M B A ffe M B M Page 6, Portland Observer, October 8, 1986 CL A S S Z F!ED A D VER TISING Executive Coordinator For ASPSU D ental H ygie nist $9 41 10 85 per hour; provides dental hygiene (Student Government) treatment and instruc­ tion to patients in Duties include provid County clinics and/or mg support, advice and provides instruction in assistance to Student oral health mainten­ Government, monitor ance to schools and ing budget, orientation community organize and skill training for tions; requires Oregon student leaders, super­ dental hygienist's licen vision of office staff, assisting the PSU Of | se and driver's license; apply by October 17, fice of Student Affairs 1986 in conducting special projects related to the M anagem ent A nalyst welfare of PSU stu­ (personnel/Labor Rela dents tions) $23,183 26,667 annually DOE; per­ Salary: $18.000 forms professional ma­ Qualifications: BA/BS nagement analysis and and experience work administrative support mg with college stu­ work in the areas of dents, developing train­ personnel, labor rela ing programs, working tions, and workers' with non traditional compensation for the student population in­ Sheriff's Office; re cluding culturally diver quires one year of per se and returning stu­ sonnel and labor rela dents and excellent tions experience; apply written and verbal com by October 11, 1986 munication skills W HERETO APPLY Send vita with names, M u ltn o m a h C ounty addresses and phone C ourthouse numbers of two refer Room 134 ences by 5 00 p.m., 1021 SW Fourth Ave October 20, 1986 to: P ortland. OR 97204 R obert L Vieira An Equal Opportunity O ffic e o f S tud en t Employer A ffa irs P ortland State Research U nive rsity Assistant P O Box 751 Oregon State P ortland. OR 97207 U niversity Portland State Univer­ sity is an Equal Oppor tunity Affirmative Ac tion Employer. Quail fied minority, women and members of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. Lane Com m unity College C o m m u n ica tio n Specialist 10 M o n th P osition Application deadline: October 20, 1986 A ssistant Reference Librarian Application deadline: October 31, 1986 C ustodian Application deadline: October 20. 1986 Call write: 1 726 2211 or Lane C o m m u n ity College Personnel Services 4000 E 30th Ave Eugene. OR 97405 Assistant Science O ffi­ cer (Marine Technician) to participate in all pha ses of cruise related o perations aboard R V WECOMA To act as cruiso coordinator and principal point of con tact for research cruis es Applicants should have a wide range of experience in seagoing research activities and should expect to spend at least 100 days per year at sea. National and international travel is required. B S. or equivalent in a scion tific or technical field, and appropriate seago mg experience Star ting date is 1 January 1987. salary $24,000/ year plus sea pay Send resume with names of three re­ ferences by 31 October 1986 to Ship Opera tions Office. College of Oceanography, Oregon State For application and job j U niversity description LCC ap C orvallis. OR 97331 plication must be re Oregon State Univer ceived no later than sity. an Affirmative Ac- 5:00 p.m. on deadline tion/Equal Opportu date nity Employer, com An Affirmative Action plies with Section 504 Equal Opportunity Em- of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Equal Opportunity In- i stitution. Sewage Plant Operator M ultnom ah County Operator I School M en tal H ealth C on sulta nt $9 36 $11 38 hr Uni­ fied Sewerage Agency. $10 21 12.71 per hour; Operates