Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    October 1, 1986. Portland Obst iver Page 3
industries that only a tew years ago barely existed The many contribu
tions made by these companies w ill help generate the managerial and
technological developm ents and the skilled and experienced w ork force
necessary to strengthen and build the American econom y in an era of
vigorous international com petition
During MED Week the U S Small Business A dm inistration IS B A I and
the M inority Business Development Agency M B D A I of the U S Depart
m ent o f Commerce will sponsor events in W ashington. D C . October 5 9
These events w ill help participants locate new business opportunities, learn
the latest techniques in business management and expand their netw ork of
business associates
Events scheduled include a kick o ff luncheon, a breakfast to honor cor
porations w ho have supported m inority b u sin e sse s , and a marketplace
where m inority firm s w ill be able to t.i k w ith pro. urem ent representatives
from the Federal Government and rnaior to rp o ra tio n s
Persons wishing to attend any of the events during MED Week should
contact the local offices of SBA or M BDA
R ichard N e b le tt is
Nam ed N AC M E
P resident
C le o d is D V a n n . V ann i t V a n n Funeral D ire c to rs
P h o to by R ic h a rd J B ro w n
C le o d is D. V a n n
The board of directors of the National A ction Cuuncil fur M inorities in
Engineering has announced the return of NACML . presidency of Richard
F Neblett form erly manager contributiuus i nurdm .ition for Exxon Cor
As an executive on loan from Exxon, Dr Neblett served as
NACME s first president, on an interim basis after the organization was
incorporated in 1980
Neblett brings trem endous breadth of experience to bis position w ith
NACME including a background in scieni e a n enprehensive knowledge of
corporate and foundation giving, a history nt ai t yism in educational and
non p ro fit organizations, and a long track record w ith the m inority en
yineenng effort
V ann & V ann
Funeral D ire c to rs
Vann b Vann Funeral Home is probably Oregon s longest operating
Black owned business Vann b Vann Funeral Directors has been in opera
tion continuously since 1954
Cleodis D Vann is founder owner of the funeral establishment
his wife Roberta B Vann, and son Cleodis D Vann, Jr operate the family
owned business
The elder Vann is a graduate of St. Louis College of M ortuary Science
and presently is a member o f the State Board of Funeral Directors He was
the first African American to serve of the Portland Chamber of Commerce,
serving for six years Vann served tw o terms on the Portland Urban League
Board and is a trustee at the Vancouver Avenue Baptist Church
Vann was asked w hy his business has been successful for such a long
period of tim e He replied by saying " I always give my clients first class
service at the right price, and I keep abreast of the changes that occur in the
in chem istry, N eblett began his career w ith w hat is now I m in Research
and Engineering Company where he held such assignments as director of
agricultural products research and director, governm ent research labor*
He is a trustee of U nion College in New Jersey, a director o f the Council
on Foundations, a member o f the American Chemical Society and until
com iong to NACME, a member of the C ontributions Council o f the Confer
ence Board, the Commerce and Industry Council o f the National Urban
League, and the United W ay of America Corporate Associates
In his
hom etown, he has been a member of the United Fund and served on the
board of education for 11 years, three o f them as president
Dr Neblett is gratified w ith his return " I feel pleased to come back to
NACME I feel challenged by the opportunity, and to tell you the truth,
he laughs. " I'm glad they w ant we a second time
NACME is a non p ro fit organization that works to increase the number of
underrepresented m inorities Blacks. Mexican Americans. Puerto Ricans
and American Indians w ho earn bachelor's degrees in engineering
addition to being the nation's largest privately supported source of scholar
ships available to m inority engineering students NACME assists precollege
and university programs w ith both funding and experience based technical
As president. Neblett succeeds Robert A Finnell w ho has been on medi
cal leave since January
> ’ «
B la c k -o w n e d B u sin e sse s
N eed O ur P a tro n a g e
By R o b e rt I
G o rd o n ( M ilw a u k e e T im e t)
Many Black Americans can remember the time when being a business
person seemed to put one at the lower rungs of the social ladder in our
Black w orld The professionals doctors lawyers and teachers were felt
by most Blacks to constitute the cream of o-.r society
The most talented in Black America have traditionally made m edicine,
law and education their first career choice
N ow that there are some
limited openings available to Blacks at entry and middle levels of manage
ment m W hite Corporate America, we are seeing an increasing num ber of
our young people obtaining degrees in business adm inistration However,
far too few of our m ost talented young people are thinking about one day
starting their ow n business and leading our people on the road to
economic independence
Z /ifZ io o i
( o m iru c n o n (tfn u p
32260 Hwy 34 • Tangent OR 97389
(503) 928-6491
funeral business "
M in o r ity E n te rp ris e D e v e lo p m e n t
Immaculate, 2Bdrm, 1 Bath Bungalow.
Painted, New Kitchen & Roof. Storm W indows 8
W e e k P ro c la im e d
President Ronald Reagan has proclaim ed October 5 11 as M inority Enter
prise Development (MED) Week, 198b The week is proclaimed annually to
honor the nation's more than 600,000 m inority business men and wom en
and the contributions they have made to the country and its economy.
This is the fourth year the week has been proclaimed
In proclaim ing the week the President w rote, To remain the leader in
bringing new products and services to the marketplace, and to success
fully compete w ith products made abroad we must do everything in our
power to continue providing the widest possible econom ic opportunity for
all Americans. W e m ust also continue expanding opportunities to ensure
strong grow th for m inority businesses These businesses are adding |obs to
Storage Galore.
R ic h a rd N e b le tt is c o n g ra tu la te d on b e c o m in g N A C M E P re s id e n t by
L a D o n n a H a rris, p re s id e n t o f A m e ric a n s fo r In d ia n O p p o rtu n ity , at
th e N A C M E s s ix th a n n u a l c o n v e n tio n
During his thirteen years managing Exxon s corporate contributions. Dr
Neblett was involved in the donation of some Î6Ü m illion annually and ad
vised Exxon's directors in their external activities w ith non profits
A graduate of the University of C inlm nah w ith BS. MS, and PhD degrees
4840 N.E. 12th
Call John
H .C . P lu m m e r & C o ., In c.
> *
the Oregon Department of Transportation
•/ ;
t I'
Minority and
Women’s Businesses
I bat’s right! Because of a law passed by legislature last year.
01)01 is the “one stop” certification agency lor all govern­
ment contracting. I bus. in addition to highway construction
firms. 01)01 now certifies consultants, suppliers, travel
agents, and any other type of business which contracts with
government agencies.
Did you know that if you get certified by 0 1 ) 0 1 , your firm
w ill be recognized as a m inority or women’s business by all
state agencies and local governments in Oregon?
Please send me »our application for Minority and Women's Business Enterprise
(Please print clearly.)
N a m e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------ -------------------------------
Business Name
City. State. Zip
M ail this coupon to:
( iv ¡1 Bights Section. < fregon Department of I ransportation.
412 t ransportation Building. Salem. Oregon 97.110
. . . __. _ _
If your business is not already certified and you think it may
qualify, please send the form or call 37X-KO77.
" V ' '
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* * *
* ,
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s ; j
In order to be certified, a business must complete an applica­
tion form which asks questions relating to the ownership and
management of the firm. A business must be at least 51%
owned and controlled by minorities (for MBE certification)
or women (for WBE certification). Once certified, firms are
listed in a directory which is updated monthly. Both public
agencies and private corporations use this directory in their
contracting anil purchasing programs.
Street /Vddress
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