Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 08, 1986, Image 1

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-JL ..
Presidents Address Black Group
by Jen y Garner
I he Presidents of Portland Com
m unity Collpge (PCC) and Portland
State University (PSUI addressed a
group of A frican American bust
ness social and educational leaders
last Tuesday during a reception held
Par die
Power s
Room, 220 N W Second The recep
lion was hosted by the Black Lea
dership ( (inference
Daniel I Moriarty president of
P l ( ANO Natale Sicuro, president
of PSU told the 100 or so who at
te dr ■ ti e reception that as heads
of l ie tw o educational institutions,
ttiey will 'to everything w ithin their
power to ensure that the higher
needs of Blar ks are ad
I will make sure tlia t educational
opportunities are available to the
Blar k com m unities
In addition, I
will seek the advice of Black educa
bonai eaders on how liest PCC can
serve the educational needs of the
BI it k i o m m u n ity,' said Moriarty
Moriarty said the com m unity and
PCC should form a partnership for
He told the crow d
that lie is ' ■ inputted both to attrac
ting mote Black students to PCC
and seeing to it that they achieve
once they are enrolled.
Sicuro also pledged his support
to the goals and objectives of the
com m unity
PSU has allocated
$500,000 ' ir our Black Studies De
partment However, I am not satis
fied w itli the underrepresentation o f
Blacks on our faculty staff "
Sicuro said he plans to set up a
40 45 member University Advisory
Board o f com m unity members from
all walks o, life to be involved integ
Volum e XVI, Num ber 48
October 8, 1986
Alcohol and Injury-Related
Deaths in Oregon
M ixing alcohol w ith otherw ise routine activities can he veiy dangerous
Alcohol related injuries accounted for 426 deaths in Oregon during 1985
One half o f these deaths were a result of motor vehicle accidents As part
of its observance of Emergency Medical Services Week, the Oregon
Health Division is rem inding people that these deaths are avoidable
Approxim ately one half of all persons w ho died in motor vehicle acci
dents had alcohol in their blood Males, aged 21 24 were more likely to
have been drinking prior to their fatal motor vehicle accident then persons
in any other age group Of all the people who died in m otor vehicle acci
dents, m otorcycle riders were most likely to have been drinking before
Drownings and w atercraft accidents ranked second only to m otor vehicle
accidents in the number o f deaths Sixty pen ent of the persons 15 or older
w tio drow ned or diet) in a boating accident had consumed alcohol
Am ong all accident victim s, there w ine differences between tar tai groups
as well as geographical areas Alcohol was related to 79 percent of Indian
deaths, 55 percent of Black deaths and 47 percent of all W hite deaths
A greater proportion of people living east of the Cascade Ramie had been
drinking before they died of an injury or poisoning than ttiose living west of
the m ountains
Alcohol consum ption impairs judgement and coordination It also inter
feres w ith the body s ability to w ithstand impact and repair itself Avoiding
alcohol consum ption w hen driving a motor vehicle when operating machi
nery, and when sw im m ing w ill reduce ttie number o f avoidable deaths in
Fifty People Died on Oregon
Streets and Highways
IL R) C arl T a lto n , Dr N a ta le A S ic u ro . M a rg a re t L C a rte r. G e o rg e F
D a n ie l F
P h o to by R ich a rd J B ro w n
M o ria rty
rally in the affairs of the University
He said another priority of his is a
"P lan for the 9 0 s "
This plan is
based on the state s system strate
gic plan and PSU's mission state
m erit, and to talk extensively with
the Foundation Board and develop
ment staff about fundraising goals
and methods
Sicuro is the former president of
Southern Oregon State College in
Ashland. Or. He earned a Ph D in
Educational A dm inistration from
Kent State University in 1964
C heese b u tte r and ric e w a s d is trib u te d fro m B a lo n o v
R ich a rd so n and Dr
Joe s
o ve r
ro has served in adm inistrative ,mrl
faculty positions at Kent State,
including Dean of C ontinuing Edu
cation and Associate Provost for
Medical A ffairs For tw o years Si
euro was Manager in charge of
Educational Consulting for Peat,
Mai wick M itchell b Co. in Los
Sicuro was appointed
PSU president in July He replaces
Joseph Blurnel and is the fifth pre
sident in the University's history
M oriarty is past president of Tri
ton College, River Grove, Illinois
500 p e o p le la st S a tu rd a y
P h o to by R ic h a rd J B ro w n
He received his Ed D in Higher
Education from George W ashington
University. W ashington, D C
