PORTLAND OBSERNER Volum e XVI Number 49 O ctober 15 1986 25C Former Urban League Director All For One One For All Doing Well As Entrepreneur M o re and m ore police officers and m ore and m o te pills is not the solution to our ram p an t crim e problem lest w e build enough jails to lock the good citizens in for p ro tection and let the crim inals roam our streets free Even today, m any older citizens are prisoners in their o w n hom es because they have a justified fear of the public streets and parks The present police system does not w o rk and has not w o rk e d for a long tim e Today, crim e pays w ell and the crim inal is seldom brought to trial It s tim e for a change The m ost capable legally able, cost e ffic ie n t, and tax fair system w o u ld be to d eleg ate the M u ltn o m a h C ounty S heriff to enforce all C rim inal la w in M u ltn o mah C ounty It is tim e the politicians and City bureaucracies put aside their dream s for bigger and bigger arm ies (police depart m erits) and support one efficien t police organization that w o u ld reduce our g ro w in g crim e rato by Jerry Garner Freddye J Webb Petett, former Executive Director of the Urban League of Portland, is doing well in the private sector as an entrepre neur Webb Petett is president of Freddye Petett it Associates, Inc. Petett Ft Associates, which is Io cated at 1001 S W 5th Ave , Suite 1000 in downtown Portland, a ma nagement consultant firm, has been in operation since December of ■ Petett Ft Associates provides ser vices in the following areas: organi­ zational development, staff devel opment and training, minority af fairs, and special protests mana ging Webb Petett said so far the majority of her clients have been governmental agencies and non profit organizations. Webb Petett was asked if she was pleased with the direction in which her business has been pro grossing She replied, "At this point and time, I am very pleased with the growth of my company Business has been going very well." Webb Petett credits her success as an independent consultant to her past professional experiences Exe cutive Director of the Urban League of Portland. 1979 35; Administrative Assistant to former mayor Neil Goldschmidt, 1976 79, Project Di rector for Nero Ft Associates Con suiting, 1971 73; and Systems Coor dinator for Portland Model Cities, 1970-71. "The skills with which I used to carry out those jobs has helped me greatly as an indepen dent consultant " Besides her professional career, Webb Petett is active in several professional and community activi ties Currently, she sits on the boards of The Housing Authority of Portland; Oregon Museum of Sci ence Ft Industry. Rogers Cable Sy stems. Rose Festival Association, Executive Committee, and Portland State University Foundation She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Portland City Club; Links, Inc.; and the World Affairs Council. In recognition of her outstanding work. Webb Petett has been awar ded the W K Kellogg Foundation National Fellowship, 1983 86 Delta Sigma Theta Woman of Excellence. 1985 March of Dimes White Rose Award, 1985 100 Most Influential Women in Oregon. Oregon Maga zine, 1981; 10 Most Influential Blacks in Oregon, Willamette Week, 1978 __ Webb Petett said she enjoys be Delegate the M ultnom ah County Sheriff to enforce all crim i nal law in M ultnom ah County. Police departm ents have tried a num ber of gim m icks to im prove efficiency, m ainly new names for the same old game of cops and robbers In 1985 Portland alone had 17,700 crimes of burglery reported w ith only 900 cases solved. Its time for a real change. 7 he sheriff is by law the chief law enforcem ent officer in M ultnom ah Coun ty. This includes the areas of the co u n ty's six incorporated cities and all except M ayw ood Park have a police departm ent The trend at present is to eliminate the sheriff's patrol section and ignore the fact that the peoples elected sheriff is the chief law enforcem ent officer in the county and the county < omrnis sioners w ould contract police patrol of unincorporated M ultno mah County to Portland, Gresham and Troutdale This p lo t'' w ould free m ost o f the sheriff's budget for the county com m is sioners to spend on other purposes and make the Portland Btr reaucracy a m ust more pow erful body in all of M ultnom ah County. The public may be led to believe that the co u n ty's 5 Freddye P e te tt mg an entrepreneur. "I get a great deal of satisfaction working for my Photo by Richard J B row n city police departm ents w ould work in