SPECIAL JOBS FOR VOLUNTEERS T U T O R IN G Tutors .»re newted io Cla< M rntis M uitno rn«ih and W ashington County bool sys tarns to assist with a< aderrnt tutoring for under achieving students may t»«- H o u rs arranged for the < onvemenc »• if the tutor and the student COMPUTER INPUT Mainstream an outpatient treatment education and prevention i mgr am tor youth needs a person to input client re Idled data 3 days 4 hours per week on week preferably Friday a m agency's system POSITION W ANTED B R A N D NEW 1986 SCH O O L M O DEL SE W IN G M A C H IN E S (O ver sup ply due to b u d g e t cuts) C o n stru cte d w ith m etal gears for heavy d u ty sew ing and d u ra b ility W h ile they last! $135.00! (Free arm M od el $ 145 00•) List $399 00 la te s t stitch e s (co lo r coded), au to m a tic b u tto n h o le s, ove rlo ck, etc 20 year gu ara ntee Check, cre d it cards C O D or layaw ay Free D e live ry1 Call 1 (7141 548 REPORTER H olds b a c h e lo rs degreo fro m O regon S tate U n ive rsity in tech meal jo urn alism Form er reporter .it Salem S tatom a n Jo u rn a l co vering general assignm ent beats, police re p o rtin g , c o u n ty govern m ent and Keizer C o n ta ct Adel le A ltizer. 1165 N E W in te r St , Salem . OR 97301 (503 ) 363 3 7 /3 4425. (7141645 6532, an ytim e Previous computer experience is helpful on the EQ UIPM ENT FOR SALE Training will be provided SORT b SALVAGE ESTATE JEWELRY BUY b SELL Oregon Food Share needs volunteers to C a sh f o r Y o u r sort dam aged packaged food and non Old Silver b Gold food items and to help keep the ware such as house neat and clean Hours are flexible for week days or Saturday days or even • W e d d in g Bands, Fraternal Je w e lry; • Class Rings B roken Chains. • D ental G old ETC ings MEDICALSCREENER Persons with medical backgrounds (nurses, etc I are needed to greet primary care clinic patients take vital signs and brief histones, help in the lab and aid in caring for patients at Outside In Three hour shifts are possible during the day or in the evening Orientation to clinic sys Carlyle Gems b Custom Jewelry 4425 N.E. Fremont 284 8400 terns and back up help from the clime manager will tie provided DRIVE CHILDREN Parry Center for Children is seeking per sons to drive children to and from home visits, school special programs and events in the com munity, and to and from medical dental appointm ents Volun leers must be at least 21 years old and have a valid Oregon Dover L k ense A 3 m onth com mitment is being ask mi by the Center ESCORT/DRIVER Northwest Pilot Protect provides many . ipport services for the elderly and dis ahled in dow ntow n and northwest Port land Drivers are needed to take persons to medical appointm ents pmg. etc grocery shop Volunteers may choose a regu lar day for driving or may help on an on i a ll tiasis Minim um age requirement is 21 years The Volunteer Bureau is a non profit agency that works with approximately 200 programs and agencies m Clack am us M ultnom ah and W ashington < ounties and matches prospective volunt<-»--s w H service needs • BIDS • LEGAL NOTICES • PUBLIC NOTICES • PROPOSALS • RFP's • EMPLOYMENT • JOB HOTLINE • REAL ESTATE A d ve rtisin g is assured p u b lica tio n w h e n received by 5 pm Tuesday prior to week o f p u b lica tio n For A d ve rtisin g Rates and oth er in fo rm a tio n , call or w rite JOBS T rade Magazine P O Box 3107 Portland. OR 97208 THE VOLUNTEER BUREAU 222 1366 A United Way Agw it» 15031 288 0020 (503)288 0033 POSITION OPEN A d v e r t is in g S a le s R e p r e s e n ta tiv e New m o n th ly horse p u b lica tio n serving cen tra l b sou thern Ore gun b N o rth ern C alifornia, has im m e dia te o p e n in g fo r ad sales people w ith horsey ba ckg ro u n d P osition w o u ld reg uire som e tra veling, w o rk in g o u t o f K Falls represe nting m agazine in Ix ith ad sales and new s c o n tra c ts Our first tw o p u b lica tio n s w ere a rou sin g success H ere's your chance to get in on the g ro un d floo r o f a p u b lic a tio n C ontact Jim A llen , Publisher. Herald f t N e w s 15031 883 4IXX) or Dennis Taylor. The Cascade Horsem an at the same num ber POSITION W ANTED R e p o rte r E d ito r N ew Challenges so u g h t l>y versa tile new sm an Eight years exper lence as reporter six years as r ity editor and tw o years as m anaging editor on dailies C o n ta i t Paul M aco m be r. 953 NE 10th St G rants Pass. OR 97526 1503) 479 7081 POSITION OPEN A d v e r t is in g S ales R e p r e s e n ta tiv e Seeking energetic a cco u n t repre sen tative for sub urb an bi w eekly new spaper Base plus comm is sion. g o o d b e n e fits W ill accept e n try level experienced prefer red Send resum e, cover le tte r an il salary req uire m en ts to Linda S ha ffe r, Gresham O u tlo o k P 0 Box 8800 G resham , OR 97030 No phone calls, please October 15. 1986, JOBS Paqe 7