I Consumer Education Research Center is a national non profit uiyanuation devoted to furnishing information to consumers that will help them cope with life in America I or a Fie« revw« copy ot th s boo* contact Roden L Bw»o t necuiive Dvecttx CONSUM ER EDUCATION RESEARCH CENTER 4JM Liar* Streei Soutr O>ai>g<> N J OZO.’s <2*011 Z6?-b714 oi 7b? n ? 0 * z Helping Your Children Do Better In School How can parents help their children become more successful students7 A new booklet written n the wake of reports ot declining achievement test scores and lowered minimum basic skills standards m the nation s schools details what parental concern, attention and supervision can do to help children study learn and establish habits that will lead to a lifetime ot sucess fille d How to h e lp ruuz Ch/Wren Achieve in School ana published by the non-profit Consumer Education Research ■ enter the booklet is addressed to parents ot elementary throuqh mnior hioh school students ' y it s based on the p ie m ise that successful students are • m otivated • • • • pay attention understand ideas remember tacts an.) concepts work without stress I he bookie, gives parents explicit strategies to help their children learn these skills attitudes and behaviours that chametenze successful learners t, explains in detail • how positive set, ta.k and images and questions related to the task at hand can increase attention • how motivating children means helping them change the way they thmk about themselves • the five strategies fui learning and remembering • an effective oryanuea study and note taking system • how to help students redirect their attention way from tear of failure and toward productive ways to do well on tests 7 I fie information hi Mo»» fo Help Youi Children Achieve in School can go a long way in assisting parents m making school and learning a rewarding experience for their children and a firm basis for their further education and ultimate career The booklet is available tor $4 (including postage) Irom CERC-Education Taak Force 439 Clark Street South Orange. N J 0 /0 7 9 ■ •i P aqeb JO B S , O cto b e i 8, 198b - A ■ . ••»• \ ‘ ‘ j » ' ja