October 1. 1986. Portland Observer. Page 15 Albina Extravaganza” A ct . Sunday afternoon, October 5. 1986 beginning at 3:00 p.m . the AtOina Council for Histone Preservation and Tourism w ill kick o ff its gala A ftuna Extravaganza" at Peninsula Park in N orth Portland. The event .v»0 ictiva te A lbina's 100th Centennial Celebration by announcing the w in ­ ner of the o ffice of Honorary Mayor o f Albina. This w ill be your chance * 0 if Sam Brooks or Precious M other Justice w ill launch a w hole new are»“' in their declining years W ill Mayor Clark have some concerns tor h x fu tu re in o ffice after Albina's new Mayor takes office? The day s events w ill include rides in a Hot Air Balloon, courtesy of North .vitst Natural Gas Co . Horse drawn carnage rides through the park and an thfnc Food Fair m the C om m unity Center Building, w ith a special appear irtci- tiy Liverpool Liz, former owner of the road house and race track that ont»' graced the grounds of the current Peninsula Park Qancing w ill begin at 7 00 p m w ith music provided by Portland's own Randy Smith and the Flirt Band " Old fashioned games and prizes for cfplpren will take place from 3:00 p.m . to 6:00 p.m . "Tickets for this tax deductible event are $10 00 per person w ith all pro •wds going to the Council for Historic Preservation and Tourism, a sub­ com m ittee of the N N E Business Boosters, and may be purchased at Stevens and Sons Jewelers in the Lloyd Center. C C Justice Realty Co., o tfN o rth Interstate Ave and Portland Blvd or at the John Palmer House. Get Fresh 2nd A v enue ____ LPs W hittle Stacy Latbsaw Just Ice Stacy Q 12 Inches Sir M u A Lot Club Nouveau Skinny Boy Rip the Cut Ize T M o n d a y S a tu r d a y 1 0 a m. to 7 p m. Sun day 1 2 noon t o 6 p m TOPDOLUU 2 2 2 -3 7 8 3 THE BEE CO N. 800 Klllingsworth St. Portland (503) 283-3171 Open Mon-Sat, 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Nose rubbing has been used more widely as a greeting than either handshaking or kissing throughout the htatory of mankind Key LrARGfT 31 NW FIRST «23 1111 NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT On The Silver Screen "S h e's G o tta Have It" — Rated R They call it a sex com edy I call it a masterpiece ''S h e 's Gotta Have I f ' is a movie based on today's modern w om an versus the yuppie, the street, and the traditional attitudes o f three young men Done in black and w hite, this film is a classic, one o f a kind com edy that all o f us can relate to Shot on a low budget, director Spike Lee s creativity makes up for the millions that H ollyw ood spends to make movies that cannot even begin to reach the depth and sensitivity o f this masterpiece Be prepared to laugh the evening away even after the lights come up. And if you miss this one. you'll really be missing out I « « * El DeBarge s music is high on the charts for more reasons than one. First o ff is the m elody and El s voice But there’s another hidden mgre dient emotion Says DeBarge There's a w hole lot that happens before the music actually comes out It s the walk up and dow n the street It's the concentration as I lay in m y bed It’s the relationship betw een a w om an and myself It's that walk on the beach It's that pain, it s that anger, it's that heartache, it s that joy It’s all of that that creates a song JAZZY FM 89 A fter a long week, m ost of us can't w ait for Friday to com e and thank the good Lord for it Join Thom and members of the Royal Esquire Club every Friday for fun, food, and good music. The festivities start at 9 30 and fea ture the music o f some of your favorite artists like Brook Benton, The Tem ptations, The Supremes, B B King, Sam Cooke and more This Friday the featured artist will tie Stevie W onder along w ith the latest in dance music provided by D J Dr Rock w ho specializes in music for the m ature adult. For those o f you w ho w ant to tell a story, believable or un believable, there w ill be an open mike Or if you wish to lip sync your favo rite tune, com e on dow n I Remember Thom B ooths T G I F parties are every Friday at the Royal Esquire Club located at 1701 N.E Alberta. Call 287 5145 for more inform a tion. The C oncert Scene W ell, P ortlandl W e are now in the fall season, and. even though the weather is cooling o ff, it doesn't mean that our entertainm ent w ill. We enioyed quite a few artists this spring and summer, and, due to your partici pation, we are in for quite a fall and w inter season. Remember, your parti cipation is needed tim e and time again Let’s keep Portland alivel Stay tuned to the Portland Observer and KBOO for up and com ing concerts Thurs Oct 4 nightfood W«eXBnt’ He's High On The Charts Bits 'n' Pieces Thom Booth Presents T .G .I F. Parties 418 SW 2nd Portland By Ken C o v i n g t o n H o u r .......................... 8e lb 49c Tuna Fish 6Vj-oz Alpo IX ighxxl, 15-oz 3. $ 1 Dry IXighxxl Name brand m u 50 lbs . $8 49 OJ. frozen 12 oz 59c * ALSO * Cosco Baby Stroller $24.99 Huffy 'Workhorse' Exerciser $129.95 F O O D S T A M P S iW E LC O M E I all at rock b o tto m prices u n » R C tl r B C S na On© BUY AT WHOLESALE NO LIMIT! Stay Fresh at I EBIT SEEN 6 6 COOL'R M A Y T H E R BROS. MT hood COMMUNITY college HOTTEN Mon O r’ 8 J O H N N Y & THE JO K ER S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8 9 10. Tu«* On 9 j a c k a l s w / cbows W ed Oct ’ 0 red eye W o rd U p Cameo Polygram R um ors ................................................................... The Social C lu b /Ja y G e t B u s y 1 T im e ..................................Full Force/C olum bia Ju ice .............Oran (Juice) Jo n e s/D e f Jam Back in Black ......................................W h o o d in i/Jive Live in L A ............ Frankie Beverly & M aze/C apitol A lw a y s in th e M o o d ...............Shirley Jones Manhattan R apture ............................................................... Anita Baker/Elektra B loodline .......................................... Lavert/ Warner Bros C o n t r o l ........................................................................Janet Jackson 'A & M MRS.C’s WIGS Free Clinic Eat, D rink and Dance with the latest video hits A free diabetes screening clinic is being offered at Meridian Park Hos- B60.00PER HUNDRED pital, Tualatin. The clinic w ill be open from 9 9 30 a m on Monday, November 3. Pre registration is required. For additional inform ation contact the .. . com m unity education office at the , . , ' _ hospital, 692 2656 For remailing letters from home! Send self addressed, stamped en velope for in form ation/application. . A s s o c ia te s a DOX JO H _ Roselle. NJ 07203 P A ID he’Ty Cab n« P'OpntKX ’ •••xjn n ? W5P by NAOfcM M M S A N D A I (X M X d A S NA T A l if C O I I ft M K H A l l W f f ? S W ig S ty lin g $7 50 AND UP -zz> The piece to bring a friend m eet a friend m ake a friend No cover until 11 30 p m . HILL TOP CAFE (long or specialty styles slightly higher) Specializing in Bar-B Q Ribs SPECIAL sandwich Open Tuesday - Sunday Lunch & Dinner Reg $.100 Now $2.00 HAM SANDWICH • 12 V id eo Screens Afternoon specials 4-6 p m Reg $3 50 Now $2.75 If» New Angel P IN O C C H IO S - 309 W. Burnside 228-I830 Corner of Fremont & 15th ' » • i • a. i » / M R S. C ’s W IG S 707 N.E. Fremont 281-6S2S C loa ad Bun. « Men. O F IN Tuet. thru Bat. 11:30 AM to 8:00 FM « • • ' » " . a 4 >