L.4 -X Page 8, Portland Observer, October 8, 1986 Get Fresh Stay Fresh .2 n d ASSiSHS lp . Whittle Stacy lenieew Just Ice Stecy Q S tu d ie d Tire Season 12 Inches Sir M u A Lot Club Nouveau Skinny Boy Hip the Cut Ire T all at rock b o tto m prices M o n d a y S a tu r d a y 1 0 a m Sunday 1? noon t o to 7 p m B p m fWMUAin^ 222-3783 4 1 8 SW 2nd Portland t s A free diabetes screening clinic is being offered at Meridian Park Hos pital, Tualatin The clinic will be open from 9 9:30 a m. on Monday, November 3. Pre registration is required For additional information contact the community education office at the hospital, 692 2656 e y M Oregon's 1966 87 studded tire season will begin a week early, al­ though Highway Division officials hope motorists won't use the de vices unless they are absolutely necessary because of the damage they cause Meeting in Gresham Tuesday, the Oregon Transportation Commission approved State Highway Engineer Larry Rulien's recommendation that this year's studded tire season begin Oct 25 rather than Nov 1. Rulien explained that the earlier date will permit studded tire use by elk hunters if weather conditions warrant Normally, studded tires must be removed by April 30 State law gives the commission authority to shorten or lengthen the season R 31 MW riRST G f 9X 3-9*19 NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT Thursday Oct 9 C A L V IN W ALKER Waofcand Oct 10 11 LLOYD JO N ES W / C U R T IS S A LG A D O Sunday Oct 12 R O A D A H K PARTY Monday Oct 13 PAUL DELAY Tuesday Oct 14 D A N REED NETW O RK WadnMday Oct IS R A D IO SILENT ru ttin g Your M o n e y W here Your M o u th Is "There's nothing to do in this old deed city, especially on this side of town," said the lady as she plopped down in the chair across from me with a look of total disgust distorting her normally attractive features I looked at her and smiled, this being the umpteenth person I'd heard make this very same statement, word lor word Ironically, this same person claims to be a blues lover (Oh, God, how she loves the bluest I, but, strangely enough, when The Norman Sylvester Blues Band appeared two weeks ago at The Royal Esquire, her pretty face was nowhere to be seen But. not to worry, neither were the scores of other psuedo blues lovers, alt of them singing the same sorry tune "I'm not going downtown to see no Cool R, Calvin Walker or who ever the heck is playing down there I hate looking for a parking space, the drinks are too high and I don't like the way I'm treated down there," says my partner But when Cool 'R was at the Eldorado, he was upset because there was a cover charge and apparently from the attendance on the se cond night of their weekend engagement, there were others that felt the same. On to case number three . In the Old Days there used to be jazz all up and down Union. Nowadays the clubs have DJs playing that rappa dappa do stuff all night long Boom, boom, boom all night long, same old beat But on Sundays when |azz was offered both up and down Union, I failed to see his presence grace the clubs offering "his kinda music” . I'm sick, s»ck, s»ck of this city's procrastinators talking enough hot air to change our nor mally wet climate permanently Club owners are a very receptive bunch, because, after all. without you they don't have a chance I ask you now to put yourself in their place After listening to the moan ing and groaning of the patrons, imagine digging deep into the old pocket and booking a band that plays the music that everyone says they want to hear You proudly inform your cliente), "Guess what, you'll never guess who's playing here in two weeksl" You take out ads in the newspapers to inform the rest of the community, and then on the night that everyone says they wore waiting for. the band plays their heart out to an audience of mostly tables and chairs You may think this is humorous, but. people, let me inform you that this scenario is a real one that repeats itself more than any of us will ever really know As a result, there is less and less of a variety of entertainment and, eventually, less and less of a choice of places to go It takes money to run clubs and very few club owners are millionaires When a club is offering entertainment of the type you like (not necessan ly the group). bust your behind to be there and support it Tell the club owner who you d like to really hear You d be surprised what they will do when they feel they have some support Most times, they only want to break even, so don't grumblq about the charge |ust pay it with a smile; eat, drink, and he merry You re making the difference So many times we talk about this city and that city, and how it lumps, and who we saw there That's find and dandy After paying air fare and hotel accomodations, you deserve to have a good time But know this, if you'd spend some of that hard