INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the conversion of Com m unity Center buildings at three properties w ill be received by the Housing A u th o rity of Portland, Oregon (H APl at 8910 N Woolsey Avenue. Portland, Oregon, 97203 until 2 00 p m , PST, Tuesday, November 18 1986 and. follow ing a short duration, publicly opened and read aloud Bidders may be present during the bid opening Basically, the work consists of converting three Hou sing Developments from recreational areas to handi capped and transitional living units The w ork will include, but not be limited to, dem olition w ith gene ral reconstruction and m odification to existing elec trical and plum bing systems Prospective bidders may obtain one set o f bidding docum ents at the Housing A uthority of Portland Maintenance O ffice located at 8910 N Woolsey Ave nue between 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m., Monday through Friday A $20 refundable deposit is required for the first set of docum ents A dditional sets of docum ents may be acquired for $10 each w hich is not refundable D ocum ents must be returned to HAP in good condition w ithin ten days after bid ope ning in order to receive refund of deposit A HAP representative will conduct a tour o f the |ob sites on Wednesday. October 29. 1986 Interested parties shall meet at the HAP Maintenance Office located at 8910 N W oolsey Avenue at 10 00 a m for a pre bid briefing prior to the site investigation The Projects are identified as follows A B C EASTW OOD COURT, 18210 S E Yamhill TOWNHOUSE TERRACE, 3001 S E 136th Ave FIR ACRES, 19400 S E Yamhill Answers to questions raised during th •• course of this meeting that are not identified in me Specifica tions w ill be answered by addenda and provided to all plan holders o f record A minim um o f 20% MBE participation in the execu tion of this protect is a HAP requirement and the m ethods the bidder proposes in com plying w ith this requirement is sub|ect to HAP review and approval prior to initiating the contract No bid w ill be considered unless accompanied by Bid Security in the form o f certified check, cashier s check or surety bond payable to the Housing A utho rity of Portland in an am ount equal to 10% of the bid to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a con tract and provide suitable bond for the faithful per formance of w ork in the event the contract is awar ded to the bidder No bidder may w ithdraw a bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60> days from the bid opening Page 8, JOBS, October 29, 1986 The Housing A uthonty ot Portland may re|ect any bid not in compliance w ith all prescribed bidding procedures and requirements any may reiect any or all bids and waive all inform alities if in the judgem ent of HAP it is m the public interest to do so Questions regarding this protect should be directed to Dave W alter at 283 4602 H O U S IN G A U T H U H II V OF P O R TLA N D BAR R ETT P H ILPO TT D ir e c t o r o f M a in t e n a n c e ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for S< lence II No 38 Energy Conser vation Measures IECM s) USDOE ICP will be re ceived by the Oreg n State Board of Higher Educa tion at the Unversity of Oregon Physical Plant De partm ent, Conference Room 2 1296 Franklin Boule vard, Eugene Oregon 97403. until 2 30 p.m , PST , Tuesday, December 2. 1986 Briefly the w ork includes ECM No 5, installation of a run around heat recovery system including pre heat coils piping and othei equipm ent for SF 3 and 4 For mure inform ation, U of O, phone 686 6243 contact Physical Plant, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for Condensate System Refurbishment, University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon will be recei ved by the Oregon State Hoard of Higher Education at the University o f Oregon Physical Plant Depart m erit. Conference Room 2. 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403. until 2 30 P M PST, November 25. 1986 Briefly, the w ork is described as removal of existing vacuum and condensate pumps and replace w ith new pumps New pumps to be fitted w ith new valves and appurtenances Install new condensate flo w sensors and local totalizers w ith pulsed output for remote recording at existing energy management controllers Install w iring to locations o f controllers as indicated For more inform ation, contact E M C Inc phone (5031 342 7210 Engineers