October 15, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 5 Prophet Says Measure 9 Will Harm School District by Jerry Garner Portland Public School Superm tendent M atthew Prophet said it Ballot Measure 9 is passed it w ould have a devastating impact on the public school district Supt Prophet said passage of Measure 9 w ould result in the school district losing 5195 m illion over the next three years Futher more, he said in 1987 88 the dist rict w ould lose its tax base and 540 m illion in revenues Prophet said first year losses could force the lay o ff of at least 417 employees (in eluding 356 teachers) and closure of up to 10 primary, three middle and tw o high schools If the schools are closed, it could increase the average district wide class size by at least five students and destroy the school system as we now know it. "A s the district loses another 5153 m illion in tax revenues during the next tw o years, the consequences w ill be even w orse," Prophet said Not only w ill the school district suffer if Ballot Measure 9 is passed, opponents to the Measure said the entire com m unity w ill feel the nega tive impact of it. Stephen Kafoury, Chairman of the Board of Education, said the school district is Portland's fourth largest em ployer and that m uch of its 512.5 m illion m onthly payroll w ould be lost to the com m unity through passage of Measure 9 "S in ce voters approved the school district's new tax base in 1982, Prophet said, "financial sta bility has allowed our administration and staff to keqp their promises to raise student achievement substan tia lly ." He said the huge losses of revenues dictated by Measure 9 w ould return the school district to pre 1982 decay in achievement, pro grams and buildings Other probable scenarios under a successful Measure 9, according to Prophet, are virtual term ination of student bus transportation, shorten ing o f school years and school weeks, term ination of kindergarten and pre school education programs He also predicted the freezing of capital construction, minimal refu gee and special education programs and the abandoning of planning for the upgrading o f vocational educa tion programs Ballot Measure 9, if passed by voters in November, will • Amend the C onstitution, • Impose a property tax rate limit o f 2% in 1987 88. • Impose a property tax rate of 1 5 % in 1988 89 and all sue ceeding years, • Exempt from the lim it levies to pay bonded indebtedness, • Impose a 2% lim it on grow th in assessed values of property, plus the value of new construe tion, • Repeal all existing tax bases. • A llow tw o elections, May and November, each year to seek an override In old Scotland. Parliam ent pasaed a law forbidding any man to turn dow n a girl w ho proposed to him on Leap Year, under penalty of a 5500 fine PORTLAND CLEANING W ORKS top* v e*'c** o(Z ‘ °' ►**' Has been serving the North and Northeast Com munity for 20 years. Dry cleaning; laundered shirts; alterations; fast service. You have trie d the rest — N o w try the Best. Hours: Mon. through Fri. 8 AM 6:30 PM Sat., 9 AM to 1 PM Presents ITS NEW EDITION d<6 -J N ow O ffe rin g You Carefree C urls For $45.00 R -g M>S 00 5401 N.E. Cully Blvd. (503) 284 0712 p e d a t e vom b 'c6 A EDW ARD E u ARD. DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE K IR THE WHOLE EAM II.Y" OBITUARY EDNA H H \ S k l 1 I w.iv bom on M.iy 29. 1921 in M cC om b. M ississippi Shortly alter Edna s tirsl b irthday. tlx- I ami I y moved to C entralia. Illinois, vs here she attended Public schools and was a member ol Second Baptist C hurch I dna earned a B achelor ol Science degree trout 1 mcoln In iv crsily in Jctterson City. M O W hile attending I mcoln. Edna met Emmett I J" Haskett whom she mat ried I hey m oved to Portland m the Mid t ittie s and rem ained together until Mr H askett’s death in 1972 W hile m Portland. Edna received a Masters degree Irortt Portland State I nicer site She was em ployed by the Portland Public Sc bool Sc stems and held positions ot teaching and adm inistration until her retirement in June ol 19X t She was a m em ber ot I he I pi sc opal C hurch ot St Philip (he D eacon where she was on the vestry ot the parish and was Si w arden, a la' reader and a chalice bearer She was a m em ber ol St M onica s ( iu ild . Alpha Kappa Alpha S o ro n tv . i I k C lub I inesse budge club, and various other civic and social organizations Edna H olden Haskett quietly p as.ed on Sat O ctober I I . |9K(> alter gallantly enduring a long illness She is survived by her m other, Mrs Mamie C H olden, sister IXirothy II Jackson ot B rooklyn. N > and several neices and nephews % rx i y t s tins iix n s n ti ixit six » rx n» t.vsios m stv it issi ■ y si l i.t vtx t vi ( m i l l St IH THIS MIX Vt SVITIVI XvrilSTS iii.y ihm i sviti rxmx tu txt « tmist vtvy mvsiixi vxn siw rviu stv w iK iiM iu M l XI V tisis uhm y MKHTtll rvxxisi. i Mut «V Mustie» s s Tl inc» x vm 1 ' I SIS(.y W M I M i l M iy Ml MXI X 50.1-228-JOOM Dr f dward (» Ward bit) S * Alder, suite IUOH John P Holland's subm arine said to be the first practical one in m arine history, w as submerged oft Staten Island. N e w York in 1898 re m a in in g u n d e rw a te r lo r a lm o s t tw o hours poYn' en' .d e b '« p ie n A v»' A P u b lic S ervice o t the / ’nri/uzii/ rJbveryer 3954 N. W illiam s Ave. n 282-8361 A lb in a M in iste ria l A llian ce 285 0493 ESTATE J E W E L R Y -B U Y & SELL Cash for Your Old Silver tt Gold 1 u 4 * ld « y YOUARF WELCOMF TO W O RSH IP AT • W edding Bands; • Class Rings, Broken Chains Fraternal Jew elry • Dental Gold. 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M f»M Board Services 9 45 a rn , Sunday School 11 00 a m , Morning Worsfttp 7 00 p m , Evening Worsfttp 7 00 p m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown. B Theology. Pastor Dr Hazel l Brown Si O l) Assistant Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU I r " V FM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I