Pay« 6, Portland Observer, November 5, 198b Children's Book Authors To Visit School Students at seven elementary schools will be visited in the week before Children’s Book Week by Pat Cumminga. author/iflustrator. and Eve Mer riam, author''poet. Pat Cummings will be visiting five schools (Boise Eliot, Glencoe, Irving ton. Sabin and John BaHI from Wednesday November 12th thru Friday. November 14 Eve Merriam will be visiting two schools I Llewellyn and Richmond) Friday, November 14th For more information, call 15031 249 2000 Official Notice of NAACP Election!!! The Portland Branch NAACP w ill hold its member ship meeting: N o v e m b e r 16, 4 :0 0 p .m . A n tio c h B a p t C h u rc h 5935 N M in n e s o ta P o rtla n d . O re g o n The Branch w ill receive the report o f the nomina ting com m ittee, nam ing nominees to the executive board and offices. N o m in a tio n s N om inations can be made from the floor w ith Susan M num zana speaks to stu de nts at Je ffe rso n H S d u rin g her b rief stay in P ortland M num zana. a m em ber of the A fric a n N ation p e titio n s signed by three members in good stand al Congress, is on a speaking to u r of t by the D em ocra tic S o cialist of Am erica ing. ANC Speaker In Portland The A n n u a l M e e tin g and E le c tio n o f O ffic e rs December 14, 1986 at 4:00 P.M M t. Olivet Bapt. Church By Angelyn M Irving "Liberation will come sooner or later," with continued effort and sup port Susan Mnumzana, African National Congress, spoke at Mt Olivet Baptist) Church, Thursday, October 30 She presented several topics speci lically related to the plight of Black South Africans in their struggle for freedom The African National Congress (AN C )", she said, "was formed to unite colored people across the country." When asked if the ANC had a model to follow when the apartheid government is forced out, Mnumzana's re sponse was that the ANC does have a blueprint that includes the guaran teed rights for all men and women and the redistribution of the land Mnumzana praised Margaret Carter as a champion representative and supporter of women She stated that the Black South African woman suffers in many ways Among them: her legal rights to be treated as an adult are denied by law. Black women are perpetual minors They can do nothing without permission from their men. Black women receive no medi al services as such Involuntary sterilization is widespread among Black South African women while white women are encouraged to procreate On the issue of divestment, Mnumzana said that companies do not make Stop &■ Read Or) November 9th at the 11:00 a m worship service. Andrew Perkins will bo addressing the congregation of the Morning Star Baptist Church Ambassador Perkins who is the newly appointed (and first African American) Ambassador to South Africa is a former member of the North east congregation. The Public is invited changes because they want to "The recent pullouts are not seen as adequately responding to the pleas for divestment These companies will continue to receive profits from the manufacture and sale of their products They will also continue to provide technology Mnumzana encouraged continued efforts to 1 urge companies to com pletely pull out of South Africa and 2. urge the government to institute full sanctions South Africa is not self sufficient and would be hurt if sane tions were strictly enforced Public Meeting The Portland Private Industry Council’s monthly Board of Directors meeting will be held Wednesday, November 5, 1986 at the Cascade Build mg. Suite 400 520 S W Sixth, Portland, Oregon. Management Workshops Set 4 I C orner of 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 1 5 * m Sunday Worship 11 00 a m Christian Youth Fellowship 6 0 0 p m (second and fourth Sundays! P h ilh p S N elso n (P a s to r) T H E M O U N T O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H N E First b Schuyler • 284 1964 John M Jackson M w ttv t M i d M D 9 30 A M Church School 1 1 0 0 A M Congregational Worship 6 OOP M V•»*<>•« Service 10 00 A M Haptrs/n Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion ta ch F*«t Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National Oregon Portland Ecumenical M inistries American Bible Society M f»M Retard For each cup of honay a recipe call* for. you can use instead a cup and a quarter of sugar plus a quarter cup of liquid o d a te v o u rb ^ ,O % EDWARD E WARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" The word volume comes from the Latin word volvere meaning to roll because anciently, books were written on sheets rolled on a pin or roller - - -, M H V IV T K W ( M IIN T ID r a u iix M u h u sta »» IN M S A N U GLADI Y A O t r t l D »« undo u dation mm « nsitim tatiints - H U O O C V S ID FSMM TO T « l ATM!NT e - MSA MASTI aCA«D - « » T A P I NTS W ILCOM H) - AU BIS U N IS - YAUDATID fA M IN C - O O K .l MM RS MONDAY SA P «DAY I AM STM - IYINTNGS AYAIlAM J - ADA M IM S i« A single ounce of platinum could be drawn out into a wira. finer than a spider’s thread, that would reach from New York City to New Orleans W e do .tot d o business w ith Sguth A frica AH INOCPCNOCNT BANK h»ad Ottica 2 7 3 7 N. t . Union Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 Betty White, Secretary Portland Branch NAACP 4815 N.E. 7th Portland, OR 97211 'Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience ' George Weshington YOU A R I WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT A warm spirit of fellowship always’’ Four workshops in management skill* will be offered during December by the Center for Urban Education. 3136 SE Salmon Pre registration is re quired for all workshops which include. Building a Board for a Nonprofit Organization, 8 30 11 30 am. Wednesday, December 3 Registration fee is 130 Managing Your Boss. 1 30 4 30 pm. Thursday. December 4 Registration fee is $30 Financial Management for Nonprofit Managers and Board Members. 8 30 12 noon, Thursday. December 11 Registration fee is $35 Managing Technology in the Organization, 1 30 4 30 pm Thursday December 11 Registration fee is $40 For more information, contact the Center for Urban Education, 231 1285 % American n $ t ate Bank Portland, Oregon Ora L Nunley, Pres 84 N E K illin g s w o r t h • 281 0499 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH The first nation to receive foreign aid from the United States was Vanazuela The money was appropriated in 1812 to help victims of an aarthquaka 116 N.E. Schuyler 5 O 3 -2 2 8 - 3 O O 9 (tab'* Dr Edward C Ward 610 SW Alder, suite 1008 piar» payrn e