CALL FOR BIDS A D D IT IO N A N D R EM O D EL OF OFFICE SPACE Sealed bids w ill be received by the Director of Pur All bidders are hereby specifically advised that these M ul,r,om ah County Purchasing Division conditions require a m inim um of 15% of the total bid 505 S E 11th Ave Portland. OR 97202 for Limited am ount for M inority Business Enterprise participa dem olition of existing office and garage space and t-on in one or more of the follow ing subcontract subsequent rem odeling and addition o f office spaces areas bidders option; and 5% of the total bid on the basement, first, and second floors am ount for Female Business Enterprise participation Plans and Specifications are filed w ith the Purcha m one or more o f the follow ing subcontract areas bidders option. sing Director and copies may be obtained from the r u ’c7 v e dd,eSS ,Of 8 i5 ° ° non refundable fee nondiscrimination CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY Plans and Bidders on this w ork will be required to com ply w ith specifications w ill not be mailed w ithin the Tri Coun the provisions o f Federal Executive Order ,1246 ty area The requirements for Bidders and Contractors are ^ B,Q °nnC0NFERENCE OPTIONAL. October 14 explained in the Specifications y»b. 9 00 am. Yeon Maintenance Shops, 1620 SE No bid w ill be received or considered unless the bid 190th, Portland, Oregon contains a statement by the bidders as part o f his bid PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS that the requirements of 279 350. 279 352 279 355 Pursuant to the M ultnom ah County Public C ontract and 279 356 shall be met Review Board A dm inistrative Rules (AR 40 0301 No proposal w ill be considered unless accompanied Prequalification shall t>e required for this pro,ect for by a check payable to M ultnom ah County certified the follow ing class o f work Building Alteration and by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety Repair bond for an am ount equal to ten percent (10%) of Prequalification applications or statements m ust be ie aggregate proposal The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full prepared during the period o f one year prior to the bid date and must be actually received or postmarked am ount of the contract. to M uttnom ah C ounty by not later than 10 days prior " d ' X * . h Cou" ,v ' e5" v“ ■"» to bid opening Details of compliance are available from the Purcha sing Division. Departm ent of General Services. 2506 S £ , , t h Avenue. Portland, OR 97202. 1503 ) 248 5111. K BUSSE ACTiNG DIRECTOR B ID N O BO, zoo 1,03 MINORITY AND FEMALE BUSINESS UTILIZATION 'h I ÛD ¿0 Q pc $ P U R C H A S IN G S « ™ N B ID S DUE O c to b e r 28 1986 2:00 P .M . PAINTING INTERIOR b EXTERIOR WALL b FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING b MOVING MASONARY WORK FREE ESTIMATES CALL TODAY LICENSED BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMQDELING" iiii PHONE: 289-5411 Jiscourn it. Senior Citizens Page 4, JOBS, October 8. 1986