OPERATORS NEEDED Operators ft M anicurists needed for lovefy five station salon Good N.E. area. Booths for lease S tart Nov 4th Call 282 2932 between 7:30 £» 9 30 A M Ask fo r E.J. PUBLIC INFORMATION/ PUBLIC RELATIONS TRI MET is seeking a Public In form ation Manager This posi tion manages the agency's pub lie inform ation program and as sists w ith agency's public rela tions. The Public Inform ation Manager reports to the Director o f Public Relations and super vises a small staff w hich is re sponsible for inform ation disse mination to groups, a speakers bureau, agency speach w riting, employee newsletter, and hos ting special events. Public infor ting special events. Public Infor mation Manager manages the agency’s relationships w ith the print and electronic media, facili tales media contact w ith TRI MET personnel, and is the pri mary spokesperson for the agency The person filling this position must have a degree in journalism, com m unications, public relations or related field, or equivalent experience, and at least 5 years of increasingly responsible exper ience in public inform ation work, including the supervision of others, preferably w ith a public agency. Salary for this position is $30.862 per year Obtain and file applica tions at: TRI M E T P e rso n n e l O ffic e F o u rth F loor 4012 S E 17th A ve P o rtla n d . OR 97202 Applications must be received by 4 pm October 31, 1986 Equal O pportunity Employer SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST II MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES COORDINATOR SUPERVISOR The N/NE C om m unity Mental Health Center. Inc. announces an immediate opening for Sectre tary/R eceptionist Duties in elude answering phones, coor dinating routine o f calls, initial contact for clients and visitors The position also involves some general secretarial duties The person applying for this position must possess the follow ing skills: The ability to deal w ith clients and general public, must be able to type 45 W PM and perform general clerical duties Minim um qualifications: 1 year experience in the secretarial field or equiva lent educational/training exper ience at the post secondary level Salary range is $8,500 $11,550 a year w ith excellent fringe bene fits. $2243 $2727/mo. Supervises service delivery & trains person­ nel in the Mental R etardation/ Developmental Disabilities p ro ­ gram Provides professional ova luations of mental health needs Req college level training in spe cial eduation. psychology, social w ork or related fields Et increa singly responsible exp in the placement i t m onitoring of M R /D D clients, graduate level training desired County applica tions required, resumes NOT ac cepted Apply by October 31, 1986 to: W a s h in g to n C o u n ty P e rso n n e l 150 N First A ve , R oom B 2 H ills b o ro . OR 97124 Contact for additional inform a tion: An E O E. M a ry J o T h o m a s A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t N /N E C M H C . Inc 310 NE O re g o n P o rtla n d , OR 97232 2737 I5O3) 239 8871 A S S IS T A N T PROFESSOR IN C O U N S E LIN G (tenure track) Teach and supervise graduate students in School, Agency, or Rehabilitation Counseling Doc torate required Applicant must have experience in School Coun soling and tw o of the follow ing areas: Lifestyle and Career Dove loprnent, Child and Adolescent Counseling, Substance Abuse; Rehabilitation; Cross cultural Counseling Closing date De cember 1, 1986 Position tiegins January 1, 198/ Send letter of application, resume, throe letters o f recom mendation, statement o f counseling orientation to Closing date October 31, 1986 An A ffirm ative Action Equal O pportunity Employer IM M E D IA T E O PENING S The Housing A u th o rity of Wash ington County is accepting appli cations for the follow ing post tions: (1) Housing Inspector $1,401 $1,704 (1) Occupancy Specialist $1,401 $1,704 (11 General Clerk half time $6 7 6 /hr $8 21/h r Complete |ob descriptions and applications may be obtained at the office located at 560 S E. T h ird A ve n u e H ills b o ro , O re g o n or by calling 648 8511 Applications m ust be subm itted by October 31. 1986, 5:00 p m J a m e s F irth , C hair D e p t. o f C o u n s e lin g O re g o n S ta te U n iv e rs ity C o rv a llis , O re g o n 97331 Oregon State University is an A ffirm ative A ction Fqu.il Oppor tu n ity Employer and complies w ith section 504 of the Rehabih tation A ct of 19/3 Equal O pportunity Employer October 22, 1986, JO BS, Page 3 •• 3.~. ■ ■ . . r -