earned cash at home, from the local bar to the concert hall you can make it happen right here Wake up, Portland, Oregon, and put your money wfiere your mouth is Watch out Las Vegas? Consumer Service Puts Energy Information at Your Fingertips Is your home's energy appetite eating into your paycheck? Is the cost of hot water making you boil? is the high cost of operating your furnace making you fume? Well, don't get mad. get energy efficient. The National Appropriate Tech­ nology Assistance Service (N ATA SI was established in 1984 by the U S. Department of Energy to answer specific questions about renewable energy and energy conservation. NAT AS provides technical assis tanca free of charge to anyone who calls or writes from the United States NAT AS regularly answers a variety of questions on energy related appropriate technologies such as • How to choose between the various types uf msultaion on the market • How to decide whether to re place or retrofit an existing furnace. • How to properly insulate a crawlspace or basement. • How to decide if you should install a solar water heater NAT AS also provides assistance to small energy related businesses, answering their questions on licen sing, marketing, and commerciali zation of energy products, services, and inventions For answers to energy related questions, write to NAT AS at NATAS. P O. Box 2525, Butte. Mt 59702. or call toll free 1 BOO 428 2525 serving the greater Portland area with style W e offer prices start at Full Bar Color T.V. nn A .M ./F .M . Stereo Telephone perhour Full Climate Control Fast and Courteous Service Call (206) 254-3762 ■^•■Proudly Presents' $100 off REGULAR PRICED ON A L B U M OR CASSETTE OVER $5.00 ■ IA S PORTI ANO tZnri B B U RNSIDE " 8943 VW nm I lavo NW ?1»l ft JO H N S O N ?4A O'S3 M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M • • « -M V v M I I 7.35% YLD FSLIC INSURED ONE YEAR CD CALL FOR OTHER RATES (T TERMS W. WILSON FINANCIAL 221 3144 BENNIE'S ON BROADWAY 2750 N.E. B roadw ay 5700 N E Union, 281 1176 Fn Sat , Billy Larkin b Co . Sun , Jam Session Brasserie M o n tm a rte 626 S W Park. 224 5552 Fn Sat , Thomas Hailstone Band H obbit 4420 S E 39th 771 0742 Fn Sat Brian Dunning W Ron Steen Trio Jazz Quarry 1111 S W Jefferson 222 7422 Wml Sat , Red Holloway W Barney McClure Trio Key Largo ........................................................ 31 N W 1st 223 9919 Thurs , Calvin Walker b The Conquerors Fn Sat . Lloyd Jones W / Curtis Salgado Last H u rra h ............................................................ 5 6 6 S W Alder 224 1336 Fn Sat., Bradley Bradley, Sun., Cool R Original Richard s 4534 S E M cLoughlin Blvd . 230 4845 Thurs F n , LeRoy Vinnegar and Friends Rem o s................................................................... 1425 N W Glisan 221 1150 Fn Sat , Shirley Nanette and Friends; Sun.. Jam W / Ron Steen; Tues . Dennis Springer b Janice Scroggins S a lty 's ...............................................................fo o t of S E M ario n, 239 8900 Wed , Cool R; Thurs , Cool 'R, John Muzzako Band, Fri. Sat., Dan Latarski Shanghai Lounge ...........................0309 S W M o n tg o m e ry . 220 1865 Sun., Hypertension, Kenny Day B e e G ’t LA ROUGE v>e< SP ec' oct° 287-5566 MRS. C’s WIGS Free Concert The University of Portland will present a Wind Ensemble Concert Sun day, October ,2. at 4 p.m in Mago Hunt Center recital hall The concert, conducted by Anthony Armore and graduate student Dan tel Cole McCullough, will feature the following pieces Scott Joplin's Combination March," newly assembled by Gunther Schuller, "The Suite Française by Darius Milhaud; Sweelmck’s "Ballo del Granduca"; "The Solitary Dancer by Warren Benson; Vaughan William s "Rhosymedre"; and "The Irish Tune from County Derry,” by Percy Grainger The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, con tact Patrick Casey or Debbie Weller, (503) 283 7202. F m *” » (. at n« Propon* NAOMI SIMS AMOAf DOUGLAS « A T M « C O U • MM M A Il W ig S ty lin g $7 50 AND UP HILL TO P CAFE COCKTAII» ■« BRASSERIE MONTMARTRE (long or specialty styles slightly higher) Specializing in Bar-B-Q Ribs TICKETS: QENERAL ADMISSION RESERVED BALCONY RESERVED TABLES • 11000 »12 00 »15 00 . . . • « M M M M N a * * ..« - • l - n i M I • SPECIAL QUEST THE KMHO JAZZ CELEBRATION BANO RON STEEN. MuRlcal Director SPECIAL SÀNÒWICH Reg $1 00 Now $2.00 HAM SANDWICH Reg S3 50 mow $2.75 It'« NaVv A ngel M RS. C ’s WIGS Corner of Fremont & 15th f a -. f i ■ $ / " P-. • * * 7 0 7 N .E . Frem ont 2 8 1 -6 5 2 5 Cloaod S ur . 1 Mon. OPIN T u m . thru tal. 11:30 AM to 6 00 PM 0 - , • • F I •EXCLUDES RED TAG MERCHANDISE LIMU 1 COUPON PER PURCHASE LA ROUGE S TYLIN G SALO N SATURDAY. NOV. ORANO BALLROOM • MASONIC TSMRLÍ 11 IBS W PARK AVÉNGA SOHTLAN0. OR Good For 4?1 SW Slh A B O U T TO W N J e t Lim ousine Service This Coupon