CL A S S ! F !E D A D V ER TISII\IG Mlacallanaous For Saia Hiring Nowl Construe t«on (all phasasl Dn w r t . Machinists. Mac hames. Welders, Air­ lines. (up to *32.00/ hr.) (308) 382 3700. Wa know who's hiring) T ranscont inental Job Search Fee Required Half Prical Hashing arrow signs *3291 Ligh­ ted. non-arrow *3191 Unlighted, *249! Free lettersl Fully guaran teed factory warranty Limited quantity See locally Call today I 1 800 423 0163, anytime For remailing letters from home I Send self addressed, stamped an velope for information/application Associates B o * 96 8 Roselle. fJJ 07203 R E TIR E M E N T ft V A C A T IO N H O M E S C O A S TA L P R O P E R TY /R E A L ESTATE H elp W anted ' Retirement and Vacation Home seekers. V .H .S . Carpet Installers Need tapes are available on Oregon coast living and journey level carpet , oceanfront condominiums Preview in your own mechanics. Must be . privacy Broker owned. Call 1 800 732 5466 able to relocate Maui, Hawaii. Must have HELP W A N T E D own tools. Paid top LOOKING FOR WORK? W e need you Earn up to money. References $10 *15 per hour commission.. Fuller Brush Call and/or resume needed collect. 1 (5031 761 ,060 Call 1 808 242 6402. or write K B Tester, 401 S C H O O L S /IN S T R U C T IO N Hookahi S t., No. 14, ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog Wailuku. Maui, Hawaii mzed training school. Free nationwide placement 96793 incredible demand Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad way. Suite 3F. Portland. OR 97232 Tel (503) Business 284 , 240 CaN collect Opportunities Miscellaneous For Sale 1000 Sunbeds Sunal Wolff Systems Buy the best. Direct from manufacturer. Save thousands While they last Commercial 6r residential. Sunquest lamps b Trevor Island Lotions 1 800 228 6292. Personals Private Adoption. Pro fessional and loving couple wishes to adopt infant or child four P ER SO N A LS years or younger. All LOST TRACK OF SOMEONE SPECIAL? W e find ' related attorney fees friends, relatives, or anyone for any reason As paid. In Portland, call low as $50 Let us reunite you for the holidays 246 2574 Outside call Call Friend Finders International, 1 800 FINDERS 15031 362 9550 Travel Agency. Own your own Contact Un­ iglobe Travel, the lar­ gest and fastest grow ing franchisor of travel agencies in N Ameri­ ca. No travel industry experience required. Investment required. Call Tamara at (503) 298 3492 R E C R E A TIO N A L VEH IC LES Building M aterials NEW ALJO ALY ,6 % foot Trailer. 2200 dry Pole Bunding Com weight. Fully self contained Side dinette. Front I plete packages Large gaucho. $5,500 Terms Woodburn Dealer j sliding door, four coio red walls. 6x6 poles. (503)982 3210. 24x24x10 $1326, 24x48 x12 42314, 30x60x12 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S DISTRIBUTORSHIP AVAILABLE: Own your *3214 Other sizes La own business with extremely high income poten j bor and financing avail Call 1503 ) 293 tial. Manufacturer specialty chemicals for com j able 0613; 1800 872 0070. mercial use (non toxic). Fast growing industry or 293 0 6 ,3 (Local P, Full training and support. (5031 286 1302. (Invest Id No.I. ment required). Personals Adoption: Happily mar ried couple wishes to adopt infant. Child will have loving, secure fa mily, with all advanta­ ges of good home. Ex­ penses paid. Attorney involved (5031 635 7773 M O TO C Y C LE S Y A M H A H A Center ATVs, Riva scooters, dirt bikes. Power products. Poians 4 wheelers Ef Wet Jets We'll take anything of value in trade. 