> Page 6, Portland Obseivei, October 1, 1986 been included as an amendment to H R. 2640 The revised provisions make ■t a Federal * rime for any person to make any false statement, or to make or use any false wntir j regarding the status of a concern as a small business or small disadvantaged business, in order to obtain an 8 (a) contract, a small business set aside a subcontract under P L 95 507. or a contract or sub contract under the 10% set aside program established by Section 105lf I of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1962 H R 3483 Congressman Parren J Mitchell introduced H R 3483, the Legislative and Independent Agencies Small Business Procurement Act of 1965. that would affect the Legislative agencies and Independent agencies These agencies which are not affected under P L 96 507 have a combined annual procurement budget of approximately three (3) billion dollars Mitchell introduced H R 3483 to increase the participation of small and minority small business concerns in these agencies H R 1575 P h o to by R ich ard J B ro w n Flenard Grisby and Hattie Porter, Owners Broadway Hairweevers And Designers Beauty Salon Broadway Hairweevers and Designers Beauty Salon, located at 1634 N f 7th is one of Portlanrf s most successful Black beauty salons Flenard Gristry and Hattie Porter are owners of the establishment. Gristly and Porter have been in business together since 1980 and offer then customers a wide variety of designer weaves, cuts, and curls. In an effort to keep up witfi the latest hair styles. Grisby, Porter, and Ethel Bates, w h o is s ta ff designer at Broadway Hairweevers, have attended cl»«**»« in H R 1575. introduced by Congressman Mitchell, would amend the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 (ECOAt. eliminating the current exemption for business credit except for narrowly defined classes or distinctions The bill is needed to ensure objectivity and fairness in the evaluation and disposition of loan requests H R 3482 H R 348? was introduced for the purpose of expanding the Minority Small Buesmess Program and Capital Ownership Development Program and will replace the present Fixed Program Participation Term (FPPTI system will) a tiered program encompassing three distinct stages (developmental, transitional, and mainstreaming) Each stage would provide the firm with different types ot assistance, and movement of the firm from one stage to another would depend on how much progress the turn is making toward competitiveness H R. 3482 would, however, impose maximum time limi tations on each stage as follows, eight (81 years for the development stage, four (41 years for the transitionel staoe: end tw o (21 veer« «rw the main. Minority Shut Out In Pharmaceuticals A Survey Analysis A recent survey conducted by the Office of U S Congressman Ct. ,• it A Hayes, suggests that minorities ate being shut out ot the m lit- r . J dollar pharmaceutical industry a More than 30 governmental agencies were surveyed to detei ■ ■ " « dollar amount of pharmaceutical purchases, the names of suju" - ■ •- ceiving the largest dollar amount of pharmaceutic al co n tra cts and «h. t for awarding these contracts "W e have singled out government because the publii se- tor bus p primary responsibility to spend taxpayer dollars with the utmost , . «»u * « price and social consciousness, said Hartth Bazaar, executive aid tv the Congressman n Analysis of the survey revealed that the largest smgle fpdenii p.e ' ■ of pharmaceutical products is spending more than $100 million a yeai • M pharmaceutical products As one would expect the leading phuim,). . tical suppliers and manufacturers are getting the bulk ot the m d cn Ptize P Smith. Kline and French, Upjohn and Marion The survey indicates that most of these prime contrac tors do have si type of plan for minority subcontracting However ttie plan desigi tie., ,’rti percent in purchases from small businesses and only , percent tor sm.eb minority owned businesses Another interesting trend being set try th e g o ve rn m e n t's largest sing purchaser of pharmaceutical products was the basis used to aw.nd cum: tracts Over the past three years. 95 percent of the contracts were award- as sole source "If the interest ot government is to get the best price and to save ta- payer dollars, then this practice of no bid awards is unethical It s institu tional welfare for the drug industry," said Razaar The b o tto m line fo r m in o rity turns is h u w m any c o o t r a v t s w e r e a w a rd * f ig le p u n h a st- New Y* ' Besi- y with govern I hrough rndi (Iscaping amt fers t fi­ st ore h store 1« they i a Grisby He e encou rage d <> , ters a ijp suj if you i yo u i w i Inr Pre W tia t w o u ld i M an y p risk mvi fu n d in g The I situ a tio r tiusine s r esear ct aw ard s p ro m t v( apiilicat Ttie ft nam e or a tin e , I 3ble BEST AVAILABLE $500 $¿200, $950 , $2200 Jri Wagon $1900 s C onvertabb . . . . $1200| $1800 I AC A M FN\ . $1600 4sp Son Hoof - iBbq, t . .... lilable «led” ! detailed prepare 'Guidefc Comp very sue s u b n n ttl has evo small co their ci and Mar $¿200 COPY T” p ro xirn it W e m ig t O ther or install the state th e N a tl loi alert For iim available D is tric t I LEGI The ft service tiy th e N ational A itio n o f M in o rity Contactors to help keep sm all business appnnsed o f im p o rta n t issues H R 1961 b H R 2640 H R 1961. introduced on Apnl 3, 1966 has n o w been re w ritte n and has atmosphere using puppets and games which are appropriate for all ages Over 5600 children in Multnomah, Washington, Clackamus and Clark counties went through the CAT pro­ gram last year and more are current ly being trained Learn To Lose Weight — Permanently Participants will learn how io per nianently lose weight at a new ses sion of the Weighing the Choices" class sponsored by St Vincent Hos pita) and Medical Center It will be held Mondays. Oct 6 through Dec. 8, from 7 to 8 30 p.m at the hos­ pital's Health and Lifestyle Center, 11640SW Parkway The class will focus on nutrition habits, physical activity, stress reac­ tions and emotions Free weight management classes are available to participants after their completion of Weighing the Choices Class fee is $95 To register persons may drop by the center weekdays, 8 30 a m. to 5 p.m , or mail in a registration form. For more information, call Jill Jaccard, press relations officer, 291- 2225 Fall Benefit Fashion Show Saturday, October 4, 1986 7 pm No Host Cocktail • 8 pm Show Tickets A vailable at: HOUSE OF SOUND 3 6 3 4 N. WILLIAMS For More Information Call: 2 85 -2 0 6 5 Ticket P rice $ 10 ADVANCE S 12A TD O O P