November 12. 1906. Portland Observer. Page 5 THE EWTERTAIHMEHT SttW TALKING EARTH Lois Mane Lewis, Poet Lecturer will be hosting a program called "Talk mg Earth" on KBOO radio The pro gram features Lois and guest poets Talking Earth airs at 11 00 pm on the 3»d Thursday of the month Tune your dial to 90 7 FM starting Nov ember 20ih and December 18th for the first two programs. One FOR NOVEMBER Tis The Season tí buying everything of value "We Pay Cash" Open 10 X) 5 30 Mon. Sat. 5600 N E. U nion 287 5330 W A NTED Responsible party to assume small monthly payments on piano. See locally. Call Credit Manager 1 800 44 / 4266 Get Fresh Stay Fresh at Franklin's Ready Ribs . 2nd A venue _____ IP * Ab.Stt# J u ic e 230 N. K illin g s w o rth 1 he Re*»» Just Ice Five Si a* 12 Inches 283 6000 The Halloween costumes are barely even off the rack and already mer chants are decking the stores with boughs of holly The political commer cials go off and the commercial commercials come on Buy this and buy that He or she will love it, Little Jimmy or Marie is making their list and checking it twice and somewhere amongth the mad dash for materialistic glory for a day lies the true spirit of Christmas Personally, I love this season. On the last Thursday in November, I get to stuff myself to the gills without having to hear about it ,1’m an admitted glutton). During this time of the year, families come together from the four corners of the earth, and. on Dec 25th, I II have enough after shave to last another year (I'm not complaining ) I can become as blitzed as the law doesn't allow on the 31st Bui what I like most of all is people start to act like people again. This is the magic of the season, the true magic Also, lei us not forget the meaning of the whole holiday season Thanking the Maker for blessing us in ways big and small and for caring enough about human beings to come and walk upon the earth in human form so wo could really understand what this madness we call life is all about So as we slowly submerge our selves into the seasonal madness, fighting long lines, downtown traffic tarns, and fanatic shoppers, let us count out blessings and thank God that we are still among the living Sir M ia A Lot AB O U T TOWN C lub N ouveau S k in n y Boy Rip th e Cut Ice T all at ro ck b o tto m prices M o n d a y S a tu r d a y 1 0 a nt t o 1 p m S unday 1 2 noon to 6 p m loroouur? UHt U1’’ cimai« a u -r THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 4 1 8 SW 2nd $1.00 off on Rib Dinners P o rtla n d oi 1 Chicken Dinner We also o ffe r • • • • • 7.35% Potato Salad Pig's Feet Potato Pie Banana Pie Peach Cobbler YLD FS LIC IN S U R E D ONE VF AH CD Good 10/30 thru 11/6 Brasserie M o n tm a rte 626 S W Park 224 5552 Fn Sat Dennis Springer Quartet D J s Village Jass 1st ft B (Lake O sw ego) 636 2024 Fn Sat . Leroy Vinnegar b Friends The H obbit S E 39th b Holgate. 771 0742 Fn Sat Mel Brown Quintet Key Largo 31 N W 1st 223 9919 Fn Sat Calvin Walker Sun C o o IR M asonic T em p le 1119 S W Park Sat Diane Sctiuur in Concert Original R ichard s 4534 S E M cLoughlin. 230 4845 Live Jazz Red Lion Inn (D o w n to w n ) 310 S W Lincoln. 