Ef maintains a provides consultation, variety of equipment diagnostic evaluation used in a wastewater and treatment for chil­ treatment plant using dren and adolescents an activated sludge process A Class I or who exhibit severe e motional disturbances, better certificate from Oregon's Wastewater primary focus for cur rent position includes System Operators' Vo luntary Certification early childhood devel Program is preferred. opment and interven application tion strategies for par­ Agency ents and children at risk forms required, resum es NOT accepted Ap of abuse; requires ma sters degree in mental ply by October 17, 1986 health field and two to: years of experience; W a shington C ounty apply by October 10, Personnel 1986 150 N First Ave Room B 2 H illsboro. OR 97124 j Secretary. Level 3 (Reopened - 2 Positions avail) School Improvement Coordination Unit 1986 to: W ash in gton C ounty Personnel 150 N First Ave. Room B 2 H illsb oro. OR 97124 The School Improve­ ment Coordination Unit An E O E assists state and local education agencies in analyzing needs and CUSTODIANS planning and imple PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS mentmg programs, wo rkmg with and through Applications are being other organizations and accepted for custo­ agencies in the region. dians from 8 am to 5 Special emphasis is pla I pm, Oct 1 thru Oct 31, ced on servicing rural 1986 Of applications and small schools, ur­ received, 100 will be ban districts, state a chosen randomly to gencies and policy ma continue the hiring pro kers. cess, incl a written civil service examination and QUALIFICATIONS pre employment physi • Three years sue cessful secretarial cal with screening for substance abuse Age experience with si milar responsibili j limit: 18-70 yrs of age j inclusive. Starting sa ties. • Ability to type 60 lary $14,951 Applica tions and info concern wpm with accu mg the hiring process racy. • Word processing avail in the lobby of the administrative offices, experience - prefe Portland Public Scho rably Wang. ols, Blanchard Educa • Experience in ma tion Service Center. nuscript/report fo rmating and final 501 N Dixon St, Port No production typing. land, OR 97227 • Excellent spelling, phone calls, please E quel opportunity affir grammar and pu maiive action employer nctuation skills. • Experience in ma intaining filing sy POSITION OPEN P hotographer stems. Full time staff photo • Ability to organize work and carry out grapher for daily busi assignments to su­ ness newspaper Must ccessful complet be a self starter, have ion with minimum good work habits, be organized and capable supervision. • Ability to work well of handling lab work under pressure and Send resume and re with minimal su ferences to Tom Ste arns, Publisher, Port pervision. land Business Today, • Good interperson P O Box 10127. Port al skills. land, OR 972,0 ( 5031 SALARY: $12,503- 226-1311 $12,600 depending on background and exp APPLICATION Letters of application and resu mes must be received in the Personnel Office by 3 pm on Thursday, Oct 16, 1986 In letter of application, please indicate that you are applying for the Sec retary, School Improve ment Coordination Unit position. After initial screening of applica­ tions, candidates will be contacted for inter views. APPLY TO: Personnel O ffice N o rth w e st Regional Educational Laboratory 300 S W S ixth Ave P ortland. OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer Survey Technician 3 $1850 $2283 mo Acts as an Office Sur vey Technician working m the