* Prince Hall Grand W orthy M atron Honored Barbara J. Callier Grand Worthy Matron of Prince Hall Grand Chap ter. 0 E.S , (PHAI of Oregon and It* Jurisdiction, was the recipient of a banquet given m her honor by Alfred E. David. Chapter No 8 of Mountain Home. Idaho A delightful program was presen ted for the enjoyment of the many friends and members who were in attendance to pay tribute to GWM Callier A highlight of the evening was an official declaration from Mayor Dan Etter proclaiming Octo ber 4th as Barbara J Callier Day in the City of Mountain Home" Special remarks were made by Joseph I . Harvey. Grand Master of Prince Hall Masons of Oregon Juris diction, Susie Simmons, Grand Worthy Matron of Washington Jurisdiction, Mayor Etter of Moun tain Home, and other guests Mrs Callier is married to Roy L. Callier and the mother of three chil dren, Barbara Jean Callier. Stepha me Ann Callier Evans and Roy Lee Callier, Jr. All were present Ms Yvonne Washington, a niece of Mrs. Callier from Altadena, Califor ma. also joined the happy family Mrs Callier is a member of Alfred E. David Chapter, 0 E.S. Willa mette Assembly 57, Order of the Golden Circle; Mina Court 142, Daughters of Isis, The Phyllis Chap ter of the Phylaxis Society Busi ness and Professional Women's Or gamzation; American Legion Auxil tary, Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, and numerous other orga fixations She is the first Grand W orthy Matron of PH Grand Chap ter of Oregon to reside out of the City of Portland The Jurisdiction Cam paign '86 Dear Voters: November 4, 1906 is election day throughout the state of Oregon Voters will be asked to decide on candidates and important ballot measures that will have a direct impact on their lives We urge all Oregonians to exercise their right and vote during the General Election. The Observer recommends that voters study their Voters' Pam phlets carefully or attend forums that educate voters on the issues before them Thank you for reading The Portland Observer, and, please, vote on Tuesday, November 4, 1906 Slide P resentation on A fric a n H istory Grandworthy J Callier M atron Barbara of Oregon has Prince Hall Masonic Lodges and Chapters in Oregon, Idaho and Montana Eastern Stars and Masonic mem hers from Portland who attended were Past Grand Matron Layola I Brown Past Grand Matron Helen E Riley Past Grand Matron Doro thy E Vickers, Grand Associate Matron JoAnn Childs. Grand Con ductress. Frances R Johns, Past Matron Rubie Franklin. Worthy Ma iron Mary E Henderson Masonic members were Past Grand Master Andrew Cnilds Past Grand Master Joseph H Henderson, Past Grand Master Thomas R Vickers, Grand Sentinal Thomas J Mills Mrs Mildred McNeal was the Mistress of Ceremonies Mrs Alice Taylor is the Worthy Matron and Mr Levy Belton is the Worthy Pat ton of Alfred E. David Chapter No 8. of Mountain Home. Idaho Dr Asa Hilliard, National International Scholar on African and African American history will present a slide presentation on Africa's contributions to the World on Friday October 31, 1906 The presentation will be held in the cattena of Martin Luther King Elementary School from 7 00 to 9 0 0 p m 4815 N E 7th Dr Hilliard is making his first visit this school year to Portland as Chief Consultant for Portland Public Schools Desegregation Program where he has been a consultant for the past five years A former teacher and Dean of Students at San Francisco State, Dr Hilliard is currently a Professor at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Georgia The Black United Front has arranged for Dr Hilliard s presentation of African and African American History A question answer period will fol low Dr Hilliard's presentation Em anuel O ffers Free T ric k -o r-T re a t Bags, C andy X -R aying Emanuel Hospital ft Health