Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 15, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    October 15. 1986, Portland Observer, Page 3
¿ . :
Mary Anderson. Executive D irector of Oregon's Chapter of the Black United Fund
Photo by Richard J Brown
Black United Fund Seeks
Community in Fundraising
by Jerry Garner
"We need the community sup­
port in making this 8n issue in their
companies We (the Black United
Fund) urge Blacks to go to their
managers at their place of employ
ment; tell them they would like to
contribute to an organization like
the Black United Fund (BUF)."
The above quotes were made by
Mary Anderson, Executive Director
of Oregon's Chapter of the BUF.
It's an affiliate of the National Black
United Fund, a non profit, tax de
ductible organization founded in
1974 by a group of Black leaders
in Los Angeles.
The mission of the BUF is to raise
funds for Black charitable orgamza
The BUF's national head
quarters is located in New York
employees and school district em
ployees,’ Anderson said
Anderson said she wants the
community to know that the BUF is
a community based organization
and it's for the Black community
"W e as Black people have a re
sponsibility to assist in our own
growth and development We must
support programs we believe are im
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portant for our survival. ''
Anyone who needs information
about getting the BUF on a tax de
ductible payroll list at their place of
employment or would like to make a
donation, can write to Mary Ander
son. Executive Director, BUF. P O
Box 12406, Portland, OR 97212. or
they can drop by the BUF office
at 3802 NE Union Ave , Room 302
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And what kind of terms?
Anderson said it is imperative that
throughout Oregon support the
BUF through contributions and by
requesting that they include the
BUF in their payroll deduction pro­
"Although charitable organize
tions make contributions to organi­
zations serving Black communities,
usually the amount of funding allo­
cated is insufficient to the many
needs of the Black community."
Anderson was asked whether she
thought charitable organizations
such as the United Way in Oregon
are meeting the needs of Oregon's
Black community.
She replied,
"The BUF commends the United
Way in terms of what they are try­
ing to do. The problem is that the
amount of services that is needed
in this state is so overwhelming
that one agency like the United Way
cannot begin to meet all those
She said there is a need for an
other organization to fill the void
and act as an alternative source of
funding, especially to meet the
many needs of the Black commu
nity "Some of the United Way s
lowest priorities in terms o, funding
are often the highest priorities in the
Black community.
For example,
one of their lowest priorities is basic
education. They define that as an
intention to either decrease funding
or terminate funding entirely for
those programs
In terms of the
Black community, the education of
our children is one of our top pn
orities Our children are dropping
out of school at an alarming rate,
the suspension rate of Black chil­
dren is very high, and illiteracy rates
are alarmingly high.
Anderson said one of the main
reasons Black charitable orgamza
tions don’t have enough resources
is because they rely too much on
special events to raise money "A l­
though special events do generate
funds and are good, the most effec
tive and efficient way to raise funds
historically have been through pay
roll deduction," she said.
She said so far the BUF hasn't
made too much of an inroad with
corporations in the state in order to
put the BUF on their list of chari
table payroll deduction programs
"This is because they have had a
long standing working agreement
with United Way for over 40 years.
The only places we can get payroll
deductions in Oregon is from federal
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Memtwf 11 >t<