Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 29, 1986, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2, Portland Observer, October 29, 1986
The Portland Observer Endorsements
Governor's Race
U n ited S tates S en ate
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C hair
The Portland Observer endorses Democratic candidate Neil Goldschmidt
tor governor over Republican Norma Paulus
Goldschm idt has proven
th ro u g h o u t his political career that he is a person w ho gets things done
He has a distinguished record of public service, having served as Mayor
o f Portland, as a high ranking executive w ith Nike, and as U S Secretary
o f Transportation
The Observer endorse* Republican Bob Packwood over Democrat Rick
Bauman During hi* 18 years in the U S Senate. Packwood has constantly
prom oted the interests o f his constituent*
As chairman o f the pow erful Senate Appropriations and Finance Com
mittees. Packwood is in a position to improve Oregon's sluggish econom y
by convincing the federal governm ent to give ship repair contracts to Ore
gon yards
Senator Packwood was one of the principal sponsors of the m ost radical
tax reform measures in this nation's history The bill closed many of the
tax loopholes for the w ealthy, while easing the burden on the poor and
middle class Oregon needs the experience and leadership that Packwood
possesses, therefore, we recommend that Senator Bob Packwood be
re elected to the U S Senate
The Observer endorses Gladys McCoy for M ultnom ah County Chair
McCoy has experience and leadership abilities, making her qualified for the
chair position Having served as county commissioner for six years, three
years as Oregon Ombudsman, and eight years of the Portland School
Board display these qualities
M cCoy has proposed genuine plans to find workable solutions for the
No on M e a su re 6
Ballot Measure 6 is a proposed amendment to the Oregon C onstitution
w hich w ould prohibit the state from funding abortions The measure con
tains only one exception to "prevent the death of the mother
w ould be no exception for w om en w ho are pregnant as a result of forcible
rape, for children w ho are victim s of incest, or for m any wom en w ith
serious health problems such as kidney disease or diabetes
Measure 6 is an attem pt by abortion opponents to force their beliefs on
individuals w ho are least politically pow erful Ballot Measure 6 is designed
to reduce access to abortion for poor women in Oregon
The Observer
asks its readers to vote a resounding no on Measure 6
No on M e a su re 14
Ballot Measure 14 w ould stop the production of electricity at the Troian
Nuclear Power Plant from December 4. 1986. until the Energy Facility Siting
Council finds a permanent radioactive waste disposal site
We think shutting dow n Troian is unnecessary because the plant has
been operating safely for over 10 years In addition. Troian is the least
expensive source of electricity in the state and provides 20 percent of the
electricity used by Oregonians
The fears raised by proponents of Measure 14 are understandable,
however, we feel those fears are w ithout warrant
Vote no on 14
No on M e a su re 15
Ballot Measure 15 w ould change the legal definition o f radioactive
waste in Oregon. Measure 15 is aimed directly at the Teledyne W ah Chang
com pany because of its production of zirconium , hafnium and niobium
Proponents of Measure 15 alledge that Wah Chang has the w orst toxic
waste dum p in Oregon
However, the sites have passed inspections by
state health, environm ental and energy agencies and independent study
Equally im portant, if Measure 15 is passed, it w ould have a negative
impact on the state’s economy Wah Chang puts over $1 m illion a week
into Oregon's economy through payroll benefits vote no on Measure 15
During G oldschm idt's tenure as Mayor, he successfully attracted new
business, w hile prom oting the grow th o f existing ones, and overseeing
a developm ent agenda that has produced over $1 billion in private invest
m ent in the last 12 years
Goldschm idt s ability to create |obs. his managerial skills and business
contacts are |ust w hat the state needs to get out of the rei ession we .ire
presently in. The Observer recommends that Neil Goldschm idt be elected
as Oregon's 33rd governor on November 4th
Call To C onscience E m ergency Response
H l.«
P o rn * .-r| O H
of Southern Africa Eleven regional coordinators work
w ith 50 state coordinators, w ho direct hundreds of
local netw orks in all 50 states The Call to Conscience
e ffo rt was organized after the first State of Emergency
was declared in South Africa The call was established
to try to better coordinate concern in this country
around the violence and oppression in South and Sou
them A fric a ," Vinson said
A partial list of participating organizations include
The American C om m ittee on Africa, W ashington Office
on A frica, TransAfnca. The American Friends Service
Committee. Clergy and Laity Concerned, Episcopal
Churchjreople for a Free Southern Africa. National
Black United Front. National Free South Africa Move
ment. National Namibia Concerns. United States Stu
dent Association, National Political Congress of Black
W omen
For additional inform ation, call Jerry Herman, the
Call to Conscience National Contact person at 215
241 7169 or. Co Chairs Venita Vinson, Denver, Colo
rado Off . 303 866 1230. Avel Gordly, Portland, Oregon
O ff 503 230 9427
$1% » O f
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plan (modeled after the M cD erm ott proposals
Sylvia Davidson, chair for the Legislative task
of W ashington State) to allow the uninsured
force on Indigent Health Care described our
poor the o pp o rtun ity to enroll in managed
current status on care for the indigent. Unlike
health plans
m inor problems that can be swept under the
Plan) w ould be preferred, but is less likely o f
carpet w ith little visibility, the failure to meet
passage in the near future
the needs of our poor is of such a great visibili
ty that no one is deceived by attem pts to hide
the true nature of the problem Mrs Davidson
addressed the Joint Com m ittee on Health
P u b i x h p rs
A '. si
ib o n
The P iallanti t ¡tu rn e r wax nxixUnOw! n 19M)
115 00 net rear n lha Tn County area
■neater Sand edrlraaa 'h a n g a r Io lha TVurlvnd i X n m r r
NMWA pe ,,
Attociabon - founded .BBS
P o ti
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4) State support of clinics w hich provide
primary care for Oregonians, especially in the
areas of care for children and pregnant wom en
5) Development of a state health trust fund
Care w ith recom m endations from her com m it
dedicated to financing state health care pro
tee on how to best im prove our delivery of
grams for the poor and uninsured.
