Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 15, 1986, Page 13, Image 13

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D e p t H e a d Business
A p p lic a tio n deadline
N ovem ber 24, 1986
S e c re ta ry
P resident's O ffice
A p p lic a tio n deadline
O cto be r 30. 1986
Teaching Aide
Culinary Food Service
Hospitality Program
Application deadline
October 31, 1986
Office of Instruction
Application deadline
October 31, 1986
Training and development
Application deadline
October 31, 1986
Research Associate
Institutional Research,
Planning & Evaluation
Application deadline
October 31, 1986
o ffe r
ed u ca tio n a l to ys fro m aro u n d the
w o rld to parents, schools, etc
Part tim e or career in m anage
m en t
W ill train
Call N ancy at
1503)642 9368
En v I ronmen ta I Ter hrilcian 3 “
(Assistant Project Manager,
$1549 - $198? Monthly
I he Oregon Department of Iranspor
ta t Ion is accepting applications
for the above position located in
Sale«. You must have a Bachelor's
degree with emphasis on environ
mental, physical or natural
science, engineering, planning,
landscape architecture or other
closely related f ie ld , AMD one
year of experience In technical,
o ffic e , laboratory or fie ld
work dealing with environmental
programs. Contact 0001 Personnel.
419 Transportation B ldg.. Salem,
0« 97310. (503, 373-/663 for
employment application and re c ru it­
ing announcement. Applications
w ill be accepted u n til 5:00 p.m.
on October ?0, 1986.
P» Oryor Departm*nt
of Trarupvt
* .r r o
Call 1 726 2211 or write:
Lane C o m m u n ity C o lle g e
P erso n n e l S ervices
4000 E 30th A v e
E u g e n e . O R 97406
For a p p lica tio n and |ob descrip
tio n
LCC a p p lica tio n m ust be
received no later than 5 00 p m
on deadline date
An A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n
Equal O p p o rtu n ity In s titu tio n
(Asst. Accounts Payable Supv.)
$1867 - $?37O Monthly
Ihe Oregon Department of Transpor­
tation Is accepting applications
for the above position located
In Salem. You oust have equivalent
to two years of stead ily increasing
re s p o n s ib ility in supervisory
or s ta ff level work in a technical
function related to accounting,
fis c a l management or other related
area; AMD a Bachelor's degree
or three more years of responsible
pertinent experience. Contact
E xecutive C o o rd in a to r
fo r ASPSU
( S tu d e n t G o v e rn m e n t)
D uties in clu d e p ro v id in g s u p p o rt,
ad vice and assistance to S tu
de nt G o ve rn m e n t, m o n ito rin g
b u d g e t, o rie n ta tio n and skill trai
nin g fo r s tu d e n t leaders, super
vision o f o ffic e s ta ff assisting the
PSU O ffic e o f S tu d e n t A ffa irs in
c o n d u c tin g special protects re
lated to the w e lfa re o f PSU stu
de nts
Q u a lifica tio n s
8 A HS and ex
perience w o rk in g w ith college
stu d e n ts,
de ve lo p in g
train in g
pro gra m s, w o rk in g w ith non tra
d itio n a l stu d e n t p o p u la tio n inclu
din g c u ltu ra lly diverse and nt
tu rn in g s tu d e n ts and excellent
w ritte n and verbal com m unie .1
tio n skills
Send vita w ith nam es, addresses
and ph o n e n u m b e rs o f tw o re
ferences by 5 00 p .m , O ctober
20. 1986 to
R o b e rt L V ie ira
O ff ic e o f S tu d e n t A ffa ir s
P o r tla n d S ta te U n iv e r s ity
P O B o x 761
P o r tla n d . O R 97207
P ortla nd S ta te U n ive rsity is an
Equal O p p o ru ru ty A ffirm a tiv e Ac
tio n Em ployer
Q ua lifie d m in o
rities, w o m e n and m em bers o l
o th e r p ro te c te d g ro u p s are en
cou rag ed to apply
H IR IN G NO W * Construe tio n (all
phases), drivers, m ach in ists, me
chanics, w elders, airlines, (up to
$32 60 hr) (308) 382 3700
I W e k n o w w h o 's h irin g )
co n tin e n ta l
0001 P e rs o n n e l, 419 Ira n s p o r ta tio n
Bldg. . Salem. 0« 97 3 10 . (5 0 3 )
373-7b63 for
lo jm rn t a p p lic a t io n
nd re c ru itin g announcement.
Applications wl1 1 be accepted
u n til 5:00 p.m. on O ctober ?0. 1986.
H * Ovyor
ahhm o
o/ rfaniporOfor * ^ 1 1 / ^ * *
a .,.,-,.
$20.000 Yearly Possible
pare .it ho m e for Post O ffe e
Clerk Carrier e m p lo ym e n t exam s
W rite
Federated IOR9)
P 0
Box 16088
M S 3940? 6088
H a ttie sbu rg.
October 15, 1986, JOBS, Page 5