Page 6, Portland Observer, October 29, 1986 O b itu a ry W ilbur G rafton H am m ond Mr Hammond passed quietly on on luesday, October 21, 1986 in Oregon City. Oregon, after a long illness w ith Alzhiemer s disease He was born in Formosa Arkansas to Keiffer and Daisy Hammond W ilbur Hammond, know n as ' Butch ' to some and as Graff to others served in the Arm y during W W II Later he moved to Oregon where he worked at Ziedeli Machinery Ft Supply Co He married Geialdine Elizabeth Calliet and they had tw o sons. Dwayne and Leneld He was a member of Vancouver Ave First Baptist Church, a Trustee of the Executive Oregon Laborers Union, a Sunday Schoul teacher, and coached Little League basketball and baseball M i Hammond is survived by his w ife Geraldine, his sons Dwayne Errc and Leneld Deidrix of Salem, Oregon, and Harold of Kansas City. Mo He aslo leaves to mourn his passing, sister Alonzo Hammond of Menifee Ark brothers. Jack Dempsy Hammond of Menifee, and Curtis Hammond of Compton. Cal . and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins Mr Ham m ond's funeral was held on Tuesday. October 28. 1986 at 1 00 p m at Vancouver Ave First Baptist Church Internm ent was at W illam ette National Cemetery in Portland. Oregon THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N E Fust b S chuyler • 284 1954 • - M Kb W ' 9 JÜ A M 11 0 0 A M 5 00 P M 1U UU A W M »• si»» V H M O C h u rc h S ch o o l C i t y '* y a t» o n « i A i x s h t p V w p r S e rv ie » H a p l ’V n F o u r th S u n d a y 11 (JO C o m m u n io n E a c h Firat S u n d a y The Am erican Baptist C onvention Am erican Baptist Churches of O regon Lott Carey Foreign M ission Convention National. Oregon P o rtla n d E c u m e n ic a l M in is trie s A m e ric a n B ib le S o c ie ty M b M Board • - ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C la ra P ao p la « (R | h o s te d a ru c o p tio n to r c a n d id a te fo r g o v e rn o r * C orner of Bth and Staidmo»» N eil G o ld s c h m id t (LI at B e th e l A M E C h u rc h last w e e k Sunday S> hool 9 IS a m P h o to by R ich a rd J B ro w n Sunday Worship 11 U0 a m Christian > oulh I •■■f«>vy»hip 6 00 p m (second and fourth Sundays! C on ce rt A t M aranatha Grammy Award winnei Jessy Dixon is featured in a concert of praise and w orkship at Maranatha Church Sunday November 2. 1986 .it 6 30 pm Joining him are the Jessy Dixon Singers and Maranatha M.iss Choir for such favorites as You Bung the Sun Out I ether Me <1111! My God is Not Dead1 There is no admissiur harge An offering will be taken for Dixon. W o rk s h o p S c h e d u le d The Portland Chapter of the National Coalition of Bla< k Voter Participa bon and the Oregon Assembly for Black A ffairs w ill be co hosting w ith Allen Temple C M E Church a Ballot Measure Forum' on Sunday November 2, at 1 30 p.m in the fellow ship hall .it the Church 4214 N E 8th Robert Phillips, an organizer for this event stated that the purpose of the w orkshop is to educate voters on the tw enty five ballot measures featured on the General Election ballot, and to assist voters in identifying the location of polling facilities This educational w orkshop is free and open to the public P hillip S N elson (P n s to rl COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD 202 N E Skidmore 281 56 ZB 284 5669 Services 9:45 a. m , Sunday School 11 00 a m . Morning Worship / 00 p m.. Evening Worship / 00 p m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown, B Theology. Pastor D» t Brown Sr DU Assistant Pastui SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU WHEN THE VOTES FOR PACKWOOD ARE COUNTED, A LOT OF UNKNOWNS WlLLWlN. You won't see them on the news. Or hear them making speeches. They aren't well known, except to their friends and neighbors. But like thousands c of other Oregon families, they are the real winners when Bob Packwood is re-elected. Bob Packwood cares about the future of Oregon and the concerns of the families who live here. When lie's not in the Senate he's traveling the state meeting people; listening to their hopes, their problems, their plans for the future. So make your vote count. Vote for Bob Packwood next Tuesday. With Packwood in the Senate everybody in Oregon wins. SENATOR BOB PACKWOOD Paid fut b\ Rv clcvtPav'k»>xid('uitMttitti.V Â leader who listens. 9 I