6) Development of a state office to continue
care to the indigent.
The recom m endations by the Advisory (task
research and w ork tow ards sound health pro
force) Com m ittee were num erous and in
grams for the indigent
eluded the follow ing:
that this is an ongoing concern, and that an;
1) Expansion of the state's assistance pro
grams in order to receive greater federal sup
port for these recipients
Her com m ittee feels
The com m ittee felt
ongoing staff should continue w ith the needed
work and research
that an additional 50,000 Oregonians could be
served w ith this approach w hich w ould be fun
tee has helped set a sound foundation tow ards
ded at 66% federal dollars
im proving
2) Provide additional incentives for employ
Many thanks to the members of this and other
ers to expand em ploym ent based health insu
state task forces on health issues for their
Many of our indigents are full time
work in helping make the 1987 Legislature an
3) Establishment of a state wide basic health
educated and, hopefully, effective body in the
area of state health issues
A p p re c ia te
Y our Help
288 0033
Thank you for including an article and photograph
about Metro Crisis Intervention Service in the Septem
ber 17 Portland Observer W e appreciate your letting
your readers know about the volunteer opportunities
and the services available to the com m unity
I w ould also like to offer our services to you if you
are seeking background inform ation for future stories
Our professional staff has expertise in many areas o t
mental health such as suicide, alcohol and drug users,
domestic violence, stress and mental illness
Please feel free to call on us if we can be of assis­
V icki Kolberg
C o m m u n ity R e la tio n * C oordinator
B oi 3 ' J? Portland Oragon 973OB
Alfredi Henderwn, Editor/Publisher
Al Williams, General Manager
W hile there are no easy solutions to this •
long standing problem , the Advisory C om m it-'
Dear Mr Williams:
t H n m e r IU SPS 9H>«B0i a ixjMartad
Thunrtav by I
PubfcxZwng Company, Inc , 14*3 N € X
worth Portland Oragon 9 7 3 'I. Poal OTtxa Bo» 3137
Oragon 973OB Sacond cleat poaiaga paal • ' Portland O ago n
Don Clark's SHP (State Health
Letters to the Editor
Portland Observer
■ ■ O 'rq ,
a il
by Steven Bailey. N D
"T h e Elephant sweep under the ru g " is how
Health Care For the M edically Indigent
N e tw o rk Is A c tiv a te d
The national Call to Conscience Emergency Response
netw ork activated its national alert system today to
protest S outh A frica's support of the Mozambican
National Resistance (M NRI movem ent, a g ioup attem p
ting to o ve ith ro w the M ozam bican government
The call also targeted Congressional representatives
w ith demands that they challenge the U S governm ent
to exert maximum pressure on the South A fricans not
to invade M ozam bique w ith troops w hich alroady are
mobilized along Mozam bique's border
Ttie Call to Conscience network also said its network
w ill hold memorial services for Mozambican President
Samora Mechel, w ho died in a plane crash last Sunday.
October 19th, M em orial services w ill be held in all 50
states and w ill include teach ins on Southern Africa,
as well as more somber gatherings.' said Venita Vin
son, Co Chair of the Call to Conscience effort
The Call to Conscience Emergency Response Net
w ork is a national Response network managed by a
National Steering Com m ittee of 22 people 11 of w hom
represent national organizations w orking on the issues
creation of |obs. an effective criminal justice plan, improved health and
mental health programs, addressing the needs of youth and the homeless;
and con fro n tin g problems of the elderly
This position is critical, in that it carries w ith it both executive and
legislative functions
McCoy has proven her competence to do the job.
The Observer recom mends that Gladys McCoy be elected M ultnom ah
County Chair
National Advertising Repraeentatlva
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