Toy b Joymakers Need Building The Portland Fire Bureau Toy & Joymakers are in need of a building to run their program for thi* year, Thu 72 year old tradition provides toys for approximately 16 000 needy children in the Portland area each year at Christmas time Anyone ywith a building or information on same of approximately 10 000 Sq Ft., heated with some parking, please contact Don Mayer at 248 0203 This building needs to be in the North or Northeast area of Port land. BUY AT WHOLESALE NO LIMIT! Flour 8c lb. Tuna Fish 6*d oz 49c Alpo Dot food. 15 oz 3$1 Dry IXigtiMxl Name brand mis $8 49 SO lbs 59c OJ. frozen 12-oz * ALSO * Cosco Baby Stroller $24 99 Huffs Workhorse' $129 95 Exerciser FOODST a m PS x W ELCOME! THE BEE CO 800 N K illin g s w o rth St Portland (503) 283-3171 Open Mon-Sat. 9:30 a m. - 6 p m October 8. 1986, Portland Observer, Page 7 Equipment for Disaster Victim s $60 00 PER H U N D R ED PAID tor re mai 11 ng letters from home' Send seltaddressed. stamped enselope tor infnniutiixVapplication Associates, At its meeting on September 25, the East Portland Rotary Club pre sented a check for $475 toward emergency medical equipment for Red Cross Disaster Services Red Cross will use the equipment for temporary loan to disabled disaster victims in the Portland area whose own equipment is lost or damaged as the result of a fire or other disa star Having this equipment will enable Red Cross to respond immediately to disaster victims who would other wise be left w ithout mobility under these circumstances. Red Cross Disaster Relief services are provided on a 24 hour a day basis and basic needs of victims are attended to immediately Replacement of modi cal equipment usually takes longer The Red Cross will purchase a wheelchair, canes, crutches and walkers with the money presenter! by East Portland Rotary club presi dent, Karl Koch. ESTATE J E W E L R Y -B U Y & SELL Cash fo r Your Old Silver Et Gold • Wedding Bands; • Class Rings Broken Chains Fraternal Jewelry • Dental Gold. ETC CARLYLE GEMS & CUSTO M JEWELRY 4425 N.E. FREMONT 284 8400 r 2 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION V a lu e $74 88 — S ave $ 5 2 00 w ith th is c o u p o n Y ou Pay C o st o f P o s ta g e O nly. $ 2 2 88 THE NATIONALIST VIEW _Of_t_h_e_ feppi®. i JLoiJPP-PeopLP. i I I I I I I I Enclosed is my check,M O For $22 88 as full payment ” Please Dill me with lirst issue. I have 30 days to pay (check one) TNV News Syndicate P.O. Box 644 Adelphi Station Brooklyn, N.Y. 11238 li. DEMOCRACY VS APARTHIED in South Alnca. There Is Only One Solution • Your Support ol The Freedom Fighters Will Hasten the Day o, Victory for Democracy One man - One vote Give as II the absence of Liberty there diminishes all o, us in iruth. it does Enclosed is my check M O 'O' S as my contribution to Ihe Freedom Fighters in the South Air can struggle lor One man • One vole Send C ontribution to Democracy Vs Apartheid Committee P 0 Box 644 Adelphi Slat on Brooklyn New York 11238 Jam es DePreist. m usic d ire c to r and m usic c o n d u c to r o f the Oregon S ym phony O rchestra L Sponsored by by: The First Const? dated O' g ? i Peonies Service Inc A N Y Registered Not tor Pro! ? Corp This Precipice Garden Oregon Symphony conductor James UePreist s first book, a collection of poetry, has been published by the University ol Portland Press The work, titled This Precipice Garden contains 42 DePreist poems written over the last 10 years Only two deal directly with music These poems become a human document, a generous sharing by a person for whom life always offers a shimmer of choices, writes Oregon Poet Laureate William Stafford in the books Afterword It is available in the Arlene Schnit/er Concert Hall boutique, the Umver sity of Portland bookstore and area bookstores Cost is $15 clothbound and $8 in paper A leather bound limited edition is available for $60 For more information or to schedule interviews with Mr DePreist, con tact Patrick Casey at the University of Portland, 1503) 283 7202 oi at home (5031 245 3586 Paradise Baptist Church Announcem ent buff & hand wax The Young Adults of Paradise Baptist*Church, located at 4735 N Com mercial. Portland. Oregon 97217. will be giving away 2 food baskets to a needy family Send name, address and phone number to Food Basket at the above address Drawing will take place on October 18th. 1986 The church will contact the winner The church also has a clothes closet that s open every Saturday from 11 a m. to 4 p.m. Gospel Musical Choir Festival The Gospel Musical Chou Festival will be hold Saturday. October 25. 