November 12, 1986. Portland Observer. Page 3 U Children Helping Children" Program To Collect Clothing For Needy Kids Com m unity mem ber* gathered last Wednesday to discuss the nine Part television senes The African A Triple Heritage at the Talk­ A Children Helping Children ' clothing drive will be held from Oc tober 19 through November 16 in the Portland Vancouver area Children can directly help children less fortunate than themselves through the drive "Children Helping Children" is a simple idea, according to its spon sors In the Portland Vancouver area, kids (or parents) can bring outgrown or unneeded clothing to any of 9 child care centers operated by Children's World, or to KGW Television. There will be clothing collection baskets inside the en trance at each location. Once the baskots are filled, the clothing will be collected by Low Income Families Emergency (LIFE), a human service agency which ope Reggie Guyton. U S Bank management trainee, tell* student* at "Career Awareness Day" why he looks to banking as a career For thirteen years the program sponsored by Portland's Urban League has brought school, governm ent and business leader* together to meet w ith student* to provide firsthand inform ation on careers and career preparation Photo by Richard J Brown ing Drum Bookstore W riter and narrator of the series, noted African scholar. Dr. All A Mazrui, w ill speak at Portland State Nov 17. 1986 at 12 00 noon Photo by Richard J Brown Portland Trailblazer Sam Bowie. 31, contributed 17 points to the Blazer's 120 113 w in over the Dallas Mavericks before being taken off the court on a stretcher Bowie, w ho could be out of the Blazer line up for the rest of the season, suffered a break to the bona in his right shin. Photo by Richard J Brown Julius Erving. 6. played his final game in Portland Sunday "D r. J " scored a team high of 29 points in the Philadelphia 76ers 125 119 w in over the Portland Trailblazers Photo by Richard J Brown SICKLE CELL FO U N D A TIO N O M ITTED FROM UNITED W A Y The Portland Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation was inadvertently omit­ ted from the United Way Combined Federal Campaign list for the sec­ ond consecutive year. Federal em ployee contributors will see PSCAF on the CFC list, however, this ac­ count belongs to a San Francisco Agency and should not be confused with the Portland work Supporters of the Portland PSCAF must write in the complete name and account number of PSCAF, which is 6731, on their checks or money orders in order to make certain that their contribution reaches our commun ity. Last year monies contributed to the Portland Chapter were sent to San Francisco; however, Portland recieved a partial reimbursement this last October Secondly, it is imparative for po­ tential contributors to know that in­ cluding the Portland Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation on the United Way form is of no avail because the PSCAF was rejected by the United Way There was a final decision by the United Way Development Fund which pieced the PSCAF in the "Disease Prevention" category, and it is in a "low priority for the United Way funding " The write ins last year, including the director's spouse for the PSCAF, went to other agencies because the PSCAF was rejected as a United Way agency, therefore, disqualifying them Supporters wishing to contribute to the PSCAF m ust send their checks or money order by direct mail to PSCAF The PSCAF has supporting Board Members, such as Dr Ernie Hartzog. Assistant Super intendent of Portland Public Schools, David Niero of Niero b Associates. Reverand John Sims of Portland Community College, Rev erand John Jackson of Mt Olivett Baptist Church, Ed Ritter of Pio neers of America, Ken Berry of Portland Public Schools, Reverand Joshua Phillips, Willie Mae Hart of the National Council of Negro Women, and several others Nor man Lindstedt is the Foundation's legal counsel. N A T ,!