MENTAL HEALTH Delaunay MHC has two open positions C lient Tracker computer data entry, opening/ closing cases, light typing, back up reception, filing. S ecretary/ R eceptionist for Youth Service Center typing, main recep tionist, training and supervising office volunteer staff, supply or dering, filing, some billing and report preparation Send resume and letters of reference to. Ron Hale DMHC 5215 N Lom bard Portland, OR 97203 D eadline 10/8 86 Delaunay is an Equal Opportu nity Affirmative Action Employer M ental Health Clinician Rural community MH program Req: MA, M S W or allied degree with 3 years Supervised exper­ ience Work with adults, coup les, families, crisis response and acute and chronic MED condi tions Send resume and 3 refer ences by October 13, 1986, to: Harney Counseling ft Guidance Service 415 N orth Fairview Burns, or 97720 Telephone 503 573 2028 Equal Opportunity Employer HELP W ANTED PUBLICATION COMM UNICA TION SPECIALIST with strong sales, layout and design ex per tence Chamber activities Base plus commission McMinnville Chamber of Commerce, 417 N Adams, McMinville, OR 97128 15031472 6196 » DATA PROCESSING DEVELOPM ENT CENTER AN A LY ST Bluff G ro t* Blue Shield of Ofsyon a ms jot health inauran. e company $a t un snfly * accepting application« for a Dsvsiopment C anter Anaiyef In the Homan Resources D e p a rtm e n t The D e v e lo p m e n t C e n te r provides consulting and training for our Systems D evelopm ent staff for m ainfram e and personal computer program ming ian guages as well as protect m anagement, a nalysis, design, prog ram m ing testing and debugging tools The D evelopm ent C enter also does research and develop men! of new technology tools and m eth­ ods for making the systems developm ent process m ore effective Qualified individuals «nl have a minimum of ? years e ip e rie n c e as a program m er analyst and a degree m computer science math or statistics Systems anal ysis and design, business case analysis project leadership and database design are highly desirable along with technical com petence in COBOL Fasylneve Plus CICS N atural and ISPS I eadership qua litres including e xc e llen t written A oral com munication skills are a must Fxpen enca in developing A presenting training program s is very desirable Blue Crus» Blue Shield of O regon tfemaa Hevoerces I>rp4 . Mb Floor 100 S U Market Portleed, < )R ^7201 I Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company, is currently accepting applications for openings in our Medical Claims Processing De partment Position requires indi viduals with strong medical ter rnmology, ICD 9 and CPT coding background, and at least 1 year work experience in a medical office or hospital setting CRT experience or proficient typing skills are required t i 5 t, * V • knowledge of X ray and lab pro cedures extremely helpful For mer Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Claims Analysts are encouraged to apply Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi five salaries Please apply in per son or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 <1 Equal Opportunity Employer HELP W ANTED POSITION OPEN C om m u nity Editor/ Feature W riter Photojournalist Community editor wanted at the News Guard on the scenic Ore gon coast Feature writing, abil ity to operate 35mm camera, and strong design and layout skills preferred Send resume, clips and salary requirements to Jim Moore, News Editor, News Guard. PO Box 848 Lincoln City, OR 97367 HELP W ANTED $20,000 Yearly Possible Pre pare at home for Post Office Clerk Carrier employment exams Fee Write Federated (0R 9), PO Box 16088, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 6088 M EDICAL C LA IM S ANALYSTS JOBS ■Mam» 288-0033 OVERSEAS JOBS $20,000 to S60.000 plus bonus Job offers guaranteed Free information Doycorp. Box 697 LGS, Pocatel Io. Idaho 83201 POSITION OPEN Sports Editor Immediate opening for enthusia Stic sports writer with some gen eral assignment and feature re porting experience Photography and darkroom experience for twice weekly newspaper located 30 miles Northwest of Portland Journalism degree preferred; multi weekly experience a plus. Please write or call: Greg Cohen, Editor, St. Helens Chronicle, P O Box 1153, St. Helens, OR 97051 1503) 39 / 0116 position Oftens Oct. 1 October 1 1986, JOBS, Page 3 9 .*/ V s < •