DATA PROCESSING SUPERVISOR Technical Support Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Supervisor in Technical Services. To qualify, applicants must have 4 years experience within a technical support area, a Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience, in depth knowledge of M VS internals, CICS, and VTAM Applicants must also be technically profi cient and able to work well with all levels of management Pre vious management skills would be a plus. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi tive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer ELECTRO M EC H A N IC A L ASSEMBLERS With 12 mos exper required in electrical ft mechanical assem bly Soldering, reading 3 D drawings ft assembling in a man ufacturing environment are es sential Temporary full time post tions avail with possibility of be coming permanent Apply in person between 7 30am 4 00pm or send resume to: DRAKE WILLOCK Division. CD Medical Inc Attn Ramona 13520 SE Pheasant Ct. Portland. OR 97222 (No phone calls, please) An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer A P A R TM E N T FOR RENT SEC TIO N 8 S EN IO R S (62 ft over) H A N D IC A P P E D (any age) Now accepting applications for new housing under construction in Oak Grove (south of Milwau kiel To apply, send your name ft address and phone number to: IK O I So Terrace c /o G uardian M a n a g e m e n t Corp P O Box 06058 Portland. Oregon 97206 Equal Housing Opportunity DATA PMOCf SW* . SENIOR PROGRAMMER/ANALYST N ew p ro iect d e velo p m en t activities r e q u ir e s S e n io r P ro g ra m ­ m er A nalyst level start addition Se m or P ro g r a m m e r A n a ly s t a p p li cants m ust have successful protect lea d e rs h ip e v p erien ce on 2 3 per son protects ot 6 m onths duration or lo nger E ip e n e n c e d o in g a n a ly s is and desig n lor la rg e new system s is h ighly d e s ira b le In d iv id u a ls m ust have a m inim um ot 4 years a ip e r i en ce in a business applications sys terns en viro n m en t and technical c o m p e te n c e in C .O B O l T8O O S 'J C l M V S or VSI shop e« p en - en ce is requ ired Senior P ro y ra m m e r/A n a ly s i will • P erform Iron! end analysis • Wi te user A DP specifications • P eril,rrn techm , al design • P erform protect es tim atin g A scheduling • C ixir tin ate witn m ultiple users across functional areas • W ide protect A op era! « ria l docu m entatio n S e n io r P r o g r a m m e r A n a ly s t will be e x p e c te d Io d ire c t , 2 p e o p le or perform the most techn ically dit licull d e velo pm en ts B lue Cross Blue S hield ot O regon otters an ex, eilent e m p lo yee b e n e ­ fits p a c k a g e lie« tim e work hours and co m p etitive salary P leas e ap­ ply or send resu m e Io D IS PLA C E D H O M E M A K E R PROJECT C O O R D IN A T O R Manages a protect designed to help displaced homemakers and single parents in the Portland area become self sufficient Set ves as liaison between the Private Industry Councils, Portland Com munity College and State Depart ment of Education Responsibilities include ovorall management of the protect, interagency coordination, super vision of staff protect monitoring and evaluation Position requires 2 years of ma nagement experience in |ob train mg, programs for women or community college. Bachelor s degree required Masters degree or equivalent experience desir able, valid ODL Salary range 52.000 to $2,333 per month Send resume to Private Industry Council P O Box 69039 Portland. OR 97201 Application deadline November 15. 1906 calls. 5pm No phone An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Looking for a degreed individual in Business. Economics, or Fi nance with a 3 point GPA Two plus years experience in retail Job Order No 400 Employer fee paid Send resumes to The Brooks A gency 3575 N E B roadw ay Portland, Oregon 97232 E 0 E Blue C ross Blue Shield of Grenon H u m a n K r u iu n es D ep t . Sth F tour IllO S tt M a rk e t Portland. OR ‘»7201 ■■ w A » C io m Fyna/ryysviHiwii Z $60 00 PER HUNDRED PAID For remailmg letters from home' Send self addressed, stamped envelope for information appli cation Associates Box 95 B Roselle NJ 07203 November 5. 1986 JOBS. Paqe 5 /•