I Research Assistant I Oregon State University I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Research Assistant. Forest Man agement Department. Oregon State University Required qual ifications BS degree in forestry or a BA BA in a related field with forestry experience, experience in operating IBM personal com puters, ability to work effectively with others, and able to com municate clearly both orally and in writing Desirable qualifies tions Experience in developing single tree distance independent growth models, experience with with the growth models PROGNOSIS. CRVPTOS. or I Stem s. I 12-8 86 Position available To apply send resume, I transcripts, three letters of ref erence by 1 2 /3 /8 6 to: Oregon S tate U niversity Portland, OR 97222 D W Hann Forest M a n a g e m e n t OREGO N S tate University Corvallis. OR 97331 E N V IR O N M E N TA L MGR A MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS (Noise Pollution Manager) B lu r C ro M a nd B lu r Shield o f < Oregon, a m ajo r h e a lth insurance com pany. 1» c u r r e n t ly a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n * for f u t u r e o p e n in g * in o u r M e d i* al C la im * Processing D e p a rtm e n t P om tio n re q u ire * in d iv id u a l* w ith *tro n g m ed ical te rm in o lo g y , I C D 9 and C R T coding ha< k g ro u n d . and at lea*t I year w o rk e xp e rien ce in a m ed ic a l o tfu e or h o *p ita l * e ttin g C R I e x p e rie n c e or p ro fic ie n t ty p in g * k ill* are req u ire d • This position is with the Depart­ ment of Environmental Quality in Portland and will manage the states noise pollution control program To qualify you must have equivalent lo 4 years of skil­ led specialized experience in staff, technical, laboratory or field work dealing with an environmen­ tal program of which 1 year must have included experience in planning, organizing, directing and implementing special pro­ jects, assignments & studies or 1 year performing complex inspec­ tions or investigation ol environ­ mental issues. OR 4 years of supervisory experience dealing with environmental programs OR 4 years of experience in an environmental protection or con­ trol program which has included environmental studies. AND a BA degree in environmental, physi­ cal or natural science, civil chem ­ ical or mechanical engineering or closely related field or 3 more years of the required experience Preference will be given to candi­ dates who have Professional En­ gineering Registration with ex p e n e n ce in noise c o n tro l methods and Oreqon regula­ tions K n o w le d g e ot X ray and lab prove d u re * e x tre m e ly h e lp fu l. F o rm e r B lue C ro a t and B lu e Shield ot O re g o n C la im * A n a ly x t* are encouraged to ap pl> B lue C ro M and Blue Shield of O re g o n o ffe r* an e x c e lle n t em ployee b e n e fit* p a c k ag e, fle x tim e w o rk h o u r*, and (o m p e titiv e *a la ry Pleave apply in person, or vend re iu m e to Blue Cross Blue Shield of O regon Human k rw a rrn Dry).. Xlk H u m 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OK «’ 201 OSU is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 of the POSITION WANTED Rehabilitation Act of 1973 R e p o rte r/P h o to g ra p h e r POSITION OPEN N EW S EDITOR Minimum two years experience in copy editing and enough flexi bility to cover several beats for a large South coast weekly. Must be fast and thorough, and have the ability to operate a 35mm camera Weekend work is required. Send resume and references to: Joe Heitz, Editor, Curry Coastal Pilot, PO Box 700 Brookings, OR 97415 (503) 469 3123._____ ______ FOR SALE Reorganizing typesetting depart ment for my five newspapers Compugraphic IV B ($4,000) and Compuwriter ($1,500). Spare parts kits included Lots of fonts Make me an offer I can't refuse jim Flint, Toppenish Review, (509)865 4055 Free lance writer/photographer for publications such as the Ore gonian and Business Journal Emphasis on economic issues Has also written feature stories, stories covering Tigard city coun cil, school board meetings, and more for the Oregon Journal Contact: Patricia Tierney, 10950 SW Pathfinder Way, Tigard, OR 97223 1503) 639 9873 $2521 $3221 M ONTHLY Call DEO Personnel by Nov. 21, 1986 at 229-5382 to request an announcement & an application Equal Opportunity Employer BROADCAST ANNOUNCER Broadcast Announcer needed for part time position Previous ex penence necessary Send tape and resume to Program D irector P O Box 22125 $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID For remailing letters from homel Send self addressed, stamped envelope for information/appli cation Associates Box 96 B Roselle. N J 07203 Portland. OR 97222 Equal Opportunity Employer C R E D IT C A R D S New Credit Card’ No one refused Visa Mastercard Call 1 619 565 1522 Ext C30260R 24 hrs November 12, 1986, JOBS, Page 5 - , «i... r • fte - »4