Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 15, 1986, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4, Portland Observer. October 15, 1986
Local Man Creates
New Method To
Deter Drugs and
Alcohol Abuse
Enc oseo is my cnec» M 0 ’cr t _______
Dr. Boothe said it would cost a
minimum of $5 million per year to
produce, distribute, coordinate and
publically communicate the pro
gram to youths on a national basis.
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You Pay Cost of Postage Only. $22 88
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by Jerry Garner
Everyone is aware of the serious
problem of alcohol and drug abuse
in the U S., especially among the
youth. Recent studies indicate that
more and more young people are
abusing mari|uana. alcohol and co­
In fact, substance abuse among
the nation's youth has reached such
crisis proportions that nationally
known figures such as the Rev
Jessie Jackson and First Lady Nan
cy Reagan have traveled around the
country warning them of the danger
of drug and alcohol abuse
In an effort to provide an alter
native for these youth. Dr. Thomas
Boothe, President of Addiction Dia
gnostic Services, has developed the
Anti Boredom Motivational Pro
gram for Youth.
The program targets youth from 6
years old to 21 years old, parents
with children not yet born, and chil
dren up to 6 years old (pre school!.
"M y research and national stati
sties have provider! evidence which
shows that the current drug pro
grams, shock tactics, and the
authoritarian condescending "say
no to drugs" has only served to
increase alcohol and drug abuse
through rebellion, and shows no
sign of succeeding against or redo
cing alcohol and drug abuse by
youth," said Dr Boothe
Dr Boothe has over 15 years of
experience in drug and alcohol
counselling and is certifier! by the
State of Oregon to evaluate drug
and alcohol abusers
Dr Boothe
also has a Ph D. in Biochemistry
from New York University, a M S
in Chemistry, City College. New
York; and a B S in Chemistry, City
College, New York.
Dr Boothe said, "those who sell
and profit from the sale of intoxi
cants aie serious and know how to
sell the sizzle of their intoxicants
The sellers of all intoxicants pro
mote the up or top side of the re
spective intoxicant they are selling;
and down play the side effects of
the intoxicant "
Dr Boothe said his Anti Boredom
Motivational program will simply
sell the sizzle of mental and physical
"constructive productive creativity"
while pointing out that intoxicants
stifle ones judgement and decision
making ability and limit "construe
tive productive creativity", which
often turns into a disruptive, de
structive, non productive waste of
Besides tins. Dr Boothe said so
ciety and parents send conflicting
messages to our youth concerning
the danger of drugs and alcohol
He points to widespread
advertising of tieer and wine on T V.
portraying people having fun or re
taxing Often those intoxicants are
promoted by well known sports and
entertainment figures
"Furthermore, our children see us
as parents and adults seemingly
needmg intoxicants to have fun,
relax, and to cope Why can't they
use the same formula for having
fun relaxing and coping before
our children reach that magic ago of
it's O K that many have already
become addicted to intoxicants,
said Dr Boothe
Dr Boothe said his program is the
only program winch
cates a clear alternative to boredom
for youth beyond the examples set
by their peers, parents and other
My Anti Boredom Motiva
tional program communicates on all
fronts a continuously clear, strong,
long lasting (high) on constructive
productive creativity which will
combat boredom while serving as
an alternative to intoxicants." Dr
Boothe said specific Anti Boredom
information and activities for youth
are secret at this point.
According to Dr Boothe, his pro
gram, when implemented, will have
a devastating effect on the econo
"Crime will drop 80% within
one year, replacement, repair and
destruction of property caused by
theft and vandalism will be reduced
by 90% within one year, and hospi
tai and medical services demand
will drop 70% within one yeat
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