 V 4 3 , -9 8 0 0 ,9 986 V 43 , •46485 203 V 431 151041 203 V 431 1 5 87,6 203 V 43, -,5 8 7 2 0 203 V 43, •49083 270 V 43, ,5 2 ,2 0 -2 0 3 V 569 0 ,3 7 0 2 270 V 569 0 ,6 ,0 2 203 V 569 0 ,3 4 5 2 270 Homes baled above as E .ten d ed L.slings were no, »old as a result ot the competitive bid opening HUO WILL CONSIDER ANY REASONABLE OEFFR These properties will rem ain available lor sale until such lim e as they Jre relisted under diMeren, term » Each working day at 3 30 pm oMers received tor these homes during the day will be evaluated In ,he event lhal circumstances prevent HUO from opening otters on a given day the properties will rem ain available lo the pom, o, actual acceptance by HUD o« the best ne, ober OMers Submitted under this procedure shall be submitted in appropriately m arked sealed envelopes containing HUD 954« with adden- dum ONE-STEP PROCESS: The new HUO 9M B dated 10 »6 (Standard Reta»» Sai«»» C on tra ct) and Addendum 1» a v aila ble Tor use from the HUO Off ( • P revious form » (HUO t8 5 f and attachm ent» old HUO 9M B and attachm ent») are o b so le te and cannot be uaed WA W i l l b S f PTIC B Y B T IM T H IS P A O P IA T Y H A S O l F lC t f N C IIB M A V NO T B I O P t A A H I I NO W A A A A N T H B W « A»» also offerin g a 5500 00 com m ission bonus to the sales b roh er’ MIl Contact any Real Estate Broker RECYCLE Any broker wishing lo hav« a VA n»pVv.iopoM»nt Portland Property O s p o e ’ ioo O r s e . 221*2444 i-'.tko arrangemen,» HUD tîj b . b srsacsrr n c u m KUkM". DEPARTMENT OF MOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ■aaBaaBMA RESULT OF BID OPENINGS AND PROPERTIES AVAILABLE ON THE "EXTENDED LISTING M • , ih *. • $ ' r « AVAILABLE AT (503)221-3498 This is a p artial listing of HUD properties. For a com plete listing ot properties available for sale by HUD, please see H U D ’S listing in “The O regonian" Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section. Veterans Administration yyl^ ir » $.61 » . /• 4 • *