M U L T N O M A H C O U N TY M U L T N O M A H COUNTY CALL FOR BID CALL FOR BID CHILD ABUSE RESPITE SERVICES INPATIENT DETOX SERVICES Proposal No REP No 6S0501 Proposals Due Dec 8, 1986 at 2:00 P M Proposal No REP No 6S0531 Proposals Due: Dec. 5, 1986 at 2:00 P M Copies ol the REP may be obtained from Multnomah County Purchasing. 2506 S E 11th, Portland. OR 97202 Copies of the RFP may be obtained from Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E, 11th, Portland, OR 97202 Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Director of Multnomah County at 2505 S E 11th Ave Portland. OR 97202. until 2 00 P M Pacific time for Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Director of Multnomah County at 2505 S.E. 11th Ave , Portland, OR 97202, until 2:00 P M Pacific time for: CHILD ABUSE RESPITE SERVICES INPATIENT DETOX SERVICES There is a M a n d a to ry Pre bid Conference, Novem There is a M a n d a to ry Pre bid Conference Novem her 6. 1986, 11 00 AM 12 00 Noon, at the J K. Gill Building, 426 S W Stark, 7th floor Conference Room her 6 1986 at 1 30 2 30PM. at the J K Gill Building. 426 S W Stark. 7th Eloor, Library The right is expressly reserved to reiect any and all proposals The right is expressly reserved to reiect any and all proposals K Busse Acting Director Purchasing Section K Busse A cting Director Purchasing Section M U L T N O M A H C O U N TY MULTNOMAH COUNTY CALL FOR BID CALL FOR BID DAY TREATMENT TEEN LINE Proposal No REP No 6S0521 Proposals Due Dec 8. 1986 at 2 00 P M Proposal No RFP No 6S0471 Proposals Due Dec 5, 1986 at 2:00 P M Copies of the RFP may be obtained from Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S E 11th, Portland, OR 97202 Copies of the RFP may be obtained from Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E 11th, Portland, OR 97202 Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Director of Multnomah County at 2505 S E 11th Ave , Portland, OR 97202. until 2 00 P M Pacific time for Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Director of Multnomah County at 2505 S.E 11th Ave . Portland. OR 97202, until 2:00 P M Pacific time for DAY TREATMENT TEEN LINE There is a M a n d a to ry Pre bid Conference. Novem There is ¿i M a n d a to ry Pre bid Conference, Novem ber 6. 1986, at 4 00 5 00PM, at the J K Gill Building. 426 S W Stark, 7th Floor, Library hri h 1986, at 9 45 10 45AM, at the J K Gill Build ing 426 S W Stark, 7th Eloor Conference Room The right is expressly reserved to reiect any and all proposals The right is expressly reserved to reject any and all proposals K. Busse Acting Director K Busse Acting Director Purchasing Section Paqe 12, JO B S, November 5, 1986 j ■■ -».T'annasa— »atte s .