Page 4, Portland Observer, November 5, 1986 Journalist Says Fundamentalists Fine Yarns for Knit b Crochet OPEN TUESDAY 1H R U SA TU R D A Y Pray For Nuclear War Grace Halsell. noted journalist author, claims that some well known fundamentalist Christian evangelists are telling their followers to pray for nuclear war as a prelude to the second coming of Christ. "Tens of millions of Americans tune in to hear television evangelists preach the gospel of the born again Christian Right. Drawing from the Bible, these evangelists warn of nu clear war as Armageddon and then exhort their listeners to pray for that day as the sacred, inevitable day of the second coming of Christ." said Halsell Halsell, who was in town to pro mote her new book, "Prophecy and Politics: Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear W ar," said during an interview that the Christian Right, le<1 by T V evangelists Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart and others preach the in­ evitability of nuclear was as a neces sity for the second coming of Christ. She said, to fundamentalists of the far right, Armageddon means nuclear war Halsell said she has studied the TV evangelists over the past few years and has observed them quoting from the Old Testa merit Book of Revelations, and saying we must fight a nuclear war with Russia "The thing that is disturbing is that this is the fastest growing segment of Christianity, the ones who accept the Armaged don theology " There are 40 million evangelical fundamentalists in America. Halsell said not only are far right evangelist leaders telling their fol lowers to pray for nuclear war. she states that they have major influ ence on both the Democratic and Republican political leaders, inclu ding the President "Many of the Christian eloments vrith which Presi dent Reagan associates believe in the Armageddon theology. He told them (fundamentalists!, you don't have to endorse me, I endorse you," said Halsell Halsell said this type of thinking is dangerous and disturbing To call these evangelists fanatics is to ignore their fast grow mg impact on American life and on the future of the planet Halsell, 53, was formerly a speech writer for President Lyndon John­ son She is the author of 12 books, including "Soul Sister". "Soul Sister" is an account of HalseH’s six months as a white Texan turned black This was accomplished by taking drugs under a doctor's care for three months. Once her skin was darkened, she lived as a black woman in Harlem and Mississippi Halsell was asked what was most memorable about this experience. She replied, "Living in Harlem; it was hard to believe a ten minute subway ride ended in downtown Manhattan It seemed a million miles away The black people lived so close, yet so far from opulence." She said in Mississippi it was pretty bad "I knew I would be alienated and lonely, but I had no idea it would be so bad " Halsell said as a black domestic, the master of the house wanted to assault her body "As a black, I was desirable, not is spite of my body, but because I was black To the white man, I was a sex object, but even that 10 00 AM TO 5 00 PM 281 8607 1815 N.E. Broadway wasn't as bad as being an Indian To have one's mind assaulted is worse " Halsell was referring to her portrayal of a Navajo Indian Grace Halsell speaking at P ortland State "Ths b««l doctors in th« w orld are Doctor Di«t, Doctor Q uiet, and Doctor M errym an * Johnathon Sw ift Photo by Richard J Brown Prices Effective 11/5 Thru 11/11/86 At Safeways In Lloyd Center, St. Johns, 6400 N. Interstate or 5820 N.E. Union. No Sales To Dealers. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. Oregon Grown Whole Fryers Be Sure To Look In Your Fircrest Brand. Broil, Fry, Roast or Bake For A Tender Meat Dish. 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