1503) 472 2500 USED C A R S FOR SALE R E C R E A TIO N A L VEH IC LES 86 Nomad 25' 5th wheel. $11,500, was $15.093 Nomad travel trailer. $9,950; was $ 11,789 Ocean way RV. Hwy ,8 99W Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut off). McMinnville. Oregon Call ,503) 434 6505 R E C R E A TIO N A L VEH IC LES SAVE,,I Factory Direct. '86 closeouts, compact, lightweight, super insulated travel trailers, 5th wheels, and mini motorhomes Call SCAMP toll free 1 800 346 4962 for free brochure D E S C R IP TIO N TER M PRICE C A SH PRICE PM NUMBER 3 Bd 1 Ba 1260 S q F f » 0 0 0 00 31 600 00 2,452« 54 (MU 00 46 61Ä) 00 205563 40 (J00 00 36 (*«) 00 2,1 2 98 3 Bd 2 Ba 1221 Sq Ft 56 000 00 4 H d l f l . t 1060 S q F f 4 Bd 2 B • 2 83 / S q F t 4 B d 2 Ba iflB /S q F t 5 0 (0 )1 « ) 45 (■«) 00 4M 5UO OO 46 CM«) 00 40 51«) («I 2 1 6 /2 , 216162 2U W /5 4M <«■) 00 44 100 00 2 0 6 3 // 3 8 ,i 1 8 . nee So i t 2 Bd 1 Ba 1200 Sq Ft 40 000 00 » 0 0 0 00 2 0/0 16 2 / 000 00 .4 ■ 2 06 6,0 61 000 00 54 900 00 2B 600 00 22 NX) 00 213130 6 / 51«) U0 6 / 500 UO 56 500 00 «) 61») 00 213368 C L A C K A M A S C O U N TY HELP W A N T E D LICENSED. BONDED W O W ,,, I lost 25 pounds in one month, You can too, Call and ask how money back guarantee! Call Dede today' 1 800 821 1989 Ext 571 10 YEA RSO F EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE R E MODE LI NG I! 11!! Bd C la ts ka n ie 1 5 Ba 1W Sq Ft HELP W A N T E D 1777 B a rw m la n e Fugsne LINN C O U N TY TIN S f 41st A v e A lbany 7036 S W 16th A lbany M A R IO N CO U N TY 1277 12nd C t NE Salem 7760 EHrs A ve NF Salam 4176 Q ian w o o d Or S I S alam M ULTNO M AH 8 4 7 5 8a 1 M l Sq 2 Bd 1 Ba 1040 S q F f 3 Bd 1 Ba WB Sq Ft Ft M Ft 32 (MV 00 25 (««) («) C O U N TY 461 S I Q ilh e m P o rtlan d 747 NF 7Q7nd A ve P ortlan d 10047 S W 76th A v e P o rtlan d 4074 N G e n ten b ein P o rtlan d 7630 N l S ara to g a P ortlan d 1017 N B u ffa lo St P ortlan d 7430 N l R odney P ortlan d ’ 4Bd J Bd 3 Bd 5 Ba 1/0B Sq J Ba 2232 Sq Ft 2 Ba 1324 Sq Ft 1 Ba I W S q F t 76 000 00 /6.00Ü 00 66 000 00 2 Bd , Ba 1 9 2 /S q F t 1 Ra SBOSqFt 34 M 2 / J6 3 B d 2 Ba 1130 Sq Ft 4 B d 3 Ba 2251) S q F f 2 Bd , Ba BUOSqFt 000 («10 500 000 00 00 00 00 W davk Or * * Sxtxm 216J2B 2 0 3 /» 213 /00 .tn w » 2U8B6O 30 6U0 (JO • 3, 500 00 2131» 2 ,4 /3 7 48 000 00 41 21 JO 1» 212717 56 (MX) («) » 000 00 50 41«) (JO 31 5U0 00 20B0t«> 2 ,4 9 1 / POLK C O U N TY ?«M 216126 U M A T IL L A CO U N TY 6J6 S I 2nd P endle ton R o u te 3 Bos 41 M ilto n Free w a te r W A S H IN G T O N C O U N TY M W S W O lxxon P ortlan d 3 B 1 2 Ba 1944 Sq Ft SO 000 00 54 000 00 21*184 3 B d 2 Ha 1 3 2 /S q F t 2 Bd 1 Ba 52B Sq Ft 50 000 00 29 000 00 46 000 00 26 100 00 21M0B W A S H IN G T O N STATE CLARK C O U N TY MM Nl IM lh Avx V onco uvor B l l S I J»d Avo C r m M VA w ill consider offers below the List Price on these properties!,III T H IS P R O P E R TY HAS 8 Bd 4 6 Ba ,260 Sq Ft Purchasers must obtain their own financing for all »ales Please contact a real estate agent of your choice fo see or bid on any of the properties hated Only bids presented by