Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 22, 1986, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4, Portland Observer, October ??, 1986
As part of an internal reorgani
ration designed to provide better
contact with the communities it
serves. Portland General Electric
Co has formed a new community
relations group
"W e believe PGE is already view
ed as a good corporate citizen and
our employees have done a good
job maintaining contact with local
government, civic , business, politi
cal. and social service agencies,”
says Chuck McClellan, General Ma
nager. Community Relations 'This
new group will enhance our pre
vious effort by devoting more time
to these important segments of our
communities "
The N ew Rose Theatre w ill ho ld a u d itio n * for its Holiday p ro d u c tio n o f
A C h ild s C h ristina s in W ales a n ti Ott er H oliday Stories on S atu rday,
O cto b e r 26 I'lH»
The p ro d ie hor w ill tie i story th e a tre p re se n ta tio n o f
three h o lid .i, tale h o rn d iffe o i i u ltijre s
A C h ild 's C hristo as in W a le s”
by D ylan Thomas and
The S quire t>v Isaai Bashevis Singer are tw o o t
the three tales
I t • • th ird s t ay w ill la i an A frica n or Asian tolk tale
d ire cto r w ill be I sa Barr k N ” W Rose C h ild ren 's Theatre D irector
cast w ill consist o f a m u lti i.e lal ensem ble o f si« to eight m en and w o m e n
and three to to u r c h ild re n
Intere ste d e tors sli jld < i ’I The N ew Rose Theatre at 1603) 22? 2496
d u rin g regular l;>. . r “ ss h o u rs Io schedule an a u d itio n a p p o in tm e n t A pre
pared a u d itio n (>»■' e ■■ in q u ire d
A f luid s C hristm as in W ales and O ther
H o lid ay S tones w ill rehearse b o rn N ovem ber 1 th ro u g h Decem ber 16.
,986 .Hid p a y Der e m l er 1/ th iu u g h Dei em ber 28 ,986
A stip e n d w ill
be paid
D orothy R othrock
Ground Beef
R oberta Davis
G reek*
aw arded crow n* m a d * ot
laurel leave* to victorious
ath lete* The ancient Ro
mans d w n ra te rt th»l»
Fine Yarns for Knit Ft Crochet
The Gospel Musical Choir Festival
will be held Saturday. October 25.
1986 at 7:15 p m at The House of
Prayer For ALL Nations. 731 N
Mason. Portland. OR 97217
The guest choirs will be Albina
Church of God, Emmanuel Temple
Pentecostal. Northwest Christian
Center and Faith Bible Center (Van
couver Washington! Other guests
will include Greg Ft Gerutha Favo
reh, Virginia Shepherd and The Sm
ging Mailman There will be a free
will offering
For more information, call Vernon
Bra/zie I206I695 Z034
10 00 AM T O 5 0 0 P M
281 8607
K E ST 1984
1815 N.E. B ro a d w a y
These Feature Grocery
items Are Just An
Example Of w hat
you will Find in
Your "Safeway
Shopping Guide
Dorothy Rothrock has brum
named Area Director of Community
Relations for the City of Portland
Rothrock joined PGE in 1979
She holds a law degree from Lewis
and Clark Law School and a bache
lor of arts in psychology from the
University of Oregon.
Rothrock is a member of the Ore
gon State Bar Association and is on
the board of the Pacific Ballet The
Working with Rothrock as com
munity relations representative is
Dave Ford He joined PGE in 1977
A graduate of Portland State
University with a bachelor of
science degree in biology. Ford will
serve as liaison with the City of Port
land and Multnomah County go
vernment In addition, he will work
with business and civic groups in
southeast Portland
Ford is a member of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce and the
Downtown Portland Lions Club
Also working with Rothrock are
Roberta Davis and Carolyn Schee
fers As consumer assistance lepn-
sentatives they will work with social
service agencies and special con
sumer groups in Portland
In addition, Davis will work with
business and civic groups in north
and northeast Portland Schaefers
will work wifh similar groups in
soufhwesl Portland
Davis joined PGE in 1973 and is a
member of the North Northeast
Business Boosters
She is Vice
Chairman of the Board for the Cen
ter for Mental Health and a member
of the advisory board of the Com
munity Energy Project Multnomah
County Community Action Agency
Senior Advisory Board, and the
board of Treatment Alternative to
Street Crime
Schaefers joined the Company in
1963 and is a member of the Port
land Impact Board of Directors
Chairman of the Multnomah Coun
ty Retired Senior Volunteer Pro
gram IRSVPI Advisory Council, and
is on the Advisory Committee for
Senior Health Services
Gospel Musical
Choir Festival
H o lid a y A u d itio n s a t
The N e w R ose T h e a tre
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Today For
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Ad Prices Good 10/22 Thru 10/28/86 At . . .
Safeways in Lloyd Center, St. Johns, At 5920
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to Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers.
• •