lias vast exj>e,,ence in academic
and financial administration, institu
tional administration, institutional
development, and economic deve
loprnent and com m unity relations
He was recently nom inated to tfie
American Association o f Commu
rnty and Junior Colleges Board of
Directors by the National Council
o, Instructional A dm inistrators and
the National Council on Student
September fatalities bring the nine m onth 1986 total to 456 compared
w ith 421 last yea,
There were five double fatality accidents in September; tw o in Desr fiutes
County and one each in Coos M ultnom ah and Klamath counties
Five o f the victim s were from other states The toll included six m otor
cyclists, six pedestrians, nine passengers and 26 drivers A uthorities have
not determined the st.itus (driver or passenger) of three of the victim s
Of the six m otorcyclists killed, five were wearing helmets Of those killed
in car crasties, incom plete reports indicate that at least 18 were not using
seat tielts Six victim s w ho were not using their seat baits were th ro w n
from their cars Two victim s were wearing their seatbelts One of the 60
victim s was a tw o m onth old baby w ho w.is sitting on tier m other's lap
when the car struck a tree Oregon law requires that all occupants under
16 years old be in a safety seal or other restraint when riding in a vehicle
The tw o m onth old was the only fatality victim in September w ho was
under 16
There was only one traffic fatality in Oregon during the Labor Day hull
day w hich lasted from A ugust 30 through September 1
P a c ific U n iv e rs ity o p to m e try s tu d e n ts screen re s id e n ts at B a lo n e y Jo e 's .
P h o to by R ic h a rd J B ro w n
Baloney Joe's Distributes Surplus Food to
Burnside Residents
by Jerry Garner
Last Saturday. Baloney Joe's do
a'ed cheese, butter, and rice to
more th in 500 people, according to
M id 'e e l Stoops, Director o f Balo
ne y Joe s
Stoops said since President Rea
gan took office, more and more
people are com ing to Baloney Joe's
for a variety o f services " I ’ve been
doing tins w ork for ten years A l­
though people were homeless and
hungry during the Carter admini­
stration. since Reagan became pre
sident more people have been co
mmg t<> Bal ' ey JOP s and (he West
W omen Hotel seeking food, shelter.
medical and dental care
W e're
source o f care for many o f the poor
in this city "
Furthermore, he said, those see
king assistance have changed du
ring this same period. Stoops said
they are younger, there are more
minorities, more chronic mentally
ill, children, women, and more farm
"People on the outside w orld
need to realize that the skid row and
the Burnside area is no longer the
stereotype th a ' we think of; it's all
kinds of people,' said Stoops
Stoops said the Reagan admini
stration’s attitude that the federal
governm ent has no responsibility in
dealing w ith the homeless and those
w ho are hungry in this country is
w rong Saying that it's the respon
sibility of every church, civic group,
state and federal governmental
Stoops was asked how Oregon
ranks nationally in caring for the
homeless. He replied. "T h e whole
state of Oregon is far ahead o f many
other states in caring for the home
less We have some compassionate
and caring individuals and churches
in Oregon
However, in Portland,
one of the most livable cities in the
country, we are still not sheltering
and feeding all of the people w ho
need help in the c ity ."
Besides issuing the food last
week, about 35 residents were
screened at Balortey Joe's for eye
Vote! Vote! Vote!
Election time, November 4, 1986
Voter registration cards may be
picked up here at the Urban League
of Portland. 10 North Russell
Remember Votel
It is very
pathology problems. The screening
was done by students from Pacific
University, O ptom etric Clinics, from
Forest Grove
Maggie McGuire.
office manager o f Eastside Com
m unity Medical Clinic, said it was
the first tim e tfia t the clinic offered
eye screening at Baloney Joe s
Hospice Volunteers Needed
Volunteers to work w ith terminally ill patients and their families are being
sought by the Kaiser Permanente Hospice Program A now training pro
gram begins the first week of October.
Es|>ecially needed are volunteers to assist patients during the day. and
people to w ork w ith families w ho have lost their loved ones
Free training will tie provided through the com m unity Hospice Training
Program, supplemented by training at Kaiser Permanente
For more inform ation or to volunteer, call or w rite Terry Hashemi hos
pice volunteer coordinator, 7201 N Interstate Ave Portland OR 97217
15031 286 6870
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