BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN (R esearch A s s is ta n t) To collect zooplankton samples at sea on cruises of 1 m onth duration, participate in ex peri mental work at sea, and evalu ate zooplankton samples ashore B S in biology w ith studies of invertebrate zoology Data ma nagement and electronic skills desirable Salary $20,000 to $24,000 Send lesurne and names of three references by 5 November 1986 to C h a rle s B M ille r C o lle g e o f O ceanography Oregon S tate University Corvallis OR 97331 Sewage Plant Operator I APTS FOR RENT ANY AREA $9 36 $11 38 hr Unified Se werage Agency. Operates b Maintains a variety of equipment used in a wastewater treatment plant using an activated sludge process A Class I or better cer tificate from Oregon’s Waste water System Operators Volun tary C ertification Program is pre (erred Agency application forms required, resumes NOT accep ted Apply by Octotier 17 1986 to LOW INCOME FAMILIES Housing Assistance Opening (K to h e t I ' . 14 and |s |UH(. the Housing Authority of Portland w ill he accepting applications lo t their Section H Housing Assistance Pay mem Pmgiarn lor I ow Income Re liters W a s h in g to n C o u n ty P e rso n n e l 150 N. F irs t A ve R oom B 2 H ills b o ro OR 97124 H AP w ill tx* accepting telephone calls to the special phone numhers listed tx low, only during the hours ot H Ml to 4 IN) (H A P phone lines w ill he closed Iron) I I Ml to I INI on that day toi S ta ll lunches) An E O E An A A /F O Employer, com plying w ith Sec 504, Rehab Act 1973 Survey Technician 3 $1850 $2283/mo A cts as an Office Survey Technician work ing in the right of way section of the Dept o f Land Use and Trans portation; prepares and reviews legal descriptions; researches property records; prepares right of way documents, extensive public contact required Rett an Associates degree in surveying or civil engineering and tw o years of exp in land surveying or a related field, or three years exp din land surveying or a related field; exp drafting County ap plication req resumes NOT ac cepted Apply by October 17, 1986 to W ashington County Personnel 150 N First Ave Room B 2 Hillsboro, OR 97124 An F O E HELP WANTED NEED CONSULTANT to offer educational toys from around the w orld to parents, schools, etc Part tim e or career in manage m ent W ill tram Call Nancy at 15031642 9368 POSITION OPEN H.AP w ill onls he accepting names A d v e rtis in g Sales R e p re s e n ta tiv e New m onthly horse publication serving central b southern Ore gon Ft Northern California, has immediate opening for ad sales people w ith horsey background Position w ould require some tra veling, working out of K falls, representing magazine in both ad sales and news contracts Our first tw o publications were a rousing success Here's your Cham e to get in on the ground floor of a publication Contact Jim Allen, Publisher. Herald Ft News, 15031 883 4000 or Dennis Taylor. The Cascade Horseman at the same number. Irmn families ssho need one 11>, iw o ESTATE JEWELRY BUY b SELL R in g s B ro k e t I h .n ris • Dental Gold ETC Carlyle Gems b Custom Jew elry 4425 N E Fremont 284 8400 Il you arc currently on H \P 's l on sentional ssailing list and wish Io apply tor this program , you w ill need Io call, using the special num hers listed be lo w , during this day onls lo make a sepal ate applic at ion Io ha st soui name placed on the w aiting list lor tins program , please i» ’ NO I i \i i m i n k ii \ c PHO NI N l M H I RS. hut call 2H2 46 M) 2N2 472H and 2H2 4H79 j Cash fo r Y our O ld S ilve r Ft G uld such as • W edding Bands Fraternal Jewelry, • C lass (2) and three I 1) hedit corns W || | t > \| y bi \ ( ( | p i i s , , P H t IN I (M IS . AN|> (IN IIIFSF Nl MBFRS ONI V \M II I N O I A( t I PI W.AI K IN s OR NAMES R I(IIM I) I H K O K iH I HI M AII YOl M l s l C A t I II Y O l W ISH IO APPI y I OR | H is PROGR \ \ | O nly one fam ily s application w ill he accepted pci phon« I I I I I all ( \A c are pledged Io the letter and spirit o l I S policy lo t the achieve mem o l equal housing throughout the nation in which there aie no h.u tiers bee ausc ol race, c o lo r, religion or national o rigin ) I hank s o u ' October fi 1986, JOBS, Page 3