« »TATUI» E\MII 1 h lY S II TAN (StkM 2N'> W M The "Bethel Bakers" of Bethel Lutheran Church are again having the annual Bake Sale at the church, 5658 N Denver Ave For sale will be Scan dinavian breads and pastries Also there will be demonstrations of Lefse baking and Krumkake making Lunch of homemade soup and sandwiches, pie and coffee or tea will be available Time Saturday, November 22, 9:30 a m. to 3 30 p m Everyone is welcomel X l'iN R IIJ.IN »,SW ilH ni IX 'Hrt AND »>K‘»7’ I7 As prim ary he alth care pro vid ers we o ffe r a full range of naturopath,» he alth care service The n a turop athic physician provides p re ve n ta tive w h o listic and na tural fa m ily health care for a w ide range o f .u n te and ch ro n ic c o n d itio n s and m in or traum a tic injuries The fo llo w in g is a list o f services avallatile th ro u g h the clinic Feel free to call and discuss your qu estio ns about the n a tu ro p a th ic approach -to he alth and h o w it applies to you and your fam ily Social Security Numbers for Children Requi red in 1987 S TA N D A R P IA B O R A T O R Y A N D D IA G N O S TIC TESTING H AIR M IN ER A L A N A LYSIS ph ys io thera py M A N IP U L A T IO N A N D MASSAGE EXERCISE THERAPY CLEA N SING P R O G R A M S ANO EASTING COUNSELING BOTANICAL MEOICINE H O M EO P A TH Y HYDROTHERAPY required social security number There is no reason to pay $10. Williams says You can open your child's social security ac count yourself Social security accounts for children can be opened by mail or at a Social Security office Call your nearest Social Security office for more information v o / Vo 13 RENAULTC anna Ferrari * * ü OYOTA SUBARU School We have plenty of space and friends for you to work in our Home Arts Room 1100) We are located at 7334 NE Siskiyou, Portland There is no cost to come and participate Janet Favro is the facilitator If you want more information, contact Cheryl Martin the coor dinator of Gregory Heights Community School Her phone number is 280 5606 COMPLETE PHYSICAL E X A M S C O N S ULTA TIO N S TOR •D ’ l | I I I I'N IIH I I M S GYNECOLOGIC E X A M S ANO W O M E N S HEALTH CARE N U TR ITIO N A L A N D DIETARY ASSESSM ENT ALLERGY TESTING A N D C LINICAL ECOLOGY G ERIATRICS CHILDREN S MEDICINE SCHOOL ANO JOE» PHYSICALS PRENATAL AND POSTNATAL CARE ® u n i* « ili’ attention! !i Do you have an unfinished needlework project lying around the house? Do you find it hard to find time to bake all those Christmas cookies? Do you need a large table for cutting out material or laying out a craft pro ject? If this is you, we have the answer for you!I Come to "Your Thing Our Place!" Tuesday nights from 7 to 9 30 pm at Gregory Heights Community STEVEN BAILEY. N I). The "Bethel Bakers ' of Bethel Lutheran Church When you begin preparing your 1987 federal income tax re turn (due on April 15, 19881 you will find that social security num bers will be required for children claimed as dependents that are 5 years of age and older The year 1988 may seem a long way off, but applying for your child's social security number now will insure that you have it when needed, says Cal Williams. Multnomah County Extension agent As more and more people become aware of this now regu lation, the number of new social security accounts will increase considerably and processing time is apt to take longer There have been reports of a private business charging a fee of $10 to furnish children with the rates clothing and food (tanks and other programs serving Portland Vancouver area families LIFE will sort and display the clothing and provide it free for those in need Following are locations where clean and wearable clothing may be dropped off during business hours Children's World locations Beaver ton: ,8425 N.E. Walker Road, or 4845 S W Murray Blvd., or 12360 S W Pioneer Lane, Gresham 3200 N E Hogan, Hillsboro: 177, S.E Minter Bridge Road; Rockwood 840 N E 181st. Sunnyside 10501 S.E. Sunnyside; Vancouver: 622 S.E 117th Ave . or 1002, N E. Ha zel Dell Ave KGW TV location Portland 1501 S W Jefferson For more information about the program or donation locations, call 15031641 7558 À AW Check Our Low Prices Oil Filters — Air Filters $2.98 — $3.95 W alnut Park Lock & Key 533 N E Ktlhngsworth 503-288-6338 Most Fan Belts — $3.95 Brake Shoes & Pads Exchange 24 hr Emergency Service ^ ¡g ^ H a irp ie c e ^ n d T B e a u t^ ijp p f tes Sale & Restyling Valve Cover Gaskets Buy a heat pump by November 15th and get a valuable free bonus from Pacific Power. For information, call 1-8OO-222-4335. — $3.95 If your import is over 4 years old... . . it’s time to chanqe the belts With today's belts you can', tell when*they are about to break. So. i, your import car is tour years old, save yourself some big trouble. Replace the belts now, a, ?7 ***; I • * .• * J t I A »