right of way sec tion of the Dept. of Land Use and Trans­ portation, prepares and reviews legal descrip tions; researches pro­ perty records; prepares right of way docu­ ments; extensive public contact required. Req. an Associates degree in surveying or civil en gineering and two years of exp. in land surveying or a related field; or three years exp. in land surveying or a related field; exp. drafting. County ap plications req., resu­ mes NOT accepted. Apply by October 17, POSITIONS W ANTED R e p o rtin g / P h o to jo u rn a lis t Public R elations/ Writer with photogra A d v e rtisin g phy skills seeks full Communications major time work as general from the University of assignment or features Wisconsin at Stevens reporter Portfolio in­ Point seeks responsi cludes articles sold to ble position in journal The Oregonian, Oregon ism or public relations Coast Magazine. Colo­ with interest in adver rado Springs Monthly, tising and promotional and others BA in En­ work. Presently a re glish from Colorado porter at The Daily Tri College. 1982 College bune in Wisconsin and HS newspaper edi where she works as the torships. Job exper police and courts beat ience: freelance writer, reporter and covers Io public relations, word cal government. Wri processor. Alyse Lan R eporter Recent graduate from tes both hard news and sing Gass, 7804 SW feature stories. Con 45th, No 54 Portland. the University of Ore tact Melissa A Gross. OR 97219 1503) 246 gon with BS in (our Pleasant View 9852 nalism seeks reporting 20,1 Drive, Wisconsin Ra position. While at col pids, Wisconsin 54494 Copy Editor lege, began as a free (715) 423 5035 lance sportswriter co Experienced financial vering football, basket consultant and account R e p o rte r/E d ito r executive seeks career ball and men's track previous bureau chief change "from the busi Moved up to the side lines editor after nine of the San Jose Mer ness side of things” to cury News, reporter of copy editing Has BA months where he coor the City News Bureau in Journalism and MBA dinated and wrote sto of Chicago and editor from City University ries, oversought produ Curtis H etion of a four to 12 of the Industrial News Contact. Woodcock. Jr., 2848 page weekly sports and seeks reporting po supplement, and did sition on a daily or SE Long Street, Port the layout and design weekly Welcomes any land. OR 97202 ( 503) Con 236 9538 of the publication. freelance work Allan Lazo, tact James LaSorella. Contact 284 Cervantes, Lake 1022 NE 172nd Port R ep o rte r/ land. OR 97230 (5031 Oswego, OR 97034 P hotographer 15031635 6893 252 1849 Free lance writer pho R e p o rte r/E d ito r Recent editor of college newspaper seeks entry level position on daily or weekly BA in En­ glish education, can cover schools, human interest or business beats Excellent writer, good photographer Previous career in tea ching and human ser vices Contact Carl Poston. 3016 NE 70th, Portland. OR 97213 (503)287 4799 THE FOLLOWING ARE POSITIONS WANTED Reporter Previous staff writer for the Wenatchee World seeks reporting posi tion on quality daily or weekly. Graduated from Whitman College in Walla Walla. Wash ington with a BA in His tory Contact: Michael Lindblom, 5649 49th Ave . SW, Seattle, W A 98,36 ( 206) 932 3276 Message can be left at 1206) 625 4184 or 938 3675 R eporter Currently a freelance writer, movie and video critic for Times Publi cation in Beaverton. Has BA in English from Brandeis University. Extensive travel exper- ience, knowledge of ar chitecture and fluent in both French and Heb rew Contact: Leslie B Ariel. 