licensed agents will be accepted MUD reserves the right to re|e< t any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bids All homes sold as is NO WARRANTY These properties may contain code violations An earnest money deposit of $1000 Ito be deposited m client s trust account) is required with e » h utter to purchase i "TO P VALUE" properties listed below have been Fixed Up, C leaned Up, and Certified. No m ajor work to do, MOVE RIGHT IN. The new H U I) 954« S tandard R etail Sales C o n tra i I i t a v a ila b le in our off*« e UO 6 / 500 00 2 ’ 0984 66 000 00 49 600 00 ’ 4BB4 40 000 <«) » 000 00 206)58 4 / 000 00 42 300 00 31 600 00 3 ’ 500 («) 216OS, 2 )4 6 /6 /6 000 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM, NOV. 1 0 ,1 9 8 6 . D ESC R IPTIO N ADDRESS 2 Bd ? Ba 1278 Sq FI 6170 Tillam ook Ave Bay City 3 B<1 1 Ba 728 Sq Ft U - 494 Sq Fl Fin Basa 8635 SE TOth St M ilw aukie 2 Bd 1 Ba ,15 8 Sq Fl 4904 NE TOIh Axe. Portland 2 Bd I Ba ,18 4 Sq F, 4214 NE 57th Axe Portland 3 Bd I Ba 1,2 4 Sq FI 31 IS NE 73rd Axe. Portland 2 Bd 1 Ba 720 Sq Fl 4525 NE STth Axe. Portland 2 Bd 1 Ba 722 Sq Fl 734 NE 120th. Portland 4 Bd : da ,728 8 q Ft (Duplex) 15541 E Burnalda Si. Portland 4 Bd 2 Ba 1728 Sq F, (D uplex, 15557 E Burnalda St. Portland 3 Bd I Ba 955 Sq Ft 6307 SE H azel. Portland 4 Bd 2 Ba 2259 Sq Fl (D u p le .) 426 26 N M aaon SI. Portland 7 Bd I Ba 2209 Sq , ' 5614 N M ittla a lp p l. Portland 2 Bd , Ba 736 Sq Fl ' 6505 N Trum bull. Portland 3 Bd 1 * I Ha 1553 Sq Ft 2203 SE Yam hill. Portland 3 Bd 2 Ba 1,52 Sq Ft 2213 SE Y am hill Portland 3 Bd I ' . B a 1602 Sq Fl ' 10605 Fonnar SI. Tigard 3 Bd 2 Ba 1334 Sq Ft ' 13020 NE 8th PI. Vancouxer 3 Bd I Ba 897 Sq Fl 520 NE 97th Axa. Vancouxer 3 Bd 2 Ba 1579 Sq Fl ' 2712 NE 146th SI. Vancouxer 3 Bd 1 Ba 1,0 0 Sq Fl 3100 NE W hitm an Axa. Vancouxer PRICE CASE N U M B f RS *53.500 *30 300 * ,,.5 0 0 *31 000 *24,500 *19 950 *27.500 * *42 000 *18.950 *18 000 *20.000 *23.450 *36.450 *32.900 *46.500 *54.000 *42.000 *56.950 *37,950 743 , 243, V43, V431 V 431 990016 I! M S , ,54394 ,43723 170743 987 203 270 203 243, ,34783 23, W 1OP VALUE W A TOP VALUE W W TOP VALUE W * TOP VALUE W V 4 3 I- ,83078 V431- ,5466;» V431- ,54664 V431 ,38525 ■ 146485 V431 ,6 5 2 ,7 V431 ,5 ,0 4 1 V431 1587,6 V 4 3 , 158720 V431 ’ 48868 V 5 6 9 014056 . $89 0 1 8,44 V 569-013702 V 5 6 9 0 ,6 ,0 2 .’d i 203 203 203 20 I 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 270 203 EXTENDED LISTINGS-OFFERS OPENED DAILY 4624 SE 63rd Axa. Portland 3105 SE 112th Axa. Portland 6222 N Leonard SI. Portland 10004 SE H arold SI. Portland 4121 N Willie. Portland 160 1 90 NW 12th SI. Sherwood 1 ,1 2 NW ,37 th SI. Vancouxer 577 K SI W ashougal 4 Bd I Ba ,9 , 6 Sq Fl 3 Bd 1 Ha 9 9 6 S q F I 3 Bd 1 Ba 912 Sq Fl (O versized dbl g arage) 2 Bd 1 Ba 5 ,2 Sq Ft 3 Bd 2 Bn 1114 Sq F, 4 Bd 2 Ba 1560 Sq F, (D uplex) 2 Bd 2 Ba 896 Sq Ft 2 Bd I Ba 8 ,4 Sq Fl *36.500 *32.000 *32.150 *16.950 *39 900 *49 000 *39 000 *10 800 V 4 3 , ,67 369 203 2 4 ) , ,55266 270 1 ’ W TOP VALUE * * TOP VALUE i t V 4 .I, V43, V 4.1, V 569 V569 ‘IHI ,65320 203 ’ 4908 1 .’ 