1986 at 7:15 p m at The House of Prayer For ALL Nations, 73, N Mason. Portland. OR 97217 The guest choirs will be Albina Church o, God. Emmanuel Temple Pente costal, Northwest Christian Center and Faith Bible Center (Vancouver Washington! Other guests will include Greg ft Gerutha Favoreh, Virginia Shepherd and The Singing Mailman There will be a free will offering For more information, call Vernon Brazzie, (206) 695 7034 You Are Invited October 11, 1986 National Anti-Apartheid Protest Day! 'm NOW N e w N a tio n a l W e e k ly N e w s le tte r S ta rtin g O c to b e r 1986 Clean Auto Wax a When the w hite tapes on Venetian blinds become soiled, brighten by rubbing on w hite liquid shoe polish Box 95-B, Roselle. NJ 07203 Holiday Cooking “ Healthful Holiday Cooking” will be discussed by registered dietitian Martha Hirsch at the November hypertension screening clinic at Me ridian Park Hospital, Tualatin The presentation is scheduled Thursday, November 20. 1:15p.m., preceding the free monthly scree ning clinic which runs from 2 4 p m ., in the cafeteria conference room. There is no charge. JANITORIAL Cleaning Efficient, Dependable References All areas 249 7950 horn S alrw ay I X»yd Cerae. i Tel. 282 1664 Store Hours i0 :0 0 a m til 6:00 p.m . Monday thru Salurda Join together in support of the release o, all political prisoners in South Africa, total divestment from and comprehensive sanctions against South Africa, solidarity with the people of Namibia (currently illegally occupied by 100,000 South African troops). Show your support for freedom in South Africa and Namibia Attend the march (12 00 noon) and rally (1 30 p.m I, Saturday, October 11th. People will assemble at Terry Shrunk Plaza, SW 3rd ft Jefferson. Portland Speakers will include a representative of the African National Congress IANC). local clergy, labor, and public officials This event is sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee and Portlanders Organized for Southern African Freedom (POSAF) COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD 202 N E. Skidmore 281 5678 284 5668 Services 9:46 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship 7 00 p.m., Evening Worship 7 00 p m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown. B Theology. Pastor Dr Hazel I Brown Sr . O D Assistant Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. A» late as 1890, nearly 75 percent of Americans had to fetch their mail from a post office rather than have it delivered ^ o d a te y o u r^ A’ T ua$d«y Band Thursday Cho»f Ra^aar»a< Sunday Sunday School Mr.fP.nq Worship Y P W W (wanya*i%l'C Worship Tuetday Friday % EDWARD L WARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY' 7 00pm - W IV tN T K iN OtlLNTLD - FkllNMV FtOTLVUOhXl STAU - INSlkANU CLAIM» A U .trtlP Î 16am - T a TIINTS tmiathint *B A MASTtkCAkD CATIINTX * t l ( . O H I D A U U S unia VA IID A TID CASCINI, 0 » U U HOI ILS HONDA» SA»I kDA» I AH IM NTNCS A S A IlA kll 1 U M T M H » o * SLNMTIM - nu nstisuo rkxik to 11 1 5 a m 5 30 p m - - - 8 (J 0 p m - Noon Day P#ay#r - ADA H tH k ll Th* Petto# Spaak % 7 30 p m S m FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED Fnday 5O3-228-3OO9 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE R EMODELINGI111II CALL TODAY Saturday M o c n .n q P r » r «*r DBA PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR WALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING MASONARYWORK 7 30 p m 9 00 • rr> Dr. Edward G Ward 610 SW Alder, suite 1008 pte* M » P r f” ' PHONE: 289-5411 15% discount to Senior Citizens • '•■z i » ’ • - i m m i 'W • t u • 4 s .*• e r r t , — •»