Office Designed for Minorities An office designed to assist minority, disadvantaged and wo men owned business enterprises obtain contacts from U S De­ partment of Transportation - funded programs has be relo cated. The office, formerly located in San Francisco, has been moved to Washington, D C . according to Thomas Jones, Jr., manager of contract compliance for the State Highway Division's con struction section. The Office of Small and Dis advantaged Business Utilization may be contacted at the Minority Business Resource Center, 400 Seventh St. S.W , Room 9410, Washington, D C 20590 The telephone number is (202 ) 366 5343 Technical assistance is provi ded at no cost to qualified firms in a number of areas, including bid and proposal development, cost estimating, loan packaging and bonding assistance, accor ding to Jones. POSITION WANTED REPORTER Recently completed a four month reporting internship at The Oregonian. During college, served as a part time reporter from 1983 86 at the Oregon/ Washington Labor Press Con tact: Amy K Klare. 2167 NW Flanders. Portland, OR 97210 (503)231 4992 ESTATE JEWELRY BUY b SELL Cash for Your Old Silver b Gold such as • Wedding Bands. Fraternal Jewelry; • Class Rings, Broken Chains; • Dental Gold; ETC Carlyle Gems b Custom Jewelry 4425 N.E. Fremont 284 8400 POSITION WANTED SENIOR PROGRAMMER EDITOR Northwest Natural Gas Com pany, a Portland based utility, has an immediate opening for a senior programmer Primary re sporisibilities will include support of existing customer accounting and service order systems Can didates for this position must possess 4 years programming ex penence in a large IBM MVS environment IBM assembler and OS JCL proficiencies are a must with macro level CICS, TSO ISPF and DATACOM DB experience highly desirable Starting salary is $2,435 month with full t>enefit package Currently the senior account ex ecutive at Turtledove Clemen s Public Relations division As the head of the PR division of TCI, one of Portland's leading marke ting communications firms, he is active in the development and execution of PR/marketing plans Prior to his work at TCI he was the news director at KGON FM RADIO IN Portland, where he was responsible for gathering, writing and producing local newcasts His newspaper experience includes a general as signment reporting position at The Charlottesville Observer, VA Contact Dave Kanner, 36,1 SE Washington, Portland, OR 97214 (5031 235 3381 or 226 4184.___________ Jacki Lindquist Northwest Natural Gas Company 220 N W Second Avenue Portland. Oregon 97209 POSITION WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER Entry level photographer seeks position doing photography, de sign or artwork Has experience in paste up and photography work, and a BA in photography and two dimensional design Currently at Nehalem Bay Press where paste up and ad layout are among some of her responsi bilities Contact: Eleanor Roth, P 0 Box 282. Manzanita, OR 97130 An Equal Opportunity Employer JOB INFORMATION LINE 503 220 2434 RECREATION LEADER II Part Time/Exempt $4 760 $5 781 hr Variable work hours evening and weekends Building and program supervision a, SR Centor Exp in planning programs for elderly desireable. mm 1 yr college or equivalent exp . training in gerontology/ recreation Physical ability to move furniture, current 1st aid cert or abil to obtain Closing date 1, ,4 86 Apply POSITION OPEN CIRCULATION DISTRICT SALES MANAGER This is a challenging position for a highly motivated person with competitive instincts and strong people skills Responsi bilities include building circula tion through carrier sales, main taming customer relations and monitoring collections Appli cant must have a strong back ground in sales, service and col lections, the ability to recognize and solve problems and the de monstrated ability to direct and motivate others Send resume to: Statesman Journal Newspa per. Personnel Office, PO Box 13009, Salem, OR 97309 We are An Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in person or submit resume with cover letter by November ,0 to: I I I I J I I I I I I I I City of Salem PERS Dept Rrn 225 566 Liberty St SE Salem. Or 97301 EOE CREDIT CARDS New Credit Card1 No one refused Visa Mastercard Call 1 619 565 1522 Ext C30260R 24 hrs November 5, 1986, JOBS, Page 9