WORD PROCESSING IN FO R M A TIO N PRECESSING ANALYST High volume department in a major health insurance company has an opening for an Inform a tion Processing Analyst Ouali fied applicants must have the follow ing experience previous machine transcription and at least 6 m onths experience in the operation o f w ord processing equipm ent, preferably IBM in a centralized environm ent De monstrated know ledge of correct spelling, grammar and punctua tion, ability to follow complex w ritten fct verbal instructions and procedures, excellent organi/a tional b com m unication skills, ability to w ork under pressure, typing 55 65 w pm Other quail ties helpful w ill be high school or equivalent degree or courses in w ord processing technology A pplications w ill be accepted through Friday, November 14 1986 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent ern ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and cornpeti tive salary Please apply or send resume to: B lue C ross and B lue S h ie ld o f O re g o n Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employei POSITION W ANTED REPORTER P H O TO G R A PH E R Free lance w riter photographer for publications such as The Ore gonian and The Business Journal Emphasis on economic issues Has also w ritten feature stories covering Tigard city council, school board meetings, and more for the Oregon Journal. Contact Patricia Tierney. 10950 SE Path finder Way, Tigard. OR 97223 15031639 9873 | APARTMENT FOR REN I SEC TIO N 8 SEN IO RS 162 b o ve rt H A N D IC A P P E D (any age) Now accepting apple ations for new housing under , (instruction in Oak Grove (south of Milwau kie). I o apply, send your name b address and phone number to: IK O I So T e rra ce c o G u a rd ia n M a n a g e m e n t C o rp P O Box 06U58 P o rtla n d O re g o n 97206 Equal Housing O pportunity E N G IN EER IN G CHIEF OF ENGINEERING Salary: $34,400 $4b 500 Supervise engineering function for the Portland Development Commission the redevelopment agency foi the City of Portland Oregon Supervise preparation ol construction plans and specific.! lions tor development pro|e< Is to ensure successful bidding, sound construction within budget on time Assist and advise protect staff and consultants, redesign and construction management of projects Coordinate projects with City Bureaus Supervise en­ gineering staff Requirements include minimum ol 5 years supervisory experi­ ence as a Civil Engineer in con­ struction Possession of valid Oregon Professional Civil En­ gineer C ertificate within 6 months To apply Send resume to Portland Development Commission 1,20 SW 5,h Ave Portland OR 97204 Phone 503-796-5349 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employei PIANO FOR SALE W ANTED Responsible party to assume small m onthly payments on piano See locally Call credit Manage, t 800 44 7 4266 D IS P LA C E D H O M E M A K E R PRO JECT C O O R D IN A T O R Manages a project designed to help displaced homemakers and single parents in the Portland area become sel, sufficient Ser ves as liaison between the Private Industry Councils. Portland Com m unity College and State Depart men, of Education Responsibilities include overall management o f the project; interagency coordination; super vision of staff project m onitoring and evaluation Position regmres 2 years o f ma nagemen, experience in |ob tram mg, programs tor women or com m unity college. Bachelor's degree required Masters degree or equivalent experience desir able; valid OUL Salary range S2,ULXJ to 52,333 per m onth Send resume to P riv a te In d u s try C o u n c il P O Box 69039 P o rtla n d , OR 97201 Application deadline November 15, 1986 calls 5pm No phone An A ffirm ative Action Equal O pportunity Employer POSITION W ANTED EDITO R Currently the senior account ex ecutive a, Turtledove Clemen's Public Relations division As the head o f the PR division o f TCI, one o l Portland's leading marke ting com m unications firms, he is active in *he developm ent and execution of PR marketing plans Prior to his work at TCI he was the news director at KGON EM RADIO IN Portland, where he was responsible for ga,tiering, w riting and producing local newcasts. His newspaper experience includes a general as srgnment reporting position a, The Charlottesville Observer, VA Contact Dave Kanner, 3611 SE W ashington Portland, OR 97214 15031 235 3381 or 226 diicl November 12 1986 JOBS Poye 3