close harm ony w ith self, it’s a great opportunity to be your own boss " each other and thus apprehend more crim inals and reduce* the co u n ty's crim e rate but I a retired police officer of 77 ye.ns ex perience see it another way. To my know ledge not evert the F.B.I. and C.l A have a reputation of w orking closely together and that a ttitu d e filters dow n to the smallest of police depart ments, it's just the way police departm ents are Call it one m an's opinion but if the c ity and co unty com m issioners ignore the elected sheriff's position as the c o u n ty's chief law enforc,e ment o ffice and move ahead w ith their plans, M ultnom ah County w ill be policetl by at least five separate police depart m ents w ith Portland police big b rother to them all, d o n 't look for cooperation or efficiency. Most crimes are solved w ith in form ation that police officers of the departm ent have in their heads and notebooks or w hat they hear from other officers in that departm ent or w hat that departm ent has in its own files and little or none of that inform ation ever moves to other police departm ents. A dditionally, it is not human nature for people to give away clues they have to w in a "prize” to someone else, and cops are just people, they w ant the glory for their ow n departm ent The system o f cities large or small enforcing crim inal law may have w orked fairly well when fewer crimes were com m it ted and they were no further away from home than the c riminal cared to ride his horse, but times have changed, the police system has grow n more and more im potent and crime pays quite well. In todays mobil society "Joe C rook” w ho may live in Gresham can burglarize a home in Portland, fence the loot in Troutdale, spend the money in Fairview, and be home for lunch, and it's not likely the four police jurisdictions he op»; Em anuel Hospital and H ealth C enter, w h ile still o fferin g em ergency and hospital care to everyone w h o needs it, w ill assist patients in selecting th e best alternatives for m edical services Photo by Richard J. Brow n Emanuel Offers Emergency Alernatives Emanuel Hospital has begun a new program of offering alterna tives to people who come to the Emergency Department for care. For those who do not require emergency care, and are not cove red by insurance, a deposit will be asked for At the same time, a bro or without charge These clinics include members of the Coalition of Community Clinics, and Multnomah County clinics. As in the past, everyone who comes to the Emergency Department will be seen, and if the patient requires immediate treatment, the care will chure describing the alternatives will be presented to the patient, and one of the Emergency Department staff will assist the patient in deciding The Multnomah County clinics are open during the day, and offer a wide range of services The mem bers of the Coalition of Community be given, with payment expected if the patient is covered by insurance. Medicare, welfare or is able to pay for the care which of the alternatives is best for that patient. The brochure contains information about health clinics that provide medical services at low co«f Health Clinics offer both day and evening hours. The telephone num­ bers of all of the clinics are listed in the brochure for the convenience > .»t of the people who need to call the clinic for an appointment. Emanuel Hospital and Health Center offers emergency and hospi tai care to everyone who needs our services, whether they are residents of the community, or are from a distance. By cooperating with the community clinics and Multnomah County, we are working toward the provision of medical care that is matched to the needs of each indi vidual or family that needs help rated in w o u ld ever put it together. If the co un ty sheriff patroled and enforced all crim inal law in M ultnom ah County the links of inform ation to solve < rimes w ould be in one chain The deputies w orking Sauvies Island or North Portland or Gresham or any other area in the co un ty w ould w illin gly trade crim inal inform ation that w o u ld never pass through the co un ty's five or six city police departm ents. I ask the citizens o f this county, do you w ant crim inal law enforcem ent by one efficient agency headed by your sheriff w h o is elected by the people......or do you w ant crim inal law enforced by five or six police chiefs appointed by the five or six city bureaucrats and or mayors. Russell D K raft D epu ty R etired, M C .S O 11300 S W 33 S treet Portland, OR I •