Page 8. Portland Observer, October 29, 1986 ENT SEEN P o rtla n d O b se rve r By Ken C o vin g to n E n te rta in m e n t H otline ^ e e *e H a llo w e e n Party A c t One oó 288-0014 ( oncertt M í A nirrialnmrni Prviruttutni ° n /y Marketing Hello, Folks! I'm happy, ecstatic and overdyed I hope you are. too. due to the pick up of top name, live entertainment in the Rose City Special thanks to Alonzo and Jimmy of Crystal Cleer for not giving up along with the other Portland promoters Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Christo's of the "New Zodiac" (formerly Pinocchio's) is proud to an nounce the continued featuring of the best of RbB at his club with DJ Kevin Berry. Keepm* it live Can’t give up the funk, my man' Don't forget to vote It’s the way to control your community's direction Power to the peoplel /fu i SIDE PRODUCTIONS Allen Arnold Hu-hard Arnold I a.M unit Jaehion Color of the W eek W ord of the W eek is e y ABOUT TOWN (W J )2 » 4 746} P.O Bo* 12289 Portland, OH 97112 Sunday November There will be a Halloween Party on October 31. 1906 at Mary's Place Prizes for Best Dress (man. woman, couples) Come and eat all the free Gumbo you can eat Music will be my Mi Music Man of Soul, M i Billy Larkin b Co Don't be late M ary's Place. 5700 N E Union Ave 2nd IVumtu Kentucky Jackson's farew ell Tarty amt Show I «tunny M iu H lx k Tin I9H6 Dalv* H au an Portland • own Miilu* Jatkaen ‘Sheila lite Untim i hable» 31 NW FIRST Bee G ' b ..................................................................... 5700 N E U nion. 281 1176 Fn Sat , Billy Larkin Co. H o b b it................................................... S E 39th ft H olgate. 771 0742 Fri. Sat., Mel Brown Quintet Key Largo 31 N W 1st 223 9919 Fri. Sat . Alf Rider's Da Da Last Hurrah 556 S W A lder. 224 1336 Sat , Dan Roen Network Original Richard's 4534 S E M cLoughlin Blvd 230 4845 Thurs. Sat., Urumba (Latin Jazz) Rem o » ................................................................... 1425 N W Glisan. 221 1150 Fri., Tom Grant Band; Sat.. Don Latarski Quartet. Sun., Jam W Ron Steen Royal Esquire 1701 N E A lb erta. 289 5145 Fn , Halloween Costume Ball W La Poem R iverw ay Inn 1001 S W 10th. 241 5466 Fri Sat , Just 17 Big Band S a lt y 's ............................................................. fo o t of S W M a rio n , 239 8900 Wed Fn.. Cool R, Sat . John Muzzako Band Shanghai Lounge 0309 S W M o n tg o m e ry . 220 1865 Sun.. Calvin Walker and The Conquerors Orchestra Starry N ig h t ........................................ 8 N W 6th. 227 0071 Mon . Gill Scott Heron W Linton Kwesi Shenanigan's 4575 N C hannel. 289 0966 Fri , Ron Steen Quartet Spellai Guest appearance by Amanda Carrington P um pkin Orange beguile to charm , captivate largc T M 3 -HIT NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT Thursday Oct 30 HOLY M O D A L ROUNDERS A w fkw idO ct 31 Nov 1 ALF RIDER'S DA DA Sunday Nov 2 COOL R M onday Nov 3 THE BATZ Tuexlay. Nov 4 DAN REED NETWORK Wednesday Nov 5 99C ROM ANCE TR AVEL ROBERTS Travel A le rt Christmas space is going fast Call now for reservations crystal cleer presents Low Packages H otel - Air — Transfers Bahamas $449 00 Seven Nights Montego Bay $479.00 Seven Nights Hawaii $359.00 Seven Nights M ID N IG H T S T A R and the many fo*n of Wanda Kentucky Jackson Janet /arisen Sade Jma Fumer Path laBrllr B A R G A IN AIR FARES Round Trip Som e Restrictions Houston $178 00 Denver $138 00 Atlanta $258 00 East Coast $256.00 Bay Area $178 00 Prmcf .il I 8 Itti I* M lie Kt>\ il I *.i|tnre (. Itih 17(11 N I Alberta 287 5145 i t IK) D m i.ilion T R A V E L R O BERTS 287 1745 3415 NE Broadway PLUS J e t Lim ousine S ervice J U IC E serving the greater Portland area with style i t We offer prices start at Full Bar Color TV A M /F M Stereo Telephone W hour, first 2 houri Full Clim ate Control Com plim entary Bottle of Champagne F ist and Courteous Service Including per hour proceeding Nails on the Run: Pedicures ft Manicures by special request CQSJbfAE. • 'C O R O T W E D N E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 12TH A R L E N E S C H N IT Z E R 8 .0 0 p .m . T ic k e ts S IS .0 0 $35.00 ON SALE AT Q I JOE S GALLERIA JEAN MACHINE CIVIC AUCMTORIUM ANO STEVENS & SONS House o f Sound f\e\ VwU.OO C a ll (206) 254-3762 Four d a y * after th e flrat A m e ric an a to m ic b o m b w a s d e to n a te d on Bi kin i A to ll in th e Pacific th e first bi kin i s w im suit w a s m o d e le d in P ari* The n a m e w a s to au p rè s * th e idea of th e 'u lt im a t a ' Get Fresh Stay Fresh D IA N E SATURDAY. HOY. 15,1986. 8PM GRAND BALLROOM • MASOWC TSMELÏ A PARR AVrtMtjft, RORtLANO OR CO Caians «Y BRASSERIE MONTMARTRE TICKETS: GENERAL ADMISSION »1000 »12 00 »14 00 RESERVED BALCONY RESERVED TABLES i iM*i »" a > ••’•*•*•* ** »k