Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 08, 1986, Page 15, Image 15

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Coursework or experience equi
valent to a degree in accounting
business administration
Knowledge and experience in
purchasing systems and prac
bees; previous management or
supervisory experience, knowled
ge and experience in modern me
I thods of management; skill to
analyze a variety of technical
problems resulting from the di
versified nature of the items of
supplies and services purchased
skill in interpreting and applying
applicable laws, rules, and direc
fives; ability to develop and im­
plement purchasing management
policies, procedures, and sys
terns, ability to work with a van
ety of users and publics in a dip
lomatic manner knowledge of
accounting practices and proce
dures; skill in documenting bid
and proposal files; good verbal
skills Starting salary: $27.100 to
$32,800 commensurate with ex
Personnel O ffice
12th Floor
700 NE M ultn o m a h
or call
(5031231 5000
extension 700
C om m u nicatio n Specialist
10 M o n th Position
Application Deadline
October 20. 1986
A ssistant Reference Librarian
A pplication deadline
October 31. ,986
Application deadline
October 20. ,986
f all 1 726 2 2 ,, or write
For application and ,ob descrip
LCC application must lie
received no later than 5 00 p m.
on deadline date
An Affirmative Action
Equal Opportunity Institution
$73/0 ftm th ly
The Oregon U epartw nt o , Transpor­
ta tio n is accepting ap p lica tio n s
[for the above p o s itio n located
in Sale«.
for application materials
position will remain open until
sufficient applications are re
ceived, but may close anytime
after 5:00 p.m., Friday, October
10. ,986
Equal Opportunity Employer
OVERSEAS JOBS $20.000 to
$60.000 plus bonus Job offers
Free information
Doycorp. Box 697 LGS, Pocatel
Io. Idaho 83201
Too nust have eq u ivalen t
to two years ol s te a d ily Increasing
¡re s p o n s ib ility In supervisory
or s t a f f lev el xork in a technical
ju n c tio n relate«, to accounting,
fis c a l nanagew-nt or o ther re la te d
re a ; AMI, a Rai h e ,or s degree
ir three no re years of responsible
rtin e n t experience. Contact
IT Personnel, 419 Transportation
[Bldg., S a le ., (JR 9 /3 1 0 . (503)
[373-7663 fo r i-R ilo y w n t a p p lic a tio n
ind re c r u itin g announrean>nt.
I(c a tio n s w i I , be accepted
t i l 5:00 p .a . on October ?0. 19116.
Hw O»ynr Ofxrfrfmrcrr
k4'f<nr/v a b m w o
Ot TnnipOflUw • i l / f - " °
(h e S h o o l Improvement Conrdi
luitioi Unit assists state and local
educe ion agencies in analyzing
need’ and planning and imple
merit g programs, working with
and tt rough other organizations
and agent ies in the region S|»e
cial ei iphasis is placed on ser
vir mg rural and small schools
d r In
n . |,,|,.
and policy .,. . p ,,
. r*-
• 1 '
retanai experience with simi
• AtMlity ti type 60 wpm with
• V\ D id |.nu t'ssm g exf ««new e
pre fe ra b ly W ang
• * ■ pa ria ni '•
in,m u-
'• p o r t fo rm a tin g and
p '-id u i lio n typin g
HIRING N O W Construction (.ill
phases,. drivers, machinists me
chanics. welders, airlines, (up to
$32 60 hr, 13081 382 3700
(We know who's hiring, Trans
continental Job Search
2 positions av.ul,
School Improvement
Coordination Unit
n r li. ii
Lane C om m u nity College
Personnel Services
4000 , 3oth Ave
Eugene. OR 97406
IIH 67
. r
i’H 'x jw , fix w n iiM io « I
(A sst. Accounts Payable Supv.)
Apply in person
* • • * *
Lane Community College
The Port of Portland, one of Port
land's leading employers is seek
mg a Purchasing Manager
( • <
■ • •
• •.
• f«'r
,|, i
• Excellent spelling giammai
a1 d punc tu ition skills
• Expenefic«- n rn u n t.iu iin g h
•mg system s
• Anility to organize work and
cauy out assignments to
st «essful completion witO
ninunuin supervision
• Ability to woik well n idi r
pressure and with minimal
• Goon.. . personal skills
S A lA R i
$12,503 $12.600 de
pending o trackground and exp
A P P L H A I i u N Letters of ap,ili
cation md resumes must be re
ceived n the Personnel Office by
3 pm on Thursday, Oct 16 ,986
In letter o, application, pl< ,
indicate that you are applying
for the Secretary, School lm
proven .out Coordination Unit po
sition After initial screening of
application-, candidates will , •
contacted' t interviews
• r
' "S
- .A
a p p l > to
Personnel O ffice
N o rth w e s t Regional
Educational Laboratory
300 S W S ixth Ave
P ortland OR 97204
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Uctobei o, mob, JOBS, Page 5
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