CITY OF PORTLAND MULTNOMAH COUNTY INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSALS DUE 2 00 P M ON VARIOUS DATES '»• S E ANKENY STREET ed Proposal» w»H Iwi re< •>•» otherwise stated in the individual proposal listed herein, no l»n.|-.sal or bid wiM txi considered unless accompanied by a bid surety for an am ount not less than ten percent 110% I of the agqre yate amount of the , >mposal The City encouiayes f-d<|»ny ti> M H f i and fBE s and will assist Such firms to understand and participate in formal bidding pror esses N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N No proposal or bel will lie consefered unless th e bidder is ertdied as an f f O Affirmative Action Employ er as iwsscnbed by (. hapter 3 ,0 0 of the Code of the City of Portland BIO NO 2 I U tS C R IP T ION O PENING DATE I utnisli A Install Fin King Garage Awn ings at M nniM in Park I ast A M oitison Pari West < ill Dak Baker. 796 6X^6 74 l( ,/2 l/H b I abor. M u’ tul A 1 q u i p i t tent Io ( on struct lb Water M ain. S I Port land Hw> fnwn Sfc K2 I.- N h 91 Ave ( all Michele A kernur . 79b bMM He q u a lifka tio ' in ( las I I W uier I M HE Use Required IN FO R M A TIO N A I iir *\ A IO/2H/K6 A D VE R TISE M E N T P O R TLA N D P U BLIC SCHO OLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed tads will he recurved until 1 00 P M on the dates indicated in the Pyre hosing Department. Multnomah County School District * ’ J 5 0 1 N Dixon Portland Oregon tor the items listed here«' BID FI LI MO DATE Oct IB. 1966 Oct 91 1986 Oct 21. 1986 CALL FOR BIDS D E S C R IP T IO N l*»llanrl P u W k Schoms Data Processing < . nto< bnnudel 1 nas» l*ur( hase ot S c tn X Buses Art S u p p lie s an d E q u ip m e n t (S'.pplementall 1486-87 I *,nal announcement detailed s>ec if »cations and bidding document* may be obtained at the above Addr«*As For kftttonal information. pi« m m contact Michael J Hutchens Director of Pun ha* ng. ?4