5170 SW Cherry Ave.. Beaver­ ton, OR 97005 15031 643 2324 W rite r/E d ito r Previous editor of sev­ eral Eastern newspa­ pers seeks position dai ly newspaper Has been in the newspaper industry since 1962, and has j variety of jobs during that time. Contact: John Alden, 9336 N Lombard Stre­ et, Portland, OR 97203. (503 ) 285 5869 or 286 0538 R eporting Previous editor of the Dead Mountain Echo in Oakridge. OR where his duties included wri­ ting news, feature and editorial articles Doea his own pho’ography and lab work. BA in history with minor in English from the Uni­ versity of Oregon. Contact: Paul Ertelt, 76243 Gale St . Apt. 2. Oakridge. OR 97463 (503i/82 283/ Now’s your chance to take advantage of excellent real estate values offered by HUD. Im p o r t a n t In fo r m a tio n P u rc h a s e rs m u st o b ta in th e « o w i fin a n c in g to r , r i s a le s P le a s e c o n ta c t a re a l e sta te age it o f y o u r ( ho<< e to s e e o r on a n y o f the p ro p e rtie s lis te d C ily b id s p r e s e n te d b y • er a g e n ts w ill be a c ce p te d HUD re s e rv e s the rig h t to re ie c t any i an b id s a n d to w .i ve a n in fo rm a lity or irre g u la rity in any M s A ll h o m e s s o ld a s is NO W AR R AN TY These p ro p e rt es m a y < <»nt« o d e v c ia t - o n s POSITIONS W ANTED POSITIONS OPEN tographer for publics tions such as the Ore gonian and Business Journal. Emphasis on economic issues Has also written feature sto nes. stories covering Tigard city council, school board meetings and more for the Ore gon Journal Contact: Patricia Tierney. ,0960 SW Pathfinder Way, Tigard, OR 97223 (503)639 9873 A n e a r n e s t m o n e y d e p o s it o f $ 1 O O ( ) (to b e d e p c s t e d m ■ H e r t s tr u s t a i t o u n ti s re q u ire d w ith e i b o ffe r to p u rr t »se TOP V A LU E " p ro p e rtie s listed below have been Fixed Up. C leaned Up. and C e rtifie d No m ajor w ork Io do MOVE RIGHT IN T» ■ MUD *‘»48 S ta n d ard R etail Sa »•- ntr.e 1 is ava 'ab»e our office « a ( H om es e lig ib le for FHA M o rtg ag e Insu ra n ce w ith low dow n paym ent P h otog ra p hy/D e sig n Seeking entry level po sinon in photography, design and/or artwork Currently employed at the Nehalem Bay Press where her duties in­ clude paste up and ad layout. Previously as a s s is te d p ro ie s s io n al photographer in pri­ vate studio. Produced a super 8 documentary for the University of Michigan Student Film Festival in 1985 Con tact: Eleanor Roth, PO Box 282. Manzanita, OR 97,30 1503) 368 5952. PREVIOUS WEEK’S LISTING • BID OPENING OCT. 1 4 , 198« at 1:00 PM BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM, OCT. 14, 1986 DESCRIPTION ADDRESS 6912 SE D aph ne Ct M ilw a u k ie SOI F o o th ill D c N e w b e rg S62I NE 26th P o rtla n d 1123 NE 80th P o rtla n d 3723 N B o rth w ick Ave P o rtla n d 9313 N H odge P o rtla n d 6433 N M ic h ig a n St P o rtla n d 392S NE R odney P o rtla n d ,50 0 1502 E 30th St. V a n co u ve r 3 Bd t Ba 1230 S q Ft 3 Bd 2 Ba 1166 Sq Ft 3 Bd t Ba 1355 Sq Ft 1 Bd t Ra 720 Sq Ft 2 Bd i Ha 1135 Sq Ft 2 Bd t Ba 792 S q Ft 3 B d 1 ’ . Ba 1690 Sq F t 2 Bd t Ba 942 Sq Ft 4 B d 2 Ba 1560 Sq Ft ( d u p le i) PRICE *45 500 ■46 500 •29 500 •19 500 ■10.000 •16 500 •45 150 *12.000 •38 500 CASE NUMBERS * TOP VALUE * 431 431 431 431 431 431 431 OT 569 ’ 48875 203 15762’ 296 162305 203 164530- 203 162’ 31 203 ’ 63844 203 158299 203 1256’ ' 221 010306 203 431 431 431 431 • 431 431 431 • 1 431 155456 270 163066 