Z October 8, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 3 Businessman Indicted For Drug Trafficking by Jerry Garner Portland businessman. Bobby Le« owner o f Rickshaw Charlie's Restaurant. 331 N W Davis, was ar rested last Thursday morning by agents o f the Drug Enforcement A dm inistration and dectectivee of the Portland Police Bureau He was charged w ith conspiring to possess, w ith intent to distribute cocaine and marijuana A ccording to a press statement released by the United States A ttor ney's Office, Lee s arrest was order ed by the U S A tto rn e y s Office for W estern D istrict o f Pennsylvania in Pittsburg Lee was one o f 18 defendants named in the federal indictm ent and charged w ith viola ting Title 21. United States Code, Sections 841 IA ) ID and 846 If found guilty. Lee could be senten ced to 15 years in prison and fined $250,000 U S M agistrate W illiam M Dale released Lee w ith o u t bail Lee’s alledged involvem ent in drug dea ling first came to the public's atten tion back in May. That is when the M ultnom ah C ounty D istrict A ttor ney's O ffice and the U S A tto r ney's O ffice accused a Portland Po lice officer, Bruce Gary Harrington, o f inform ing Lee that he was under investigation for drug trafficking H arrington is the husband of former Portland Police Chief Penny E. Har rington. Both U S A ttorney Charles H Turner and M ultnom ah County Di strict A ttorney Michael D. Schrunk urged that Gary Harrington be in ­ vestigated by an independent body to see whether he violated police rules. Their recom m endation was one o f the reasons the Lezak Com mission was formed. The Lezak Commission later re com m ended that M ayor Clark re place Chief Harrington and that Fary Harrington be given a 10 day suspension for associating w ith Lee. Since then, both the Harringtons have filed for stress-related disa bility. The Fire and Police Dis ability and Retirement Fund Board TINA WESLEY. Roosevelt High L o c a l S tu d e n ts The Phil Reynolds Scholarship winners for 1986 were announced this week by Dr W alter C. Rey nolds the fam ily's representative Each student has been awarded $500 00 to help meet the financial needs of the first year in college. The winners are MIRON W ASH Ç'C BASHAW C h A5U6*S . A n ti- A p a r th e id R a llies F rid a y and S a tu rd a y ASPCC President Bruce Jackson has set noon Friday, October 10 for an anti apartheid rally teach in at the Cascade Campus of Portland Com m unity College Students and people from the com m unity will gather in the campus cafeteria, just north of Kilhngsworth Street bet ween N Kerby and N Albina Aven ues at noon on Friday The rally leach in is to be part of the nation wide anti apartheid ral lies taking place this Saturday. Oc lober 11th Portland's anti apar theid rally will take place at noon, Saturday. October 11 at Shrunk Plaza al S W 3rd Avenue and Jet ferson Street. Some PCC Cascade students are considering a presentation to the PCC Board of Directors asking that they stop doing business w ith com panies doing business in South Africa Kickeshaw Charlie's Kcslaurant owner Robert I . le e indicted on drug counts. Photo hy. Richard J. Brown claim Lee's arrest is part of a continuing investigation and proset ution by federal authorities and the Portland Police Bureau has already denied Officer Harnng ton's disability claim Harrington has challenged the Board's decision in court So far, the Board hasn’t ruled on the form er Chief s stress GET MOVING WITH EASY RYDER RATES. RENT A RYDER TRUCK TO SEATTLE FOR ONLY $ 1 9 9 . R\ der t n x kx arc easy ft rent. 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THE RIGHT MOVE. I lilb h tn t HYDER A. » ■ ,• • • A > * ' » H e lp S to p P r o s titu tio n The King Eliot Crime Prevention Committee is sponsoring a meeting to address the problem of p ro stitu tio n in our i ornm unity Concerned citizens from neighborhoods and local businesses are invited to attend Thursday, Octotier 16, 1986 , 7 30 9:30 pm, at the Gingerbread House . 3 1 1 / N t Union Avenue (across from Popeye s Chu kero If you have any questions, call George Muller. 233 8267 days Reu »66 (X) 5401 N.E. Cully Blvd. (503) 284 0712 ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. «*U> (♦»ne\ I m » «»llege Y mi II ah« » learn m It re lia n t e, di*« iphne. ream -wvrk a n d n ru it %> w hen v»»u d<» gel h>college. v ’ii’ ,1 lx* al le It» get tlw nw»st Beauerti m ■ W U * ' i U f , ,1 7.f T-g'8!,' * S c h o la r s h ip West I ion Aktli.i " > W ilson THE G I BILL PLUS THE A R M Y COLLEGE FU ND C A N BE W O R TH UP TO $ 2 5 2 0 0 TO W ARD YOUR COLLEGE E D U C A TIO N Westsk tjx* L ike O sw ego - I M IR O N W A S H IN G T O N High THIS BOOKLET CAN CHANGE THE WAY YOU PLAN TO PAY FOR COLLEGE. Parkn >sc ( iresli.un ... H ig h O.ik ( in >\e Q m v e n ie n r kx.ithHis in flic tulit >u my cities: CALL YOUR LOCAL RYDER DEALER. B e n so n Educational Literature On A nim als Available Iiial.irin I 'tier gix xl < m k x al gas W in POLK. Milwaukee P o r tla n d 2 8 6 -6 4 6 2 'traight trucks. Tnxk sees wihjecr tuavailability All oprs >ns ru it availableim all svhx lex liability insurance i i x I ik I c J Fuel, physxal datiuge w aiver atxl taxes extra. 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