SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST Blue Cross ft Blue Shield of Ore goo, a major health insurance company, is currently accepting applications and resumes for a Secretary Receptionist for their Human Resources Dept Quali fied applicants must have a mini mum o f 2 years secretarial re ceptionist experience, typing 60 65 w pm , phone skills, excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation f t com position skills Candidates must have the ability to work in a fast paced office environment and handle a wide variety of tasks M ust have excellent hu man relations skills Applications ft resumes w ill be accepted through Friday, Octo ber 17th. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time w ork hours, and competi tive salary Please apply or send resume to B lu e C ross and B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer STAFF ATTORNEY A dm inistrative Law practice governm ent benefits Hearings, litigation, appellate work Two to five years experience required Resumes to Lours S avage Legal A id S e rv ic e 310 S W 4 th A ve N o 900 P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97204 by November 12 An Equal O pportunity Employer HELP WANTED OVERSEAS JOBS $20,000 to $60,000 plus bonus Job offers guaranteed Free inform ation Doycorp, Box 697 LGS, Pocatel Io Idaho 83201 _________ I Research Assistant Oregon State University Assistant Science Officer (Marine Technician) to participate in all phases of cruise related opera tions aboard R V W ECO M A To act as cruise coordinator and principal point o f contact for re search cruises Applicants should have a wide range of ex perience in seagoing research activities and should exjiect to spend at least 100 days per year at sea National and international travel is required B S or equi valent in a scientific or technical field, and appropriate seagoing experience. S tarting date is 1 January 1987 salary $24,000 year plus sea pay Send resume w ith names o f three references by 31 October 1986 to S h ip O p e ra tio n s O ffic e C o lle g e o f O c e a n o g ra p h y O re g o n S ta te U n iv e rs ity C o rv a llis . OR 97331 Oregon State University, air Af firm ative A ction Equal Opportu nity Employer, complies w ith Section 504 of the Rehabilitation A ct of 1973 POSITION OPEN SPORTS REPORTER NEW S REPORTER Sports and news reporter needed at the Forest Grove News ro te s Entry level position will cover local sports, business, and will w rite features Layout and pho tography skills necessary Send resume, clips, and cover letter to Craig Sonoda Managing Editor. News Times P O Box 4OH Fo rest Grove. OR 97116 POSITION OPEN R e p o rte r The Democrat Herald in Baker Oregon seeks a reporter to cover local governm ent, business and the courts Photography and lay out desired Send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to Gary M iddleton Editor. Demo crat Herald, PO Box 807 Baker. OR 97814 NURSE PRECERTIFICATION COORDINATOR Blue Cross f t Blue Shield of Ore gon. a major health insurance company, has an opening for an RN professional to conduct re views for precertification pro gram, including precertification, second opinion, discharge, plan ning. and benefit extension re views Successful candidate must tie an RN currently licensed in the state of Oregon, and have 3 plus years home health nursing exper lence PSRO, quality assurance, or utilization review experience helpful Hospital or professional audit background helpful Good com m unication skills are a must Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex tune work hours, and competi tive salary Phrase apply or send re s u m e to resume to B lu e C ross and B lue S h ie ld o f O re g o n Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland. OR 97201 Equal Op|K>rtunity Employer POSITION WANTED REPORTER EDITOR Previous reporter of the City News Bureau of Chicago, editor of the Industrial News and bu reau chief of the San Jose Mer cury News seeks reporting post tion on a daily or weekly Will accept freelance work Contat t James LaSorella 284 Cervantes Lake Oswego. OH 97034 15031 635 6893 B U S IN E S S FOR SALE 11-year old Janilorial Business for sale Account inventory and car 22K per year For inquiries, full inform ation sheet will be pro vided C all 1-206 425 4395 O ctobei lb 148b JOBS, Puue J t.- v