Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 1986, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 14. Portland Observer, October 1, 1986
Mayor Clark and Commissioner
Bogle to Appear in Community
Mayor J.E Bud Clark and Commissioner Dick Bogle will appear together
at four community meetings during the month of October to discuss the
City legislative agenda items on the ballot in November the Convention
Center and Civil Service Reform, as well as the tax limitation measure
The meetings are Monday, October 6, 8:00 p m.. Southeast Uplift
Board, Pact Senior Center, 4707 S.E Hawthorne Blvd.; Tuesday, October
21, 7 00 p m .. King Neighborhood Facility, 4 8,5 N E Seventh; Wednes
day. October 22, 7 00 p m.. Southwest Neighborhood Information, 7688
S W Capitol Hwy ; and Wednesday, October 29, 7 30 p m , Central
Northeast Neighbors, N.E. 55th and Sandy Blvd.
The public is invited
All June Graduates of PCC Nursing
Program Pass Licensing Exam
All 66 June graduates of the two year registered nursing program at
Portland Community College passed the National Council Licensure Exam
ination, according to Shirley R Anderson, PCC Nursing Programs chair
It was the third consecutive year that PCC graduates recorded a 100 per
cent passing rate on the required examination, she said.
Passing scores for the tost range from a minimum 1600 points to a max
imum 3200, Anderson said Mean average of the PCC graduates was 2201
Best of the PCC scores was 2965 points.
Rev A L. Henderson (R), fo rm er pastor at Bethel A M E C hurch,
w as the keyn ote speaker to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the
church H enderson, o w n er of the Portland O bserver, n o w serving
as Secretary Treasurer of th e Sunday School U nion of the A M E
C hurch, is picutred w ith (C) Rev M a tth e w A W atley of Bethel and
(L) Al W illiam s. M a n a g e r/E d ito r of the P ortland Observer
P hoto by Richard J Brown
Gospel Musical Choir Festiva,
The Gospel Musical Choir Festival will be held Saturday, October 25,
1986 at 7:15 p m. at The House of Prayer For ALL Nations, 731 N Mason,
Portland, OR 97217
The guest choirs will be Albina Church of God, Emmanuel Temple Rente
costal. Northwest Christian Center and Faith Bible Center (Vancouver,
Washington). Other guests will include Greg ft Gerutha Favoreh, Virginia
Shepherd and The Singing Mailman. There will be a free will offering
For more information, call Vernon Brazzie. (206) 695 7034
You Are Invited
Mother/Daughter Program
To commemorate October as National Family Sexuality Education
Month, Planned Parenthood and Multnomah County are offering a
‘ Mother Daughter" program. The program, which is free and open to the
public, consists of two sessions that may be taken in the evening or the
afternoon. The evening program will be held on Mondays, October 20 and
27 from 6 30 until 9 00 p m. The afternoon program will take place on
Thursdays, October 30 and November 6 from 3:30 until 6:00
The two part class focuses on communication and covers issues ranging
from self esteem and decision making to puberty and physical develop
ment Both sets of programs will be held in the conference room at the
Planned Parenthood offices located at 3231 S E 50th Avenue For reser
vations or more information, call 775 3918, extension 224
Greater Portland For Christ
Cash for Your Old Silver ft Gold
An opportunity to call together believers in Jesus in a united evangelistic
statement of unity
Coming together over denominational differences,
many area wide churches will suspend regular Sunday evening services to
rally together in joint prayer, purpose and vision for Greater Portland on
October 5th, at the Memorial Coliseum at 7:00 p.m.
World renowned Evangelist Luis Palau has preached the Gospel for two
decades to more than six million people in 39 nations and to an additional
300 million through international television and daily radio programs
With world headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, the Luis Palau Evangelistic
Team has regional offices in Australia, Argentina, Canada, England,
Guatemala and Mexico.
For more information, call (5031 643 0/77. You are invited
• Wedding Bands;
• Class Rings. Broken Chains
Fraternal Jewelry • Dental Gold, ETC
284 8400
Rev Colin Jones, ch airm an of the Black Solidarity Group in the An
glican Church of S outh A fric a , delivered an open le tte r to President
Reagan during a rally at W estm in ster P resbyteriam Church Ques
tioning Reagan's claim of support for the South A frican regim e be
cause he considers it C hristian, a n ti-c o m m u n is t and d em o cratic,
Jones asked " W h a t is so C hristian ab o u t a co un try th a t persecutes
its religious leaders, th at locks up w o m e n and children, and th a t
holds life so cheaply “
Photo by R ichard J B row n
w îg ^ ^ a ir p îê c e ^ in ^ ^ ë â û tv ^ û w l'ô s
Sale & Restyling
C orner o f i t h a nd S k id m o re
S u nday S chool 9 15 a m
S u n d ay W o ra h ip 11 0 0 a m
C hristien Y o u th f tHIowship 6 0 0 p m
I second en d fo u rth Sundays*
Phillip S N elso n I P a s to r)
• Eva (iahur
« Burn Fret-
• Rent nl Pari\ » Carefree
• /urv and inure « Andre Dnugkr
N E First b Schuyler • 284 1964
Joh n H Jackson M inister
9 30 A M
11 00 A M
Church S chool
C o n g re s s io n a l W orship
5 00 P M
10 00 A M
M fd
1106N.E. Broadway
Vastier Service
Baptism Fourth Sunday
11 0 0 C o m m u n io n ta c h First Sunday
The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of
Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National Oregon.
Portland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society. M b M
84 N E Killingsworth • 281 0499
A warm spirit of fellowship always"
T U8\f1«y
Bible Band
1 30pm
Choi» R#haa»\ai
7 00 p m
• S u n d ay School
M n 'n m q
9 IS « m
W o rship
(« •n g a k W C
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6 X J p fT i
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N o o n Day
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U n d U f r o m Salmvay Uoyd Canteri
Tel. 2821664
S t o r ^ f o u r s i ^ O O j ij T v t H ^ ^ ^ ^ T v M o n d a y J h r i ^ S a t u r d a ^
202 N.E. Skidmore
2B1 5678
2®*5® 9
9 45 a m , Sunday School
11:00 a.m., Morning Worship
7:00 p.m., Evening Worship
7:00 p m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting
Victor R Brown. B Theology. Pastor
Dr Hazel L Brown Sr , D O . Assistant Pastor