Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 12, 1986, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4, Portland Observer November 12. 1986
Y -B asketb all C om ing Soon
City Says No To Renaming Parks
by Jerry Garner
The City of Portland's Bureau of
Parks and Recreation has refused
requests by the Sellwood Moreland
Improvement League and the Black
United Front to rename three city
superintendent of parks, said re
quests to rename the Sellwood
Riverfront Park to Dent Thomas
Park, Irving Park to Tony Stevenson
Park, and Alberta Park to Ira Mum
lord Park was denied because they
failed to meet the criteria necessary
to warrant the name changes
"I have carefully reviewed and
evaluated the information submitted
to me regarding the three proposed
name changes, and I have recom
mended that we make no changes
I do not feel that I could justify te
commending any changes within
the guidelines of the policy, as it is
I feel very strongly that the integrity
of my role as an administrator
requires a clear and consistent apple
cation of policy," Williams said
Commissioner Mike Linberg. who
is in eftarge of the Buieau of Parks
and Recreation, accepted Williams
recommendation not to rename the
three parks in question
Linberg and Williams both agreed
that there are deficiencies in tho Bu
reau's policy in renaming city parks
"On tli© recommendations from the
superintendent, I am requesting
that the Park Bureau develop a new.
comprehensive memonali/ation po
licy which presents a range of op
>ns including renaming ol parks.
Ten Ways to
Turn Out
by whic h a community can pay tn
bute to the contributions of an mdi
vidual or orqir /at ns
He said he has requested the Park
Bureau to develop these options
with input from neighborhoods and
community organi/Jtions and ttiat
they be submitted tor City Council
endorsement within 90 days
The Black United Front has re
quest->d to the Park Bureau that Ir­
ving and Alberta Parks be renamed
Tony Ste enson Park and Ira Mum
tord Park, respectively during hear
H o w to Know You Are G row ing Older
Everything hurts,
and what
doesn't hurt doesn't work
little gray haired lady yen help a i
mss the street is your wife
sink your teeth in a stetik and they
stay there
Your back goes out
more often than you do.
The Female Point of V iew : You
buy a see through nightie but don't
know anyone who can see that well
9 H elp th e m be co m m u n ity-
m inded
Nurture your children s
concern for others
10 Let th em go. Overprotection
gels in the way of lessons to be
Raising self reliant, mde
pendent and responsible children
should be the goal of all parents
For a free reprint of "Ten Ways to
Turn Out Terrific Kids." send a self
addressed, stamped envelope to:
Reprint Manager, R1-1, Readers
Digest. Box 25, Pleasantville, N Y
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Terrific Kids
Children are subject to many
influences outside their homes, but
parents have the most lasting influ
To avoid asking yourselves
Where did we go wrong?' here
are 10 ways that parents can in
crease the odds of turning out kids
who ate happy, responsible, mde
1 Love them .
Believing they
ate not loved is one of the primary
reasons teens give for running
away, attempting suicide, abusing
drugs and getting pregnant.
homes where love is routinely
shown, kids are secure and exhibit a
deeper trust in their parents and, as
a result, in themselves
2 Build
self esteem .
Show your children you are proud
of them. Without positive feelings
about themselves, children do not
grow academically, socially or per
3 C hallenge th em . Kids who
succeed are those who are encou
raged to do their best, who are sop
ported in trying new things, who are
taught to learn from their mistakes.
But remember to encourage them
to set goals equal to their talents
not your dreams.
4 Listen to them
that is nonjudgmental, understan
ding and total may be the best gift
of love you can give your children.
5 Expect respect
to parents or siblings has no part
in a loving home. But to get re
spect, you must show your children
respect It's not a one way street
6 L im it th e m . Limits provide
children with security while they ex
penrnent with values and lifestyles
7. M a k e God a part of their
Grace before meals and at
tendance at church as a family aro
ways to assure young people that
life's principles go beyond the gol
den rule
8 D evelop a love of learning.
Encourage curiosity and nurture
creativity. Help children establish
consistency in their study and work
ings held September 30 and Octo
her 2 The Portland Urban League
also gave testimony in support of
renaming Irving Park Lloyd "Tony''
Stevenson Park
Opposition to renaming Irving
Park came from Irvington Commu
nity Association and from South
Burlingame Neighborhood Associa
tion James Hall, representing Ma
ranatha Church and Sabin Neigh
borhood Association, indicated that
they felt the process was not appro
priate, because it did not involve
the neighborhood associations
The North Inner Northeast YMCA opens up its Y Basketball season
this coming January 15, 1987
This involves children grades 3rd through 8th
The policy is everyone
plays, no tryouts The games will be played during the week times being
lietween 4 (A) PM and 6 00 PM
The North Inner Northeast YMCA is looking for volunteers to coach or
officiate these youth Remember every youth that is occupied with some
thing worthwhile after school is not tempted with doing something harmful
to themselves or others
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