203 145610-270 EXTENDED LISTINGS • OFFERS OPEN DAILY 8835 SE 30th SI. M ilw a u k ie 5533 NE 9th P o rtla n d 5706 NE 37th Ave P o rtla n d 8031 SE 52nd Ave P o rtla n d 3205 NE 74th Ave P o rtla n d 5418 SE 85th P o rtla n d 4525 NE 97th Ave P o rtla n d 6307 SE H azel P o rtla n d 1755 NE H o lm a n SI. P o rtla n d 6004 N H udson. P o rtla n d 10215 N H udson St P o rtla n d 9222 N L e o n a rd St P o rtla n d 5814 N M is s is s ip p i. P o rtla n d 2203 SE Y a m h ill P o rtla n d 245 SE Roy St. S h e rw o o d 1900 16th St W est Lin n 116 118 NW 50th SI. V a n co u ve r 8516 NE 128th Ave V a n co u ve r 4109 NE 130th Ave, V a n co u ve r 2505 R o ssite r Lana V a n co u ve r 577 K Si W asho ugal A d v e rtisin g D ire cto r Seeks position on 15,000 25,000 circula tion N W daily news paper or lower manage ment on larger news paper. 9 years exper ience, 5 years in mana gement Proven sales record. Strength in promotions, marketing, sales motivation, orga nization, administrât ion, public relations and graphic design recipient of numerous advertising design a wards. Bruce Rose brock, 2010 SW Run nion Dr., Pendleton, OR 97801. (503) 278 0959 1 B a 72« Sq Ft I + 494 Sq Ft Fm Base 3 Bd ? Ba 184’ Sq Ft 2 Bd 1 Ba 751 Sq Ft 3 Bd 1 Ba 1052 Sq Ft 2 Bd 1 Ba 754 Sq Ft ’ Bd ’ Ba 606 Sq Ft 2 Bd ’ Ba 720 Sq Ft 3 Bd ’ Ba 955 Sq FI 3 Bd ’ Ba 887 Sq Ft 2 Bd ’ Ba 616 Sq Ft 2 Bd ’ Ba 800 S q Ft ’ Ba 912 Sq Ft i(Jvers zed d b l g a i age 7 B d 3 Ba 2209 Sq Ft i D u p le . 3 Bd t ' . Ba 1553 Sq Ft 3 Bd ’ ' , Ba 1118 Sq Ft 4 Bd 3 Ba 1672 Sq Ft 4 B d 2 Ba 1496 Sq Ft i D uple . I 3 Bd ’ Ba 1000 Sq Ft 3 Bd 2 Ba 1035 Sq Ft 3 Bd ’ Ba ,045 Sq F t 2 Bd ’ Ba 814 Sq Ft •31.850 •15.950 •26 750 •33 000 •18.750 •17 950 •21 000 •19 950 •23.700 •17,000 •15.000 •33.850 •24 000 •40 500 •57 000 •59 600 •40 950 •35 500 •50 250 •29 900 •32 450 * ' ; • TOP VALUE * 1 ’ 16! * : 163649-221 144426 203 1 M 763 221 1 Ì8525 203 148955 270 161231 203 151680 203 M8OOI9 986 431 165217 203 • 158716 203 1 • 155029 270 •• 569 01 7401-702 5b9-01 048’ 221 569 013548 270 569 012947-203 56Q 013452-270 TOP VALUE * H om e s -sled a b o ve as t . t e n d e d L is tin g s w o re not s " id as a re s u lt ut the e n ip e titiv e b id o p e n in g HUD W IL I CONS►IDE R ANV RE ASONABLE OFFER T h e s e p r o p e r tie s w ill r e rn a n iv a tb le for s.t e u n til s . h tu n e «is th e y «ire r e lis te d u n d e r ) ffe r e ’ 1 t r w o rk in g day at 3 30 p m o ffe rs re c e iv e d tor th e se h m es (b .f-n g th e day w be e v a lu a te d in the e v e n t th a t c«ri u m s ta n i es pre*« g HUD fro m o p e n in g o tte rs on a g ive n day th e p ro p e rtie s w< s te n i - ava it e to th e p o in t ot a ctu a l a c c e p ta n c e by HUD o f th e b e s * *•? o tte r O ffe rs s u b m itte d u n d e r th is p r o c e d u re sh a h be s u b m itte d n a p p r o p r ia te ly m a rk e d s e a le d e n v e lo p e s t o n ta •» ng H U D 9548 a *n addendum ONE STEP PROCESS Th© new HUD MS48 dated 10 8b (S ta n d ard R etail S ales l o n tra r ti and A d d e n d u m s ava ah e for u se fri P re vio u s fo rm s (HUD 9551 and a tta c h m e n ts o ld HUD 9548 and attac h m e n ts i are >bsolete and < a nn o t be used RECYCLE A IM ’D HOME RECYCLE A HUD HOME is « program at the U S Department nt Hm m nq and Urban Development Portland Property O pposition Ottice | HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT RESULT OF BID OPENINGS AND PROPERTIES A V A ILA B LE ON THE EXTENDED LISTING tSì A V A ILA B LE i the HUD offa TT at , sn3>2? 1 34