70 152120 203 0 ,4 8 7 4 26, 0 ,3 4 5 2 270 O IF ,C l I N C U S 6 B d 3 Ba 3 O 3S qFt 440 W 77th tu g e n a OB N O W A B B A N T IIS TH IS P RO PE RTY H A S D E F IC IE N C IE S 4 Bel 2 Ba 2320 S o f t 401 C lover A um e vilfa OB N O W A R R A N T IE S TH IS P R O P E R TY H A S D E F IC IE N C IE S 4 B d 2 Ba (SBOSqFt 7707 N f 12th A ve P o rtlan d OB 3 B d 1 Ba 1020 S q F f 1021 C a ro lin a Bd UmttrHra OB 1904 N l 209th S» R idga fiald ................ .. ‘ WA T H IS P R O P E R TY H A S O f F I C I f N C lf S M A Y MOT B ( O P C B A S lF 15% discount to Senior Citizens Now’s your chance to take advantage of excellent real estate values offered by HUD. /«O98 SPECIAL LISTINGS 14902 04 OS OS SE A n a ta Or M d w a u k ia 0 8 PHONE: 289-5411 OVERSEAS JOBS »20.000 to $60.000 plus bonus Job offers guaranteed Free information Ooy corp. Box 697 LGS, Pocatello, Idaho 83201 PREVIOUS WEEK’S LISTING-BID OPENING MON., NOV. 1 0 ,1 9 8 6 at 1:00 PM. LANE C O U N TY 2900 S u m m er I n F u yene 1134 Tyson Ie n e tu y e n e S862) C h e s tn u t S t M a p le to n CALL TODAY Homes e lig ib le for FHA M ortgage Insurance with low down paym ent C O L U M B IA CO U N TY 316 S NeA alem St FREE ESTIMATES Im p o rta n t In fo rm a tio n 10% Interest or 9.5% Interest with 5% down or 9.5% Interest with no down payment to Veterans Intending to occupy home. 3 B d 2 Ba 1342 Sq Ft PAINTING INTERIOR b EXTERIOR W ALL b FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES - HAULING b MOVING M ASO NARY WORK P IC K U P S /C A N O P IE S All Prices Recently Reduced. 1106N lu p in e C t Canby DBA: 450 CANOPIES CHEAP You buy factory direct Aluminum, plastic; new, used Free price list Phone free, 1 800 452 9,13. 9 5. 7 days Totem Mfg , 99E N Salem Anyone Can Buy 310 P ark St Corvallis Oewey Taylor II & James Cunningham Can YOU buy Jeeps, Cars. 4x4 s seized in drug raids for under $100 00? Call for facts today, Fee 1615) 269 6701 Ext 625 IK /*«/ R e n t . . . A D D R ES S BENTON C O U N TY D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC.' » 0 0 0 00 » 000 00 202 4/0 Homes In ,a d above as E .len d ed Listings were no, sold as a result ol lha competitive bid opening HUD WILL CONSIDER ANY REASONABLE OFFER These properties will rem ain available lor sale unlil such lime as they are relisted under different term s Each working day at 3 30 pm otters received lor these homes during the day will be evaluated In Ihe event lha, circurnslant es prexen, HUD Iron, opening otters on a given day Ihe properties will rem ain available ,o Ihe pom, ol actual acceptance by HUD o, the best n . l otter Otters submitted under this procedure shall be submitted in appropriately m arked sealer, envelopes containing HUD 9548 wdh adden dum ONE STEP PROCESS The new MUO 9548 deled 10'6S iSlanrtard Relail Sales C o n lr.i II and Addendum is available lo r u s e Irom ihe MUD Previous lorme |M U0 9551 end attachments old MUO 9548 end atlechm enlsi are obsolete end < annul be used W IL L 8 S IP T IC S Y S T E M NOW ABBANTKS ottree W e are also o ffa n n g a »600 00 c o m m lu lo n bonus to tha aalaa b ro k e r,1,11 Contact any Real Estate Broker RM V I I Any broker wishing to have a VA iep i r RESULT OF BID OPENINGS AND PROPERTIES AVAILABLE ON THE "EXTENDED LISTING AVAILABLE AT (5 0 3 )2 2 1 -3 4 9 8 This is a partial listing of HUO properties. For a complete listing of properties available tor sale by HUD, please see HUD'S listing in "The Oregonian" Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section.