Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 29, 1986, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4, Portland Observer, October 29, 1986
Rejected From Nursing School 20 Yrs
Ago Because She Was Black
Loretta Ganter always knew she
would be a nurse
Society, how­
ever, did not make it easy Despite
her qualifications, she was turned
down by a leading Portland, Oregon
nursing program
Ms Ganter is
black, and the hospital did not per­
mit blacks into its dormitories
the hospital
Today, she reflects on the change
in nursing roles "Our input as nur­
ses is appreciated now
nurse must understand that medi
cine is also a business He or she
should be prepared ,o review finan
ce*. attend planning meetings, and
have opinions about corporate stra
tegy "
On a typical walk down a corridor
of the Oregon Surgery Center, Ms.
her four year program to become an
RN. At the same time. Ms Ganter
raised two son* with her husband,
Charles (the Ganters have been
married for 26 years!
Ironically. Ms Ganter s career
was launched at the very hospital
that had at first turned her down
During her 15 year tenure, she be
came the firs, black nurse in Ore
gon to head a surgical nurstng team
She also served as a consultant to
Fine Yarns for Knit b Crochet
Ganter stops to say hello to an el
derly cataract patient, reassures the
mother of a young boy in knee sur
gory, directs one of her nurses to an
operating room, and is approached
by the administrator for her opinion
on a revised monthly budget
"The days of simply handing the
doctor a sponge are behind us."
says Ms. Ganter "As the face of
medicine keeps changing, so will
the face of nursing "
10 00 AM T 0 5 00 PM
281 8607
1815 N.E. Broadway
Loretta G anter. head nurse at
O regon Surgery C enter
1 hat was 20 years ago Today,
Ms Ganter is head nurse at the Ore
gon Surgery Center, the first free
standing outpatient surgery unit in
Portland, which she helped to de
sign in 1983 "In today's world this
isn't an unusual thing for a nurse to
be asked to do," says Ms Ganter,
who has seen many changes in her
profession over the years as well as
a reduction of racial preiudice
My high school advisor actually
told me to give up," she recalls
"She said, 'You have to be realistic,
Loretta,' and told me that maybe I
could be an LVN (licensed vocation
al nurse). Well, I ignored her 'reali
stu advice I always knew I wanted
to lie a full fledged registered nurse,
and that was what I was going to
Her dreams proved more realistic
than stie was told After being tor
tied down, stie unrolled in another
school to become an LVN, and
worked full time while completing
PCC Students
Present Wine
Howard McAllister of Oregon
Vineyard Tour* will speak about
wines and Oregon wineries at 12
noon Wednesday, November 5, at
the Sylvania Campus of Portland
Community College.
49th Ave His appearance is being
sponsored by the Associated Stu
dents of PCC
Ih e free program will be in the
Spruce Room, College Center bull
ding on campus
The public is in­
Further information is available
from ASPCC, 244 6111. Ext 4361
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Final S um m er Figures
S how E nrollm ent Increase
Enrollment for the ,986 summer
term was up mote than 30 percent
over die summer of 1985 according
to the Mt Hood Community Col
lege final enrollment report for the
1 otal headcount revealed tha t
6,318 students attended the ,986
summer session, compared to 3.859
who attended die year before The
increase in enrollment also accounts
for a rise in total FTE, or the full
time equivalency number FTE was
up 2 , 2 percent over summer of
1985 and 8 percent over the sum
mer of ,984
This will increase
reimbursement revenues from the
state according to research director
Dan Wallen
Wallen prepared the
final report
The engineering and industrial
division s enrollment
while other divisions showed signi­
ficant increases this last summer
The performing and visual arts divi­
sion peaked the increases with a
headcount exceeding the summer
of 1985 figures by more than 100
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