M U L T N O M A H C O U N TY M U LT N O M A H COUNTY CALL FOR BID CALL FOR BID C O M P R E H E N S IV E C H IL D A BU S E IN T E R V E N T IO N ID E N T IF IC A T IO N A N D REFERRAL Proposal No RFP No 6S0451 Proposals Due Dec 10, 1986 at 2 00 P M Proposal No RFP No 6S0481 Proposals Due: Dec 10, 1986 at 2 OOP M Copies o l the RFP may be obtained from M ultnom ah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E 11th, Portland, OR 97202 Sealed proposals w ill be received by the Purchasing Director of M ultnom ah County at 2505 S E 11th Ave . Portland. OR 97202, until 2 00 P M Pacific tim e for: Copies of the RFP may be obtained from M ultnom ah C ounty Purchasing, 2505 S E 11th, Portland, OR 97202 Sealed proposals w ill be received by the Purchasing Director of M ultnom ah County at 2505 S E 1 ,th Ave , Portland, OR 97202, until 2 00 P M Pacific tim e for: IDENTIFICATION and REFERRAL COMPREHENSIVE CHILD ABUSE INTERVENTION There is a M a n d a to ry Pre bid Conference, Novem ber 7, 1986, at 1 30 3 30PM, at the Grace O Pm k Building, 2415 S E 43rd Ave . 2nd Floor Conference Room There is a M a n d a to ry Pre bid Conference, Novem tier 7. 1986 8 30 9 30AM at the J K Gill Building, 426 S W Stark, 7th floor Conference Room The right is expressly reserved to reject any and all proposals The right is expressly reserved to reject any a id all proposals K Busse A c tin g D ire c to r K Busse A c tin g D ire c to r P u rc h a s in g S e c tio n P u rc h a s in g S e c tio n INVITATION FOR BID K IT C H E N A N D H E A T IN G M O D IF IC A T IO N S Sealed bids are requested for all labor and materials No bid w ill be considered unless accompanied by bid required for the installation o f new kitchen fixtures security in the form o f certified check, cashier's and central heating systems and will be received at check, or surety bond payable to the Housing A utho 8910 N W oolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97203, nty o f Portland in an am ount equal to 10% o f the until 2:00 p m. PST, Tuesday, December 2, 1986 bid w hich is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated S hortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly damages should bidder neglect or refuse to enter into read, and the attendance of bidders is welcomed a contract or provide a suitable bond for the faithful Basically, the w ork consists of construction for eight 181 prototype kitchens, including dem olition, replace ment o f cabinet fixtures, floor coverings, carpentry, w in d o w replacement, painting, plum bing, electrical renovations, as well as the installation of new gas fired central heating system in six (6 1 unit types Interested bidders may obtain one set o, bid docu ments at the HAP Maintenance Office, located at 8910 N W oolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97203, upon receipt of deposit of $20 00 w hich is refund able D ocum ents must be returned to HAP in good condition w ithin 10 days after bid opening in order to receive refund o f deposit A dditional sets may tie acquired for $10 00 w hich is not refundable A HAP representative w ill conduct a tour o f the job site com m encing at 10:00 a m .. Wednesday, No vember 19, 1986 The meeting w ill convene at the Maintenance Office and the attendance of all bidders is requested Questions posed at that time regarding the project, when not addressed in the specifica tions, w ill be answered by addenda and forw arded to all bidders by m a il perform ance of the work when bidder is notified of contract award A m inim um o f 20% MBE participation in the execu tion of this project is a HAP requirement and the m ethods the bidder proposes to com ply w ith this requirement are subject to HAP review and approval prior to initiating the contract No bidder may w ithdraw bid after the hour set for opening thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening The Housing A u th o rity o f Portland may reject any bid not iii cuinpiiaiice w ith trie prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all inform alities if, in the judgem ent o f HAP, it is in the public interest to do so Ques tions regarding this project should be directed to Dick Jones at 283 4602 H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y OF P O R T LA N D B a rre tt P h ilp o tt D ire c to r o f M a in te n a n c e November 5. 1986, JO BS Pane 7 1