CUSTODIANS DATA PROCESSING PORTLAND PUBtIC SCHOOLS OPERATIONS SUPPORT ANALYST Applications are being accepted for custodians from 8 am to 5 pm. Oct 1 thru Oct 31. 1986 Of applications received ,00 will be chosen randomly to continue the hiring process, incl a written Civil service examination and pre employment physical with scree ning for substance abuse Age limit: 18 70 yrs of age inclusive Starting salary $14 95, Appli cations and info concerning the hiring process avail in the lobby of the administrative office. Port land Public Schools Blanchard Education Service Center A major health insurance com ­ pany is seeking an Operations Support Analyst who is respon sible for performing EDP opera tion activities which include • Identifying documenting Ef resolving problems related to production processing ’ Processing requests to im plement changed programs. JCL or documentat on into production. Defining f j recommending enhancements to production job streams or the automa tion of manual procedures 501 N Dixon St Portland. OR 97227 Qualified applicants must have ' '■’> years related experience, ex i ellent knowledge of OS, JCL and utilities VSAM TSO ISPF IIBHANIAN. and adequate knowledge of FDR. CLIST Ian guage VSAM ASSIST and data set maintenance and recovery techniques Individuals must bo available for second or third shifts Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an exi ellent em ployees benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi live salary Please apply or send resume to Blue Cross end Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer POSITION WANTED REPORTER Holds bachelor s degree from Oregon State University in tech meal journalism Former reporter at Salem Stateman Journal co venng general assignment beats, jrolice reporting county govern ment and Keizer Contatt Adel In Alti/er, 1165 N E Winter St Salem, OR 97301 1503 ) 363 3773 PiRjeJ (DBS October 8. 1986 A - -»W No phone calls, please Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer HELP WANTED PUBLICATION COMMUNICA TION SPECIALIST with strong sales, layout and design exper lence Chamber activities Base plus commission McMinnville Chamber of Commerce, 417 N Adams. McMmville, OR 97128 1503)47? 6196 " PROGRAM COORDINAIUR 7 EEO, MHi 1 lab or Compliance O ffic e r »7053 $7604 W xithly Ihe Oreqae Uppartapnt of Iranspor ta tlo n is accepting ap p lica tio n s fo r the above p o s itio n located in Sale«. You «ust have equivalent to three years experience involving s te a d ily increasing s t a f f technical or management re s p o n s ib ility re la te d to c i v i l rig h ts or Equal E«pIojment Opportunity programs, AMI) a Bachelor's degree or three re years of responsible p e rtin e n t experience. Contact 0001 Personnel 419 Transportation B ld g ., Sale«. <*> 97310. (50 3) 373-7663 fo r em ploy»nt a p p lic a tio n and r e c r u it ­ ing announcement. A pplications • i l l be accepted u n t il 5:00 p .a . on Ortoher 2 0 . 19H6 Fht Ovyon a -,r^ p --- JJH Executive Coordinator for ASPSU (Student G overnm ent) Duties include providing support, advice and assistance to Stu dent Government, monitoring budget, orientation and skill trai ning for student leaders, super vision of office staff, assisting the PSU Office of Student Affairs in conducting special projects re lated to the welfare of PSU stu dents Salary: $18,000 Qualifications BA BS and ex perience working with college students, developing training programs, working with non tra ditional student population inclu­ ding culturally diverse and re turning students and excellent written and verbal communica tion skills Send vita with names, addrosses and phone numbers of two re ferences by 5 00 p m., October 20, 1986 to Robert L Vieira O ffice of S tudent A ffa irs Portland State U niversity P O Box 751 Portland. OR 97207 Portland State University is an Equal Opporumty Affirmative Ac tion Employer Qualified mmo nties. women and members of other protected groups are en couraged to apply HELP WANTED Carpet Installers. Need journey level carpet mechanics. Must be able to relocate Maui, Hawaii Must have own tools Paid top money References and or re sume needed Call 1-I80B) 242 6402, or write K B Tester. 401 Hookahi St., No 14. Wailuku, Maui. Hawaii 96793 HELP WANTED *20.000 Yearly Possible Pje pare at home for Post Office Clerk Carrier employment exams Fee Write Federated I0R9). P 0 Box 16088, Hattiesburg MS 3940? 6088 I I I I ]