Center wants Halloween to be a treat for kids That s why it is offering free safety tip trick or treat bags at area businesses and providing tree x raying of candy The bags have safety tips printed on them to help remind children how to play it safe this Halloween season Then after all the little ghosts and goblins have gathered their goodies, Emanuel's X Ray Department will scan the candy from 6 to 9 p in. The x rays are not harmful to the candy The free safety bags are available through 5 p m October 31 at Ema nuel s lobby at 280, N Gantenbein Ave and at these North Northeast Business Boosters locations Bee Company 800 N Killingsworth Ave Cosmopolitan Hotel, 1030 NE Union Ave . House Rejuvenation Parts 901 N Skidmore St Lombard Animal Hospital, 607 N Lombard Ave Neil Kelly Co 804 N Alberta Ave Skanner Newspaper. 2337 N Williams Ave Walker Plumbing. 2038 NE Alberta St . US National Bank branches at 5505 NE Union Ave . 3233 N Lombard St 1445 N Hayden Island Drive 4450 N Interstate Ave 7340 N Philadelphia St Woodlawn Pharmacy. 6728 NE Union Ave As a life-long resident of M ultnom ah C ounty, G lenn O tto knows the problem s facing out county and he knows how to do som ething about them . His record o f public service proves his advocacy for, and long­ tim e interest in the special needs of the people o f M ultnom ah County. Glenn Otto Fitness for 55 and Over LA ROUGE STYLIN G S ALO N B E N N IE 'S ON BROADW AY 2750 N E B ro a d w a y LA ROUGE SV co' Oc t o GO 287-5566 P O R TLA N D C L E A N IN G W O R K S t opx Y ,j V Has serving m u n ity for 20 years. alterations; fast r D ry service. Y o u h a v e tr ie d th e r e s t — N o w tr y th e B e s t H ours: M o n . th ro u g h Fri. 8 AM 6:30 PM Sat . 9 A M to 1 PM 3954 N. W illia m s Ave. 282-8361 Multnomah County Commission Chair Paul for fn ( n r n m it t r r l o r i o t ( . I r m i < ht«» the cleaning; laundered shirts; Dry Cleaning The YWCA s Northeast Center offers individuals over the age of 55 a chance to stretch and tone toge ther Mondays from 10 30 to 11:30 a m This physical fitness cfass works as a tool to help partici pants achieve healthy minds through fit bodies The class ses Sion is 9 weeks and the fee is $ 11 for YWCA members Work outs take place at the YW s Northeast Center, 1829 N E Alberta Street Call 282 0003 for further information been N orth and N o rth e a st Com Is this all it takes to outweigh 1,300 Oregon jobs? I x get to college, you’ll he able to get t h r m ost o u t o t if For m ore in fo rm a r ton a b o u t th is p ro g ra m a n d how you va n q u a lify lo r it. see yim r l< x al A rm y R ei r u ite r tix la y G r c a ll to ll tree I W I SA A R M Y Y n i l l fu u l o u t th .it pay m g tor college th ro u g h the A rm y pay s o ft in m ore ways th a n on e ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. Teledyne Wah Chang Albany is more than zirconium, niobium and hafnium, i,S people, too When you sit in judgment over 1,300 workers, shouldn't you back up your decision with plenty of hard evidence7 Were talking about 1,300 families in a state that is already too familiar with hard times waste materials pose no significant danger to people or the enviionment They based their conclusions on a careful, impartial look at the tacts Ballot Measure 15 is unnecessary and uncalled for Base your decision on the facts Vote no on B allot Railot Measure 15: ftiot fair to ¡teople, not fair to business, not fu r to Oregon. State health and environmental experts, independent researchers and worker safety advocates all agree Teledyne Wah Chang Albany^ NOVEMBER 4TH P art kx and autbonzed by No un ,5 C o m r rT w Marx fj«. ■„ , Tre , e ï M ea su re 15. . l. r t y t N 1 OR 97301 (503) 363 7084 For mix» loformetton. wrtl» Gel the Feci», PO Boi 1294Î. Salam, OR 9730« Salem