221 0450 Mon Sat . Blaze Reino s 1425 N W Glisan St 221 1160 Thuts Mel Brown, LeRoy Vinnegar and Dick Blake Sun , Jam W Ron Steen River C ity Saloon 1133 S W Jefferson, 224 2800 Tom McFarland Trio Shanghai Lounge 0309 S W M o n tg o m e ry 220 1865 Sun . Hypertension W Kenny Day Schnitzer Hall d o w n to w n Sat . Spyro Gyra in Concert Salty's foot of S E M ario n. 239 8900 Thurs., Cool R C A LL r o n O tM F H B A T F S f t 1FH M S You've Tried The Rest Now Try The Bost X M A S W R A P SALE Great Selection Ribbon • Bows • Cards Savings up to 60% o f f 1 November 14th & 15th (10 00- 2 00 a m ) Fri & S a t) BEE G S , 5700 NE Union (M arys) 281 1176 November 17th (Monday) (9 30- 1 30) LAST HURRAH. 555 SW Al der. 224-1336 with Special Guest on Keyboard, Janice Scroggins November 21st & 22nd (10 00- 2 00 a m ) (Fri & S a t) BEE G S (Same as above) November 28th (Friday) (10 00- 2 00 a m ) ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB. 1701 NE Alberta. 287 5145 The Blues will never get old. as long as it Thrills your SOULII’ TTw Norman Sylvester Blues Band is a lour piece blues and R&B band, that plays blues with a down home Hair and R&B with a funky and soul­ ful touch Come out and support your local blues man 60% off! FOODST AMPS »WELCOME! THE BEE CO 800 N K illin g s w o rth St Portland (503) 283 3171 Open Mon-Sat. 9:30 a m. - 6 p.m For fu rth e r In fo rm atio n, con- tact Norm an at 236-4530. /• « # .« *. C a ll i « •,*; • • A, • Or d a r 284 26S W. WILSON FINANCIAL «21 SW Slh BUY AT WHOLESALE NO LIMIT! BLUES BAND SCHEDULE By Ken C o v in g to n SHOP PIAN O FOR SALE Í A ct DAVE'S THE NORMAN SYLVESTER 2?7 1144 P o rtla n d ’s ROCK & ROLL Jet Limousine Service REUNION DANCE serving the greater Portland area with style FREE FOOD FREE FUN LOTS OF MEMORIES S aturday, N ov 29. 86 Full Bar C olor TV A M /F M Stereo T elephone Full C lim ate C o n tro l C o m p lim e n ta ry B o ttle of C ham pagne Fast and C o urteo us Service In clu d in g Nails on the Run: Pedicures b M an icu re s by special request 1708 N E A lb e rta St. 287 5145 $35.00 hey largc T • t- « i ««1 »»1» Thursday N ov f -, 13 * • »Z •* ***! M ATHER BROS SCORPIO PARTY W e e ken d . N ov 14 15 C A LVIN W ALKER |Mt» to u r . firs t / h ours S unday N ov $30.00 16 COOL R Fine Yarns for Knit b Crochet p r r hou» procr*<*dina M o nd a y N ov 1/ BODEANS OPEN TUESDAY Call (206) 254-3762 THRU SATURDAY 10 00 AM TO 5 00 PM Tuesday. N ov 18 DAN REED NETWORK W e d ne sd a y. N ov 19 G ATE M O U TH BROW N W / M A T H E R BROS ¿ fri CLASSES ■*y Proudly Presents VvEST 1984-^7 DIANE SCHUUR TICKETS: 281 8607 PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS top * »1000 » '2 0 0 »1500 SPECIAL QUEST THE KMHO JAZZ C U F B R A ’ h jN RAND RON STEEN M uA icil Oi'Acto' z ’ *■ — Z» Dry Cleaning X Has been serving the North and Northeast Com munity for 20 years. Dry cleaning; laundered shirts; alterations; fast service. You have trie d the rest — N o w try the Best. Hours: Mon. through Fri. 8 AM 6:30 PM X Sat.. 9 AM to 1 PM 3954 N Williams Ave. 282-8361 »< ■ L . • a I » » * • '• » k V • . V • • * - f »1. , • Í*. A lso Is n o w s te p p in g o u t N f W and f RE SH w ith r»ew ideas, n e w tre a P v in e s s a nd pot es t o m e e t yo ur fa m ily s »■»••••